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  • عيد الميلاد 06/14/1991

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  1. ثنكس وايد رووووووووووووووووووووووعة نارررر وووووشراااااااااارررررررررررر مشششششششششششششككككككووورة
  2. ماقصرتي حبيبتي ثانكس فري ماج فديتج والله
  3. ها عمري تفضلي : الفصل الأول: تام211 ريض 311 جبر(5) دين104 بنك211 سفر111 انج215 انج301 عرب203 قصد211 الفصل الثاني: اجا103 ريض322 ادر311 بيع311 عرب301 عرب311 انج302 علم201 محا212 وياحلوه المواد مب صعبه بس يبي لها اهتمام اكثر من المستوى الثاني ...
  4. السلام عليكم شخباركم بليز بغيت استفسر باجر لازم اروح اودي اوراقي يعني اكملهم لأن آنه وديت كلشي بس الحين باقي افادة التخرج وشهادة الفصل السادس بس حبيت استفسر اهما يبون وحده ولاشنو لأن اهما يبون الأصليه وشنو الأشيه الي تعتقدون يبونها بعد ارجو منكم افادتي ..
  5. السلام شباب بليييييز ثالث اعدادي متى؟
  6. هاي شخباركم بليز ابي تقرير بيع221 بس مايبون عن التجاره الألكترونيه ا شي ثاني من خمس صفحات ومقدمه وعرض وخاتمه عفيه لاتردوني
  7. هلو شخباركم طلبتكم ابي تقرير بالأنجليزي عن The important of lungage english (أهمية اللغه الأنجليزيه) بليززززز
  8. هاي شخباركم عفيه طلبتكم لاتردوني ابي تقرير بيع221 ضروري مايقل عن خمس صفحات من مقدمه وعرض وخاتمه بليززز!!
  9. Writing an e-mail Hi there Ahmed, Don’t know if you got my first message. I've been having problems with my computer, so am sending it again. Look forward to hearing all about you. What kind of music are you into? What sort of things do you do in your free time? What about sport? I'm a football fanatic myself! Get in touch soon! All the best,
  10. Hiz... 301 An Article The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that interchange data by packet switching using the standardized Internet Protocol (IP). It is a ((network of networks)) that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks. However, how the Internet was first invented? What are the current uses of it? How is it going to be developed after three decades? The history of the Internet goes back to 1973 when Vinton Cert discovered it. The uses of the Internet spread widely and by 1995 millions users were able to access the Internet in 180 countries. The most popular part of the Internet is the World Wide Web (www). This part is the first growing part of the Internet and it is a huge set of linked documents, images and other resources, linked by hyperlink. Recently, the Internet has been used is several fields. The most important use is that people can gain wealthy information by using research engines such as Yahoo! and Google. Moreover, it is one of the most effective forms to communicate with other people all over the world. Furthermore, people can shop and buy things in their home! It is one of the most groundbreaking that people have the opportunity to do online shopping without going outdoors. The ff**** looks very bright as scientists predict that the Internet will be an essential glue because it will connect all the world together. Also, many experts predict that TVs and mobile phones will be integrated with the Internet. Who knows what will happen in the ff****, but some people say that by 2016 nobody will remember the world without personal computers. In conclusion, the virtual world of the Internet has become an important part in real world that lots of things depend on it. In my point of view, I think that the Internet will facilitate many things in the near ff****. ............................................................................................................................................................ Personal Anecdote I will never forget August the 8th. It was the summer holiday. My sister Dana and I were in China taking part in a consultation. It was the weekend when we decided to go shopping at 8.00 a.m. While we were on the elevator it broke down! So, we hat to wait for 15 minutes till the conservation officer fixed the trouble. When we left the hotel, the weather was cloudy. We had taken taxi to drive us to the shopping area. After some minutes we noticed that the taxi driver was gazing at my sister. Just then he started to flirt us. Immediately we asked him to stop and we got out the car. As we were near the shopping area, we decided to walk till there. Unfortunately, it rained heavily. Worse than that, my sister and I were wearing white clothes. When we reached the shopping area, everyone was looking at us and we were in an ironic situation. That was nothing comparing to what happened inside the first shop we entered! At that shop, we started to select some items to buy. However, when we went to the checkout area we discovered that we lost our purse wallet! So, we had to restore all the stuff we were about to buy. Because we were with no money, we