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منتدى البحرين اليوم

تقارير . . . وانتوا اختاروا

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بارك الله فييييييييييييييييييكي


يا حنونة يا طيبة يا وردة


أريد تقرير عنك


سؤال : من تأتين بهذه الروح المعنوية العالية و أيضا من أين تأتين بحب مساعدة الآخرين بدرجة ( زايدة عن اللزوم ) 0

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[move]الحنونة أيتها الحنونة

كثَر الله من أمثالك

ونجحك الله في حياتك الدراسية والعملية


ولا تتعبين نفسك كثيرا


فقد كفيتي و وفيتي


(( لو أنا مدير المنتدى لأهدتيك باقة ورد من السوسن والياسمين ))


وشكرا جزيلا على مجهوداتك الجبارة

Edited by زيرو زيرو
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مذكرة أجا 101


أولاً : اختر الإجابة الصحيحة للعبارات الآتية :


1.تمتاز أودية هضاب الوطن العربي:

أ- بقلة العمق ب- طويلة المجرى

ج- قيعانها ضيقة د- قصيرة المجرى

2.جميع ما يأتي من الدول التى ترتفع فيها العمالة الزراعية مـا عدا :

أ- السعودية ب- البحرين

ج- المغرب د- موريتانيا

3.صناعة الأسمدة الكيميائية في الوطن العربي يواجه مشكلة:

أ- تراجع الطلب ب- إيجاد السوق

ج- نقص الرساميل د- الأيدي العاملة

4.أكبر الدول العربية مساحة من بين الدول التالية هي :

أ – العراق ب – مصر

ج – سوريا د - اليمن

5 - من الدول التى يتوازن فيها عدد سكان الحضر وعدد الريفيين:

أ- ليبيـا ب- الصومال

ج – اليمـن د - سوريا

6.أولى الدول العربية في نسبة الحضر إلى إجمالي السكان:

أ- مصر ب- الكويت

ج- العراق د- لبنان

7.تعطي البيئة الصحراوية في الوطن العربي من مساحة حوالي:

أ- 70 % ب- 50 %

ج- 80 % د- 30 %

8.أكبر القطاعات التي تستهلك المياه بالوطن العربي قطاع:

أ- الصناعة ب- الزراعة

ج- الرعي د- التجارة

9.العمر المتوقع عند الولادة أحد مؤشرات التنمية :

أ – الصناعية ب – الاقتصادية

ج – البشرية د – السياسية


10.سجلت أعلى درجة للحرارة العظمى في الوطن العربي و ذلك في الصحراء:

أ- الجزائرية ب- الليبية

ج- السعودية د- الصومالية


11.مساحة الوطن العربي تفوق مساحة كل من قارتي:

أ- أوروبا و أوقيانيا ب- أوروبا و أفريقيا

ج- أفريقيا و أوقيانيا د- أمريكا الشمالية و أوروبا

12.نشأت أول مصفاة في الوطن العربي في دولة:

أ- مصر ب- العراق

ج- السعودية د- البحرين

13.جميع ما يأتي من خصائص المناخ الوطن العربي ما عدا:

أ- الحرارة المرتفعة ب- الإشماس القوي

ج- الرطوبة المنخفضة د- الأمطار المنتظمة


14.الدولة العربية التي تحتل المركز الأول في إنتاج الفوسفات في الوطن العربي:

أ- الأردن ب- المغرب

ج- مصر د- تونس

15.من مميزات التضاريس الساحلية في الوطن العربي ما عدا:

أ- كثرة التعاريج في خط الساحل ب- اتساع الرصيف القاري

ج- قلة الجروف التي تشرف على البحر د- ندرة الشعاب المرجانية

16.الدولة التي تقع فوق خط الفقر المائي من الدول الآتية هي:

أ- تونس ب- السودان

ج- الأردن د- الجزائر

17.خط العرض الأساسي الذي يمر في وسط الوطن العربي تقريباً هو:

أ- خط الاستواء ب- مدار السرطان

ج- خط جر ينتش د- مدار الجدي

18. أكثر الدول العربية مساهمة في العون الإنمائي العربي :

