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مشاركات posted by punkboy

  1. hi







    A recent article on the meaning of reception distinguishes between its classical understanding as the acceptance by local churches of the teaching of a Council and, in more contemporary usage, an ecumenical consensus arrived at through dialogue between churches.[1] Ironically, each of the uses of the term has application to the Catechism. Its introduction into the experience of the Church in the United States is illustrative of the first sense of "reception" as the response of a local church to the ordinary papal magisterium of the universal Church. While the direct textual and thematic links between Vatican II, the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Catechism is apparent, the transmission of these texts (and the realities they deb2d***ibe) is not so apparent. An intense Romanophobic stance on the part of some has diluted, indeed distorted, the meaning of these historic documents and the sensus fidei which they authentically embody.


    Current controversies also bring into play considerations that are virtually ecumenical, the more contemporary focus of "reception," for the perspectives of the Catechism and American catechetical presuppositions differ markedly, almost to the point where the respective positions amount to an "ecumenical" dialogue—two visions of church struggling to understand the other. It sometimes appears that theological critiques emanating from Western democracies propose a media-generated consensus fidelium rather than an interiorized sensus fidei in their response to authoritative ecclesial texts. The sociological starting point inevitably places a documentss in an "ecumenical" context that highlights differences and puts issues into an adversarial rather than integrative light.


    This article will argue that the painstaking drafting and promulgation of the Catechism constitute a legitimate, authentic and indispensable "reception" of Vatican II. That is to say, its existence and teaching uniquely fulfill, in a substantive and not merely symbolic way, the magisterial identity of the Second Vatican Council. In proposing this argument, we will examine and critique alternative views which hold that the Catechism is (a) in some way unrelated to Vatican II, (b) of minor significance, or © a flawed documentss in discontinuity with the Council.


    Few contemporary theologians have spent as much time as Avery Dulles, S.J. in studying the ground-breaking texts of Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. In an essay on tradition as a theological source, Dulles points out that Dei Verbum speaks for the most part of "tradition" in the singular, whereas Trent, stressing the importance of objective content, had spoken of "traditions." Demonstrating his awareness of the interaction of history and doctrine, Dulles attaches importance to the historical means or modalities of "traditioning." Dulles, along with scholars such as Aidan Nichols and Jaroslav Pelikan, reminds us of the critical importance of historical deeds and decisions connected with the transmission of doctrinal formulas




    The Qualities of a Quality Receptionist

    The personality of your receptionist is critical. In a small law office, the receptionist should be warm without being effusive, interested without being intrusive, dib2d***ete without being offensive, efficient without being officious, and personable without being a personality.

    Your receptionist's voice and manner should convey confidence, interest and warmth. A good receptionist knows how to smile over the phone and how to make calling your office a positive experience.

    It may sound old-fashioned in the 1990's, but good grammar and good grooming are still important.

    Good receptionists know how to make people feel welcome and comfortable while they wait.

    Good receptionists are dib2d***ete; they are able to convey all sorts of important information on the phone in a quasi-public waiting room without disclosing inappropriate information to anyone who might overhear. They also take responsibility for ensuring that inappropriate conversations between staff do not occur in the waiting area.

    Good receptionists never show inappropriate knowledge of a client's affairs. If a client brings children into the office, the receptionist may ask about the kids the next time the client comes in, but not if the only way the receptionist could know about the children is by being privy to information given only to the lawyer.

    Good receptionists get to know the voices and names of clients who call frequently. It flatters clients to be recognized, and sends the message that they matter to the firm.

    Good receptionists project integrity. The clients know that if the receptionist says the lawyer is not there, the lawyer is not there. For the receptionist, the rule is simple: Never lie! For the lawyer, it's equally simple: Never ask the receptionist to lie!

    Good receptionists maintain a degree of formality with clients that is consistent with the firm's culture and the clients' comfort levels.

    Finally, good receptionists intuitively make sure the waiting area is always neat and presentable‹and that the magazines are current!







    هاي عطيته استااذنا ..



  2. هلا

    شخبار ؟!



    باجر عندي اختبار في القصيده !!

    والكتاااب مافي شرحح !!!


    ودفتري مو كاامل !!


    ابي شرح !!


    شسوي ؟!


    الي عنده ..


    والله مايقصر اذا حطه لي ..!!


    ومشكووورين !!!!!!!



    والله حالة !!

    كل سنة يسوون منج يديد واحنا الضحية ..