were impelled to go back to the hotel on foot. However, the trouble did not leave us. And guess what happened? My sandal was cut off! At that moment, I was very angry and embarrassed. When lastly we were at our room in the hotel, we discovered that we did not take the wallet from the beginning. Whenever we remember that day, we can not stop laughing! ......................................................................................................................................................... A Report Subject: Sea Reclamation in Bahrain. Date: 30th of November, 2008 This report aims to assess the movement towards sea reclamation in Bahrain. It will use statistics from BCSR (Bahrain Center for Studies & Research). There are several disappointing facts and figures for the increasing reclaimed seas. a. On the one hand, the present situation is not very positive for fisher men. According to BCSR statistics, only 20 – 30 kg of fish is the rate obtained by a boot because of the process of daily reclamation. As a result, lots of those fisher men, who already suffer from poverty, have become jobless. b. About 11% of Bahrain’s palm trees have been cut off in order to increase the reclaimed areas. This will cause air pollution as the amount of CO2 will grow gradually and the amount of O2 will drop dramatically. This will end by increasing in the number of people who suffer from asthma. On the other hand, there are some encouraging things. a. More housing projects are being built on different reclaimed areas of the kingdom. This will contribute effectively in construction developing. Also, most of the nation will have a free-lancer house. b. More reclaimed areas mean more employment for man power supply in Bahrain. A number of factories, economical companies and investment projects are currently in need for experts and technician in several fields. To sum up, although there have some positive points for sea reclamation in Bahrain; the government has to protect the marine environments by several steps such as building the houses in vertical way instead of the horizontal way. ....................................................................................................................................................... A Formal Letter 233 Hamad Town Bahrain 6th October, 2008 Exmoor English School Dulverton, The UK Dear Ms. Dutton, Thank you for writing back to inform me about your summer courses. I would absolutely like to go on the course. My name is Ghada Adbulla Al-Mawlani. I am 17 years old. I live with my family in Hamad Town. My family consists of seven members. I have two brothers and two sisters. Recently, I go to Al-Ahd Al-Zaher Secondary Girls School. I am interested in many things, such as playing tennis, reading novels especially English Fiction and do shopping. I have been studying at school for twelve years and this is my last year before graduation. I was enrolled in several courses to study English and currently I am taking a course to prepare for the SAT. I hold two certificates in English which are the FCE (First Certificate in English] and the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). I think I am excellent at speaking as I am a member in Alba’s Toastmasters Club. However, I face some problems in reading skills. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ......................................................................................................................................................... An Informal Letter 233 Hamad Town Bahrain Dear Fatima, Hi honey. How’re you? How’s your family? I hope everything is going just like what you want. Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Ghada and I’m 17 years old. I go to a school in Hamad Town called Al-Ahd Al-Zaher. It’s near my home. I’m really happy cause I’m in my last year at school. You might wonder how I look like, so let me draw a picture that deb2d***ibes my appearance. First of all, I’m tall and slim (you can imagine healthy looking). My hair is long. It’s brown and straight. I had it cut recently in a modern way. About my face, it’s round with white skin. I got small brown eyes and my lips are small too. I always wear pink lip stick. Now, I’ll tell you about my family. I have very strong relationships with all my family members especially my eldest bother Tamim. I have two sisters and two brothers. In our family, we usually have gathering at special occasions. Plus that, I have lots of lovely friends as I’m quite sociable. Although I’m very popular, I don’t have best friend. I’d like also to tell you about my hobbies. I’m really interested in tennis as it’s my favourite sport. Moreover, I’m keen on reading novels especially English function. Furthermore, I like listening to songs and music and I really like shopping. However, I can’t stand watching sports on T.V, especially football. What about you? Could you please introduce yourself to me? What are you hobbies and interests? How are your relations with your family? Write back soon and let me know more about you. With love, ........................................................................................................................................................... 