أ – الكويت ب – المملكة العربية السعودية

ج – الإمارات العربية المتحدة د – ليبيــا

19.جميع ما يأتي من مميزات البيئة الصحراوية في الوطن العربي ما عدا:

أ- تربتها صالحة للزراعة ب- تغطي الحجار و الحصى مساحات كبيرة

ج- وجود الكثبان الرملية د- تحتوي على بعض الكتل الجليدية العالية

20.أكثر الأقاليم السكانية استقطاباً للسكان في الوطن العربي هو :

أ- الهلال الخصيب ب- القرن الأفريقي

ج- وادي النيل د- شبه الجزيرة العربية

21.الدولة العربية الأولى في إنتاج الحديد هي:

أ- الجزائر ب- مصر

ج- موريتانيا د- سوريا


22.من أبرز المتغيرات السياسية التي عرفها العالم في السنوات الأخيرة:

أ- تنامي الاتجاه القومي ب- الزيادة في حركة انتقال المعلومات

ج- سرعة التطور العلمي د- اكتشاف الفضاء




23.من العوامل التى ساهمت في نمو قطاع الطيران العربي :

أ – ضعف التجارة الخارجية ب – انخفاض المداخيل العربية

ج – ضيق الرقعة العربية د – موقع الوطن العربي كمحطة اتصال بين القارات

24.أكبر الدول العربية مساحة من بين الدول التالية هي:

أ- العراق ب- الجزائر

ج- ليبيا د- السعودية

25. قامت في الوطن العربي عدة مشاريع زراعية مشتركة أبرزها في :

أ – السودان ب – جيبوتي

ج – تونس د – ليبيـا

26.من خصائص الرياح التجارية الشمالية الشرقية أنها رياح:

أ- رياح رطبة و ممطرة ( تحمل الرطوبة و الأمطار )

ب- تسبب الجفاف من المناطق القادمة إليها

ج- باردة تسبب انخفاضاً في درجة الحرارة

د- تحمل أمطار إلى بعض الأجزاء الجنوبية من الوطن العربي

27.أطول أنهار دول المغرب العربي يدعى:

أ- الشليف ب- مجردة

ج- السبوع د- أم الربيع

28.عملية إعادة ملكية بعض المؤسسات العامة إلى القطاع الخاص تسمى:

أ- التسليف ب- الجدوى الاقتصادية

ج- التخصصية د- التأميم


29.أكثر دول الخليج العربي اعتماداً على المياه المحلاة:

أ- السعودية ب- قطر

ج- الكويت د- الإمارات

30 . تأسست منظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط ( أوبك ) في سنة:

أ – 1965 ب – 1968

ج – 1960 د – 1964

31 . تسمى الهضاب ذات السطوح الحجرية الكلسية بالوطن العربي :

أ – الجروف ب – البراخين

ج – التاسيليات د – الحمادات

32 . أقل أقاليم الوطن العربي سكانا :

أ – الهلال الخصيب ب – القرن الأفريقي

ج – وادي النيل د – شبه الجزيرة العربية


33. أن المصارف الأكثر انتشارا في الدول العربية هي :

أ – المصارف المركزية ب – المصارف المتخصصة

ج – المصارف التجارية د – مصارف الأعمال



34. آن وسيلة النقل الأكثر استعمالا في الوطن العربي هي :

أ – السيارة ب – الطائرة

ج – السفينة د – القطار

35. تغلب في بنية الصادرات العربية السلع التالية :

أ – السلع المصنعة ب – سلع الوقود المعدني

ج – السلع الغذائية د – سلع الوقود النووي

36 – تسود الزراعة الحديثة في البيئة :

أ – المدارية شبه الرطبة ب – المتوسيطية

ج – الصحراوية د –المعتدلة

37 – الدولة العربية التى يمر بها خط غرنيش هي :

أ - الصومال ب – الجزائر

ج – جيبوتي د - ليبيـا

38 - السلاسل الجبلية المشرفة على البحر المتوسط في الوطن العربي جبال :

