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منتدى البحرين اليوم

دنيا الحب ~ بشرى ~

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مشاركات posted by دنيا الحب ~ بشرى ~

  1. انه مع miss 2day في اللي قالته

    انه واهيه دايما نروح الcoffee shops واهلنا، انه وحدة اروح واخوي يكون معاي اكثر الاوقات. حتى اذا رحنا بنات بروحنه عادي مافيها شي، دام اهلنا يدرون وثيابنا عدلة واخلاقنا محترمة مالنا خص في احد.

    ومن قال انه الصبيان طابور مصطفين، ترا صبيان ديرتنا الحمدلله شايفين خير وانه وله مرة احد ضايقني ولا ضايق اللي معاي ولا شفت صبي يضايق بنية.

    اذا الcoffee shop محترم والناس محترمين عادي، بس في بعض الاماكن اللي سمعتها مو شي، الصراحة قليل من البنات اللي يروح.

    والشيشة صارت شي عادي، اتصدقون انه اشيش ويا اهلي في البيت. الشيشة موب عيب بس انه لها اضرار صحية واذا الواحد راضي انه يمرض، هذي مشكلته




    i hope no one will mis-understand what i've said


    Ciao =)

  2. hi all lets talk today of a subject which is being popular nowadays


    boys getting married or having relationships with older girls


    what do you think


    GIRL do you agree to have a relationship with a younger guy


    GUY do you agree to have a relationship with an older girl


    i really wanna see many replies :ssm19:


    here is my opinion:


    ana agool kel wa7ed o tafkeerah, bs i think eli egool NOOOO ekoon me3a8ed

    well, marrige or love or any other relationship depends on love, respect, care, honest.. NOT AGE!!

    and i dont look to it from a negative side, this younger guy might have more experience in life than you " OLD LADY"

    now we are living in a modern life and i dont think that this impossible, poeple reached MARS and other poeple especially many girls still think its wrong.


    o a9lan this thing was from long time ago, im sure u all know the story of Profet Mohammed (sala allah 3alih wa salam) with sayeda Khadeeja, she was older than him with 15 yrs and she was one of the best women ever.


    so just look for a person who will love, care and respect you. never care how old is he. this young man might be THE ONE.


    thanks :n5:

  3. هلوووو
    انه اظن ان الحب يأتي في أي مكان وزمان. مو لازم يكون قبل الزواج أو بعده، وبالنسبة لموضوع أن الحب يموت بعد الزواج اظن ان الناس يفسرونه غلظ .. اكيد اول ايام الحب كله كلام حلو ودلع لكن بعد الزواج اتيي المسؤوليات والمشاكل والاثنين بينشغلون وبينسون سوالف الحب والغزل. الزوجة تشتغل او عليها مسؤولية العيال .. والزوج يكر شلون يكون له بيت واسرة ومستقبل عياله.

    despite all these stuff, i think that both musnt forget the old days, they have to show eacht other how much they do love and care about each other and never hid their feelings because of other problems and worries ..
  4. ana agool YES
    although these stuff are realted to women but men are more professional in doing them than women. i really dont know the reason but i think men can compete women in everything and most of the times they are the winners.
    myabe its because men concentrate more on their job and just focus on doing it.
    o belnesba for men working in salons or fashion i think that they do what they like to see in a woman, llike a hair cut or hair color or a certain dress, they do what they find it nice for a women to wear or dress.
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