    لا شرح ولا شي ..!!!

    حتى امتحانات سابقفة مااااااامييييييييش !!!


    ابي الشرح من 1 لين 8 ..


    ويعطيكم العاافية



  3. اييييييييييييييييية على الكتتتتتتتب !!

    عشقي الانج !!!

    والكتب كلها انجلينزي ههههه فننن !! وسهل حده

    كلش مايخرع !!

    وناااااااااسه هالسنة

    ولا عاد المحا ..والادر .. كله سهل ..

    حتى منهج الدين حلو .. والريااضيات اية عليه ساعتين بس هههههه






    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


    هلا طلبة الثانوي .. شلونكم شخباركم مع أول يووووم ؟!


    يلا كل واحد يقول عن مواده .. مدرسينه .. مواقف صادته .. شنو سواا من أول ما راح لين ما رجع


    (( اللي ما له بارض لا يقرأ تحت ))












































    بما إني مواصلة من الساعة ثمان الليل أمس .. رحت المدرسة بدون رقاد ..


    الساعة ثلاث و نص رحت تسبحت .. و الساعة خمس لبست المريول و القميص و تريقت و كل شي


    على هالذبحة صارت الساعة ست إلا خمس .. رحت وقفت عند الباب عشان أنطر صديقتي اتيني


    رحت معاها المدرسة .. أول ما دخلنا حطوا لنا الجهاز على عينا .. ما طلع فينا شي ..


    رحت أدور صفي .. طلع نفس المبنى لكن فووق ..


    رحت و سلمت على البنات .. و قعدت في الصفة الثانية جدام المعلمة و حجرت الكرسي اللي يمي حق صديقتي ..


    و طبعاً عقب السلام و التبوس و التحضن .. و بعد روحة الصفوف و دوارة المدرسة صارت الساعة سبع و شي ..


    طق الجرس ..



    معلمة الإرشاد .. تدرس كيم و حليوووة حددددها


    الرابعة كان علينا كيم .. المعلمة ما حضرت فكة .. لكن غيروا صفنا


    الخامسة انج .. ياتنا المعلمة معصبة .. بعدين قعدت تهذر بالانجليزي .. سويت لها حركة خليتها تتفشل استغفر الله


    السادسة .. صار اللي كنت خايفة منه .. و ياتنا معلمة العرب اللي كانت من الـ block list


    السابعة .. عندنا شي اسمه شعب .. يعني ثقافة شعبية .. و فكرنا في خطط و انجازات ..


    و مضى اليوم الأول بسلاااااام ..


    بشاااااااااااااارة .. ما عندنا علووووووم البحااااااااااااااار .. بداله مقرر تقن و مقرر بدن





    ههههههههه مالج حل ..


    انا اول يوم مافي درااسه ولا شي . اخذ الكتب واطلع بس


    ماصار شي مهم


  5. خخخخ


    اكا جوفو


    لقد تم اكتشاف حالة اصابة مؤكدة بمرض h1n1 انفلوازا الخنازيز من اول يوم دراسي في مدرسة الرفاع الشرقي الثانوية للبنين ... في وسط تكتم شديد من قبل المدرسة وذلك حسب تعليمات وزارة التربية والتعليم

    وتم حجز الطالب والاتصال بي ولي الامر وتحويلة للمستشفى ومن خلال تواصل المدرسة مع الجهات المعنية تبين تأكيد الاصابة بالمرض ..... في وسط شديد الحذر

    وهناك اخبار تفيد بأن اللجنة الوزارية قد تغلق المدرسة لمدة اسبوع اخر ...ولم يتم التأكد من مدى صحة خبر الاغلاق ..


    وهناك خبر اخر عن اصابة ثانية في احدى المدارس الخاصة بمنطقة مدينة عيسى


    والعدد في ازدياد


    قريته من اهني







  6. ايييييييييييية عللللللللللللللى المدرسه

    ماااله حل

    وكتب التجااري تهبببببببببببببل !!!!!..

    وصفي كلهم ربعي !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    برناااااااااااااااااااااااااااااممممممممممج هالسنة !!! =)


    روعه التجاري

    مالين علمي خخخ مالت على الكتاب الاسود ذي الدب ..

    الي ماعرف شلون بدرسونه

    اكثر من 10 طلاب علمي اعرفهم انا ..

    جافو الكتب .. وطاارو حق التجاااااااااااااااري




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