أ - بركانية ب – انكسارية

ب – التوائية د – كل ما ذكر صحيح

39 - تقع البحرين ضمن مجال البيئة الصحراوية :

أ – الجافــة ب - شبه الجافــة

ج – المتطرفة الجفاف د - كل ما ذكر صحيح

40 - يعتمد الوطن العربي في مبادلاته التجارية وبشكل كبير جداً على مجموعة :

أ - الدول النامية ب - دول جنوب شرق آسيا

ج – دول شمال أمريكا د - دول الاتحاد الأوربي

41 – جميع ما يأتي من الدول التى ترتفع فيها العمالة الزراعية مـا عـدا :

أ – السعودية ب – البحرين

ج – المغرب د – موريتانيا














ثانيــا ً:في ضوء دراستك لمقرر أجا 101 الوطن العربي و ضح بالشرح ما يأتي :

1 – الخصائص المناخية والنباتية في البيئة الصحراوية


2- خصائص موقع الوطن العربي بالنسبة للقارات و البحار-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- أهم الأنهار في الوطن العربي----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- هضاب شبه الجزيرة العربية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5- ميزات السواحل في الوطن العربي .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6- المقومات البشرية للزراعة في الوطن العربي .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- أهم مصادر المياه في الوطن العربي----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


8- تنقسم التضاريس الجبلية في الوطن العربي إلى عدة أقسام بين هذه الأقسام مع ذكر أمثلة .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9- بين أهم خصائص نظام الأمطار في الوطن العربي .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


السؤال الثامن:

(( تتطلب الثروة المائية في الوطن العربي في السنوات القادمة اهتماماً متزايداً ))

من واقع دراستك للموضوع أجب عما يأتي :

1 . ما هي أبرز مشاكل استغلال المصادر المائية في الوطن العربي .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 . بين الأساليب التي يمكن استخدامها لترشيد الموارد المائية .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------












السؤال التاسع:علل لما يأتي:

1. تراجع العمالة الزراعية في الوطن العربي .


2. صناعة البتروكيماويه صناعة استراتيجية .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. نمو المدن العربية في الوقت الحاضر.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. زيادة نسبة الولادات في الوطن العربي .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. زيادة الجفاف في الوطن العربي .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. ازدياد أهمية النفط العربي بالنسبة للنفط المنتج في باقي دول العالم .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. . محدودية استثمار الموارد المعدنية في الوطن العربي---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. إمكانية تكامل عربي في ضوء الظروف الطبيعية ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .




9. ارتفاع نسبة الملوحة في مياه الوطن العربي -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. . تكون السهول الفيضية حول الأنهار في الدول العربية . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. اهتمام الدول العربية بمشاريع استصلاح الثروة المائية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. دور المواصلات المهم في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. ضعف مساهمة القطاع الخاص في الاستثمار الزراعي العربي .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. تنتشر مشاريع تحلية المياه البحر في دول الخليجية-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. تناقص البدو و تحولهم إلى حضر في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

16. تطور مدن الصحراء في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. قلة المياه في البيئة الصحراوية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18. اهتمام الدول العربية بمشاريع استصلاح الثروة المائية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19. اعتبار المواد الأولية من مقومات النشاط الصناعي الأساسية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

20. هجرة سكان الريف إلى المدن في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

21. تطور قطاع الخدمات والتجارة في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

22. قلة السكان في البيئة العربية الصحراوية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

23. ارتفاع نسبة الأمية في الدول العربية -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

24. نمو بطئ في الصناعات التحويلية في الدول النفطية في الفترة الأخيرة ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

25. اقتصاد الوطن العربي مندمج مع الاقتصاد العالمي----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26. ارتفاع أسعار النفط بعد عام 1972 م---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

27. ضعف البنية الأساسية للزراعة في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

28. نمو بطئ غير مستقر لإنتاج الزراعي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

29. عجز ميزان التجاري للسلع الزراعية في الوطن العربي ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

30. عجز الزراعة العربية عن تأمين الحاجات الغذائية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

31. دخول جزء كبير من النفط العربي في التجارة الدولية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32. إنشاء منظمة الأوبيك لأقطار المصدرة للنفط -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

