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حنين الذكريات

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عن حنين الذكريات

  • عيد الميلاد 06/28/1989

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حنين الذكريات الانجازات


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  1. يعلن مركز الإمام الرضا لدراسات الإسلامية والثقافية بقرية جنوسان عن فتح باب التسجيل لدروس التقوية للطلاب والطالبات للإمتحانات النهائية لجميع المراحل الدراسية ولجميع المواد بأسعار رمزية وعلى يد معلمين ومعلمات متخصصات يحملون شهادة البكلريوس ويعملون في وزارة التربية والتعليم للإستفسار والتسجيل الرجاء الإتصار على : 39822690 أو على 175922610 ملاحظة: يرجى التسجيل قبل ثلاثة ايام من ابتداء الدروس التقوية ليتسنى لنا التنسيق مع المعلمين والمعلمات قبل ان يرتبطوا بالمعاهد والدروس الخصوصية
  2. انا عندي عن البير سونالتي <<< تبوووووووووون عن الشخصة سويته وبعطييه المعلمة تبوونه؟؟؟
  3. A man named Jose went to America to see the Yankees vs. the Red Socks. When he got the ticket, it said nosebleed section. He did not care what section he was in. Anyway, it was game day. Everyone stood for the National Anthem. When Jose got home, he said, "Mama, they made a song in America just for me." "How does it go, mijo?" "It goes Jose can you see! A blonde walks into an appliance store and says I would like to buy that T.V. please. The store clerk replies Im sorry, we dont do business with blondes. So she stormed off back to her house and dyed her hair black. The next day, she went back to the same store and said I would like to buy that T.V. please. The store clerk, once again, replies Sorry, we dont do business with blondes. The blonde replied How did you know I was blonde? The clerk says Because thats a microwave, not a T.V. it is 10:00 at the police station and there is only 2 officers working that day...Billy-Bob and Billi-Jo. billy-bob: hey billi-jo...can i stick my finger in your belly-button? billi-jo: sure billy-bob! :> ...now its 11:00 at the police station... billy-bob: hey billi-jo...can i stick my finger in your belly-button? billi-jo: sure billy-bob! :> ...now its midnight... and the power goes out...!! billy-bob: hey billi-jo...can i stick my finger in your belly-button? billi-jo: sure billy-bob! :> wait?! billy-bob thats not my belly-button. billy-bob: i know...:> and thats not my finger!! :> YOUR MOMMA IS SO FAT WHEN SHE FELL IN THE GRAND CANYON SHE GOT STUCK HALF WAY DOWN TWO TAMPONS WERE CROSSING THE STREET. THEY SEE A FRIEND. WHICH ONE WAVES? NEITHER, THEY ARE BOTH STUCK UP CUNTS. I love to sleep. It really is the best of both worlds. You get to be alive and unconscious. yo mamma is so fat she makes the grand canyon look small!!!!!!! yo mammas breath so nasty that when she burps her teeth have to duck A rich lady from California, who was a tree hugger and a vociferous anti- hunter, purchased a piece of timber land in Oregon. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted to get a good view of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top, she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the lady slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her private parts. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest country doctor. Being a hunter himself, the doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited for three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry lady demanded, What took you so long? He smiled and then told her, Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area and I am sorry, because they all turned me down!! Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?? A: Tell them a joke on Wednesday!! The teacher asked her students if anyone knew the answer to 2+2, they had three tries or they would not get recess. The first kid said "Uh, 14? "No," the teacher said. The second kid said "3.8" "Not quite" the teacher said. Finally the third kid said "That's easy, 4" "Yes, you all get recess now". At the playground the kids asked how did he know the answer and he said "It's all about the Kidneys!" as he pointed to his head. What do you find up a clean nose? Fingerprints YO MAMA SO FAT WHEN SHE STEP ON DA SCALE IT SAYS TO BE CONTINUED Q:What did the ghost eat at his birthday party? A:I scream your mamma is so fat when she goes swimming in the ocean she gets harpooned. ذلييييييييين النكت ان شاء الله يعجبونج
  4. اوكي حبيبتي الحين بدور لج واذا حصلت بحط لج مباشرة
  5. اوكي ابي بحث مو تقرير مع الفهرس والمراجع ولا تقل المراجع عن ثلاث و العرض لايقل عن 8 صفحات ثاااااااااااانكس
  6. يصير ارشح روحي؟؟ انا بعد اي 10000 دينار الكتروني ممكن؟؟ ولا لا؟؟
  7. هلا اختي :: انزين انا ما عندي فلوس كفاية تبين كاش بعطييييج عشان اخذ التقرير وابي التقرير ضروري
  8. اي صج كل على المسن اروح اقول للمعلمة بفتح البريد الالكتروني بس ما افتحه اروح اقعد على المسن
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