215 nformal Email To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New Printers Dear Ali, How was your holiday? I hope you had a nice rest. I just wanted to let you know that the new printers I was telling you about have arrived. Would the 25th be convenient for me to bring one to the office to show you? Best wishes Formal Email To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Invitation Dear Ms Grayson, We are planning to launch a new business magazine later this year. We would like to invite you to lunch at 1 pm on Wednesday 24th May, to discuss advertising opportunities in the magazine. Please confirm whether you will be able to join us. I hope we will see you then. Best wishes Stig Olssen Deputy Editor Businesslike Publishing Covering Letter 66 College Way Cambridge CM 2XY Tel: 0664198752 Email: [email protected] Alan Neill Human Resources Director Quicklink Cambridge CM2 8AD 14th October 2008 Dear Mr.Neill, I would like to apply for the post of Customer Service Advisor advertised in last week's Evening Express. I have worked for Arrow *****sss as a customer service agent for six month, working closely with individual customers on the phone and by email. I am keen to gain more responsibility in customer service and pursue a career in this area. I have excellent communication skills. I enjoy working with people and have a friendly, professional approach with customers. I am experienced in placing orders within tight deadlines and keeping customers fully up-to-date with order progress. Although I do not have direct experience of arranging delivery of orders, I have a full understanding of the processes and should quickly be able to work successfully in this area. Please find enclosed my CV. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, E Deacon Elspeth Deacon Enc. atmna ani afadtcam a5tcam a7la albanootata
  11. Informal Email To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: New Printers Dear Ali, How was your holiday? I hope you had a nice rest. I just wanted to let you know that the new printers I was telling you about have arrived. Would the 25th be convenient for me to bring one to the office to show you? Best wishes Formal Email To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Invitation Dear Ms Grayson, We are planning to launch a new business magazine later this year. We would like to invite you to lunch at 1 pm on Wednesday 24th May, to discuss advertising opportunities in the magazine. Please confirm whether you will be able to join us. I hope we will see you then. Best wishes Stig Olssen Deputy Editor Businesslike Publishing Covering Letter 66 College Way Cambridge CM 2XY Tel: 0664198752 Email: [email protected] Alan Neill Human Resources Director Quicklink Cambridge CM2 8AD 14th October 2008 Dear Mr.Neill, I would like to apply for the post of Customer Service Advisor advertised in last week's Evening Express. I have worked for Arrow *****sss as a customer service agent for six month, working closely with individual customers on the phone and by email. I am keen to gain more responsibility in customer service and pursue a career in this area. I have excellent communication skills. I enjoy working with people and have a friendly, professional approach with customers. I am experienced in placing orders within tight deadlines and keeping customers fully up-to-date with order progress. Although I do not have direct experience of arranging delivery of orders, I have a full understanding of the processes and should quickly be able to work successfully in this area. Please find enclosed my CV. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, E Deacon Elspeth Deacon Enc.
  12. شخباركم فديتكم؟ ابي اسالكم عن الوحده الثانيه في سفر111 الآختصارات شنو المطلوب منهم؟؟؟والي عنده الجدول مال المناطق الي في بداية الوحده الثانيه بليز يحطه لي..ساعدوني بليز
  13. ابي مساعدتكم ضروري بغيت شرح القصايد المطلوبه في عرب 203 ضروري +الأبيات المطلوبه للحفظ في كل قصيده!! بليز بسرعه...ابيهم ضروري بليييييييييز
  14. هاي شخباركم؟؟ ابي مساعدتكم ضروري بغيت شرح القصايد المطلوبه في عرب 203 ضروري +الأبيات المطلوبه للحفظ في كل قصيده!! بليز بسرعه...
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