33. ازدهار صناعة البتروكيماويات في الدول الخليجية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

34. ارتفاع كلفة الإنتاج الزراعي في الوطن العربي -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

35. ازدهار التنمية الصناعية بعد الاستقلال ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

36. تفاوت النمو السكاني بين الدول العربية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

37. تتعزز مكانة الوطن العربي في العالم الإسلامي نتيجة لعوامل عدة -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

38. تعتبر عملية نقل النفط عنصر مشاركة وتكامل على مستوى الوطن العربي------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

39. إمكانية التوسع في الصناعات الغذائية .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

40. تطور قطاع الخدمات والتجارة في الوطن العربي---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




















ثالثــاً: قارن بين كل مما يأتي

نوع المقارنة العـــــراق الســــودان

القارة التى يقع فيها كل منهما



المسطحات المائية التى يشرف عليها



المرافئ التجارية فيها



موسم سقوط الأمطار في البلدين




ثالثاً : قارن بين كل مما يأ تي :

1 - منظمة الاوبــك ومنظمة ألا وابك .

• - منظمة ألا وابك : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - منظمة ألا وبك : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - الصادرات العربية والواردات العربية .

• - الصادرات العربية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الواردات العربية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 - المياه الجوفية العليا والمياه الجوفية العميقة

• - المياه الجوفية العليا ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - المياه الجوفية العميقة : --------------------------------------

4- نطاق الصحراء الجافة ونطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة

* - نطاق الصحراء الجافة ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* - نطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - نمط الإنتاج التقليدي ونمط الإنتاج الحديث في الاقتصاد العربي

* - نمط الإنتاج التقليدي -------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - نمط الإنتاج الحديث في الاقتصاد العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------


3 - الصدمة البترولية الأولي والصدمة البترولية الثانية

• - الصدمة البترولية الأولي --------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الصدمة البترولية الثانية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 - الحيازات الصغرى والحيازات الكبرى

• - الحيازات الصغرى ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الحيازات الكبرى ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


5 - السهول الفيضية والسهول الساحلية

* - السهول الفيضية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* - السهول الساحلية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 - الجبال الالتوائية والجبال الانكسارية

• - الجبال الالتوائية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الجبال الانكسارية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 - أثر القارية على المناخ الوطن العربي وأثر المسطحات المائية على مناخ الوطن العربي

• - أثر القارية على المناخ الوطن العربي ------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - أثر المسطحات المائية على مناخ الوطن العربي -----------------------------------------------------------

8 – المصارف المركزية والمصارف التجارية

* - المصارف المركزية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* المصارف التجارية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 – هضبة نجد وهضبة حضرموت

• - هضبة نجد ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - هضبة حضرموت -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 - نطاق الصحراء الجافة و نطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة

* - نطاق الصحراء الجافة ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - نطاق الصحراء شبة الجافة ----------------------------------------------------------------------------












السؤال الحادي عشر:

أولاً:أدرس خريطة الوطن العربي المرفقة ثم أكتب ما تمثله الأرقام المثبتة عليها:

1،2منافذ بحرية 3،4أنهار

5،6هضاب 7،8موانئ تصدير نفط

9،10خطي طول 11،12دول

13،14رياح محلية 15،16،17مدن

ثانيا ً :ضع علامة صح أمام العبارات الصحيحة وعلامة خطأ أمام العبارات الخاطئة مع تصحيح الخطأ :

1. أقل الأقاليم الوطن العربي سكاناً القرن الإفريقي . ( )


2. تكون أخدود البجر الأحمر في الطور الجيولوجي الثالث .( )


3. يمر خط غر ينتش في الوطن العربي بتونس .( )


4.أكثر الدول إنتاجاً للفوسفات هي العراق .( )






ثانياً : ادرس خريطة الوطن العربي ثم استخدم الرموز المناسبة في توزيع ما يلى :

1 - ثلاث دول تشتهر بصناعة البتروكيماويات .

