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منتدى البحرين اليوم

*!*همس الروح*!*

الاعضاء الفعالين
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Everything posted by *!*همس الروح*!*

  1. انشاء الله اختي اقول مهاوي من مساعة وين تحشون فني اي داعوس من المنتدى فصل النت معاي الله يهداها دلوعة غبت من الماسنجر
  2. ان لله وان اليه راجعون الله يرحمه عسى ماتكون اشاعات
  3. وييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي فديتج قلبي ثاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااانكس على كلامج الحلو لا والله طلعتي خوش بنية انه كنت مخلصة الاختبار ماعرف المعلمة تقول حصلت 9.5من 10ماعرف ليش المهم يسلمووووووووووووووووووووو حيااااااااااااااااااااتي
  4. دلوووووووووووووووووووعة ليش ماخليتي لهم صورة الدرجة المعلمة حطت لها 10من 10 بسبب الغش اسفة بنتي فضحتج مهاما يكون انه امج اخر مارة ماعيدها تووووووووووووبة <<<< سامحيني
  5. الحمدلله دلوعة ابوها مافضحتني انه ماشرد وايد بس لين يصيدني اكتفاء من الحصة واخر السنة طبعا في اليوم ندش نص الحصة وباقي الحصة معلمة وانتو بكرامة باروح الحمام <<<<<خرج ولم يعد
  6. The life in the country and life in the city Country life is different from city life. The people in the country are used to living a simple life. They are used to working as farmers, collecting the eggs and milking the cows. Country life has the advantages that there is less pollution than in cities. The people there understand better life and nature. Also it is less streeful and the people live a quieter life. In addition, people had a healthier life than city people. But country life also had disadvantages such as the people have a hard life, because they work hard, and do physical work. So it's hard to find many well-paid jobs. The buildings are less modern and traditional than city buildings. City life also is different from country life. The people are used to working as teachers, doctors, engineers and architects. City life has advantages such as there are more jobs with higher salaries. Also there are better facilities and technology. In cities there are a lot of shops and malls, so the people can do the shopping easily. In addition city life has disadvantage such as there is more crime than country life. Also there are a lot of traffic accidents, and more pollution. The people there live a noisier life than in the country. And it's more crowded than the country. I prefer to live in the country, because I want to have a healthier life and I love nature. I also want to understand life. And in the morning there is a beautiful view of the sunrise.
  7. خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ حلوة الحركات احنه مرة المعلمة جكت البانت سكرت عليهم النت احنه علينه بحركات نشغل الكام كككككككككككككككككككككككككككككككك
  8. مس بحرين من الاستقلال؟؟؟ الله يعني ماقدر استحمل السخافة اكثر
  9. خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ احنه نغني بصوت واطي في الحصة والستايل هاي الايام اشوفك وين يامهاجر ومولاي مممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممم ولازم قبل كل حصة وبعدها طبعن نطبل ونغني مايصير
  10. مبررررررررووووووووووووووووووووك عقبال 20000
  11. ززززززززررررررررد عيب مايسوون هلون لاتعيدها مرة ثانية
  12. هلا والله ان ماشالج المنتدى نشيلج احنه هلاوالله اشرقت وانورت المنتدى بنور بوجودج ووجود الكل
  13. <<<<<< الاخت صدقت لا ماشفنه منج شي وانشاءالله مابيطردونج ماشاءالله عليج وايد تحبين المنتدى حته في الحلم تحلمين في المنتدى
  14. انشاء الله البحرين هذا البحريني ماتغلبونه
  15. شكلها زيزي بس اتمنه احمد حسين وبس
  16. البرنامج من البداية للنهاية لعبة واذا زيزي ماكانت ستار وايد زين بس ترا للحين هشام مو اكيد يرجع او لا لللحييييييييييييين
  17. توني ادري ككككككككككككككككككك مسكين احمدي
  18. احمد حسين واحمدصلاح الدين وبشار غزاوي بالاصح كلهم
  19. زين سويت تكلمت عنه اسبوع كافي ليش اسبوعين واشمعنه اهو مو الباقي
  20. تاجل البرايم بيكون يوم السبت و بيطلعون2 لان يوم اغتيال الحرري محد طلع نومينه فبطلعون 2 بس صج ظلم
  21. http://www.settlement.org/cp/english/bahra...ain/sports.html http://www.albahrain.net/sport.asp انشاء الله يعجبج
  22. عندي 2 بس ماعرف اشلون انزلهم لان في الكمبيوتر عندي
  23. هذا عن الاعب رونالدو http://www.expertfootball.com/players/ronaldo/ http://www.squarefootball.net/content/arti...cle.asp?aid=892 وهذا عن المغني ايمينم http://www.freep.com/entertainment/namesan...3e_20050323.htm
  24. مممممممممممممممم انه عندي عن الايجابيات والسلبيات اتمنه يعجبج [align=left]The life in the country and life in the city Country life is different from city life. The people in the country are used to living a simple life. They are used to working as farmers, collecting the eggs and milking the cows. Country life has the advantages that there is less pollution than in cities. The people there understand better life and nature. Also it is less streeful and the people live a quieter life. In addition, people had a healthier life than city people. But country life also had disadvantages such as the people have a hard life, because they work hard, and do physical work. So it's hard to find many well-paid jobs. The buildings are less modern and traditional than city buildings. City life also is different from country life. The people are used to working as teachers, doctors, engineers and architects. City life has advantages such as there are more jobs with higher salaries. Also there are better facilities and technology. In cities there are a lot of shops and malls, so the people can do the shopping easily. In addition city life has disadvantage such as there is more crime than country life. Also there are a lot of traffic accidents, and more pollution. The people there live a noisier life than in the country. And it's more crowded than the country. I prefer to live in the country, because I want to have a healthier life and I love nature. I also want to understand life. And in the morning there is a beautiful view of the sunrise.[/align]
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