2 – السهول الساحلية الصحراوية القاحلة ( الاكتفاء بمنطقتين )

3 – دولتان من الدول التي تسهم في العون الإنمائي.

4 – أسم المضيق الذي يربط البحر المتوسط بالمحيط الأطلسي.

5 – أسم البحر الذي يفصل الجناح الآسيوي عن الجناح الأفريقي العربي.


ثالثا ً : أقرأ المستند الذي أمامك ثم أجب عن الأسئلة التي تليه في ( الصفحة رقم 91 مستند9 )

1 - كيف توسعت الأراضي الزراعية في الوطن العربي ؟ لماذا ؟

2 - ما مضاعفات هذا التوسع .

رابعاً : أقرأ المستند ثم أجب عن الأسئلة التي تليه انطلاقاً منه وفي ضوء ما درسته :( صفحة 72 مستند 6 )

1 - حدد أسماء الدول العربية التي تنتمي الى فئة الولادات ( 30 % الى 40 % )

2 - عدد الدول العربية التي يقل فيها معدل الوفيات عن ( 5 % ) .

3 - بم تفسر انخفاض معدل الوفيات في الوطن العربي .

4 – ما أثر النمو السكاني المتسارع على الدول العربية .

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أنج 104



Unit 1

Kids and sport



 A popular sport


The main reason why people take up a sport is to enjoy them selves while others like to get fitter and stronger. Whatever sport you try, remember that you don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it, taking part is fun. Sports also give you lots of opportunities to meet people and make new friends.

One of the most popular sports you can take part in is table tennis, it is very well-known and a lot of people enjoy it. It’s an indoor game, and can be played by two or four players. Anyone can play it, men, women, or mixed.

Table tennis is an easy sport, it starts when one of the players hits a small light ball using a bat. The ball goes back and forth across a table divided by a low net, until a player makes a shot that an opponent is unable to return.

Try playing table tennis and you’ll like it!



Volleyball is an interesting team sport that was invented by William G.Morgan in America in 1895. It is played by twelve players (six players in each team).

It is played in a court which is 9 by 18m and divided into two sides by a net. It is based on hitting the ball back and forth over the net.

Volleyball is easy to play and a lot of people enjoy it. An estimated 800 million people play it throughout the world.


Unit 1

Kids and sport



 A famous athlete (sport player)


Diego Maradona is an Argentinean footballer. He has been playing football for twenty years since he was fifteen years old. He started playing football on the street when he was young. One day a man from the local club was watching him playing, so he asked him to join the club, and he became famous. Maradona is enthusiastic about most sports, but he is crazy about football.

Maradona trains about 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. The training sessions start at 4 o’clock and last until 7 o’clock.

Being addicted to sports, Maradona faces many problems. He worries about injuries a lot, he has broken his leg many times! Another problem is that he travels a lot so he doesn’t have any time for his family and friends.

Maradona has participated in lots of matches and many world competitions and he has won many cups and awards. He has always believed that one day he will become the most famous sport player in the world!



Unit 2

Having it done


 A letter about winning a prize!


P.O. Box XXX,

XXX, Bahrain


20th March, 2002

Dear XXX,

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re fine. I’m writing this letter to tell you about what happened to me last week. I won the number one prize in the lottery.

I’m very happy at the moment, because I won 1,000,000 dollars. I was told by my friend that my name was in the newspaper and that I’ve won the first prize. I couldn’t believe it at first. I still can’t believe it and I’m over the moon about it. I became rich!

I haven’t got a clue about what I’ll do with the money yet, but I have some plans to improve my life. First of all, I will give some of the money to my parents, and I’ll give some for charity. I will go on a spending spree in Seef Mall and I’ll buy a lot of clothes and records. I will also spend some of the money on my room. I’m going to have it painted in blue, and I will have my furniture changed. One more thing I want to do is to save some money for the ff****.

Anyway, I have to leave now, hoping to hear from you soon…




Unit 4




 Writing about an explorer


James co**2 is a famous captain and explorer. He was born in 1782. He was married to Elizabeth Batts and had 6 children. He served in the Royal Navy for 13 years and dies in 1779. co**2 had many expeditions, one of the most famous expeditions was in 1776 when he left England in two ships called “Resolution” and “Discovery” to try to find a route around North America. He sailed to the Pacific ocean and discovered the Hawaiian islands in 1778. He also sailed north along the west coast of America and got very close to Alaska.

co**2 faced a few problems during his trip. He couldn’t finish it because he was forced back by the ice. He also got in a scuffle with the Hawaiians over a stolen boat and not only that… He got killed in that scuffle!

co**2 is known for his many achievements and discoveries that led to Australia, New Zealand and many South Pacific islands. Many of the places he discovered are named after him and became British Colonies. co**2 is now remembered as a skilled navigator and a great explorer.










Unit 4



Christopher Columbus is a sailor and an explorer who was born in Italy in 1451. Spain’s queen and king gave him three ships and money to sail and bring rich cargoes of gold, spice and treasure. He left Spain in 1492 and sailed to west across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus reached an island in the Americas and in the Bahamas, and he found main America in 1498.

Columbus faced some problems on his way, because the ship sailed for three weeks without seeing any land and the crew became afraid.

Columbus was the first European to enter and explore the Caribbean Sea, and he made four voyaged to the Americas. He died in 1506.
























Unit 5

A series of misfortunes



 Writing about a series of misfortunes


Last week, I went with my cousins Ben, Paul and Angie on a picnic. We stopped our car near a beautiful farm. It looked great for picnic. We walked around the farm enjoying the views. My dog Snoopy was enjoying himself running here and there. We came across a field of golden wheat, it seemed ready for harvest. As we walked across it, we had our picnic of fruit, chicken nuggets and some cokes. As we continued to walk, we came across a gate. We opened it and ignored a sign to close the door behind us. The cows inside went outside their field and headed to the road. Snoopy saw some sheep and soon it was chasing them. They were running everywhere. In fact, one of the lambs fell in the river. Suddenly, we heard someone shouting. It was the farmer. We felt really frightened and ran to our car. We were just about to get into our car when we found out that we had a flat tire. We stopped. We didn’t know what to do. The farmer came to us. He was really angry about the damage we had made to the farm. It was the worst picnic we had ever had.












Unit 5

A series of misfortunes



 Writing a letter about a series of misfortunes


P.O. Box XXX,




1st April 2002

Dear Richard,

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re fine. I have been staying in bed for a few days because I broke my ankle last Wednesday. Let me tell you how it happened.

If I hadn’t watched the film and slept late, none of the things that I’m going to say would have happened. Last Wednesday, I got up late and unfortunately missed the school bus. Neither of my parents could help me that day. My dad was away on business and my mother goes to work early on Wednesdays. After thinking for a while, I decided to walk to school. While I was walking, a man stopped his car and offered to give me a lift up the hill. I accepted his offer because I was late. When we arrived to school, the man stopped his car where there was a huge hole in the pavement. I didn’t see the hole because I was turning round to thank him, so I caught my foot in the hole and fell. If I had been careful I wouldn’t have broken my ankle.

That’s all for now. I have to call my classmate to ask him about today’s homework. I have to stay in bed for one week.

Write to me soon.



Unit 6

Exploring The Past


 Writing about life in Bahrain in the past


Life in Bahrain is not as it used to be 50 years ago, everything was different.

The houses, for example were made of stones and woods and they used to be smaller. Women used to stay at home to do the housework with their daughters, while their sons used to help their fathers in their work out of the house. The men used to grow plants like fruit and vegetables, and they also used to dive and go fishing. The boys used to go to school, while the girls used to stay at home and learn the Holy Qura’an. The food was different, people used to dry fruit and fish. The cooking equipment used to be simple. People used to get water from wells and springs. They didn’t take medicines, they used herbs instead. The roads in Bahrain used to be narrow and there weren’t many cars. People used to walk or ride donkeys to move from a place to another. Well, that’s all about life in Bahrain 50 years ago.

I like modern life much more, because everything is easier now and people don’t have to make a lot of effort to do simple things. There are advantages and disadvantages about the past and the modern life, but I like my life now more than the past life… Well, that’s my opinion!







Unit 6

Exploring The Past


 Writing a letter about the Iron Age village


P.O Box XXX,

Manama, Bahrain



Dear XXXX,

Hi, how are you? I didn’t hear from you for a long time. Let me tell you about my news.

My family and 10 other families are spending unusual three months. We are taking part in an experiment being carried out by some archeologist to understand more about life during the Iron Age (500 BC – 800 AD). We have left our town to live in a recreation of an Iron Age village.

Each one of us has responsibilities. My father spends most of his time chopping woods, he thinks it’s hard work but he enjoys it. My mother spends her time preparing food for everybody, but she can’t co**2 easily because she doesn’t know how to use the equipment and the lay oven available here. Sometimes she feels like giving up and going home. John is having a great time fetching the water in buckets, and helping my father chop woods. He stays it’s hard work, but he likes it. I’m having a very good time. I enjoy sitting round the fire at night when everybody tells each other stories. Although I’m having fun here, there are things I dislike about living in the village. I don’t like wearing the rough clothes and I also don’t like grinding wheat. I miss my normal like, I miss TV, ice-cream, chocolate and school.

Anyway there is no use complaining because we must get used to living here for a while. I must stop now.

Best wishes,











Unit 9

Back To the ff****


 Writing about the ff****


This morning I got up early and soon I was ready for school. While I was waiting for the school bus, I started to think what life would be like in the year 2500.

First of all, I thought of clothes. I think we will be wearing clothes that change according to the weather, they make us feel warm when it’s cold, and feel cool when the weather is hot. After that, I started to think of food. The food will have changed by then. We will be eating pills instead of fruit and vegetables, and we will eat canned food that can be prepared quickly. Another thing I thought about was studying. We won’t be going to schools, because by then school will have been cancelled. Students will be studying through the internet. People will have been studying for 2 years by that time to get any collage degree. I also thought about other things that might change in my life. I will be moving from a place to another by cars that move by the solar system. They won’t need petrol so there will be less pollution. I will also be able to travel to different planets by spaceships, or I might be able to take a ride to the moon! In my free time I will shopping through the internet and listening to music. I will also be playing some interesting video games. I will be visiting my friends all the time, and using tiny mobile phones to contact them. I will also be seeing them by satellite.

I think that life in the ff**** will be easier and everything will be done quickly. I wish I could live in the year 2500. It will be an interesting life.






Unit 10



 Writing about a dream (#1)


I usually don’t remember my dreams, but last night I had the most frightening dream of my life. Let me tell you about it.

I dreamt that I was walking in a very dark street, somewhere like a forest or a jungle where all I could hear were strange noises of strange animals. I ran around to find someone to help but all I saw was my shadow stretching in front of me. I felt so scared and didn’t know what to do, so I started running not knowing where to go. I knew that something was running behind me and I guessed it was an enormous creature because I could hear its footsteps. I ran faster but unfortunately there was a big lake in front of me. I had no choice except to jump in it, and that was exactly what I did.

Suddenly, I woke up sweating and out of breath as if I was running all night! I felt very happy when I knew it was just a dream.







Unit 10



 Writing about a dream (#2)


Last night I had a very strange and funny dream. Let me tell you about it.

I dreamt that I was in the car with my brother, we were going out for dinner. I closed the car’s door on my skirt by mistake. When I realized that, I decided to open the door to pull my skirt into the car. I was silly enough to think that I could open the car’s door while my brother was still driving!

The car was so fast and as soon as I opened the door, I fell out of the car! I was lying right in the middle of the road b2d***eaming loudly because I was so scared. My brother was so frightened and he got out of the car quickly to check if I was alright. I couldn’t move because half of my body was under the car! I was in so much pain. A lot of people got out of their cars and stood next to our car to see what happened. They called the ambulance and soon I was taken to the hospital.

Suddenly, I woke up b2d***eaming and laughing at the same time. I was very happy when I knew it was just a dream.













Unit 11

For Better or Worse


 Writing about marriage


Marriage is a sacred engagement between a man and a woman. By marriage, a person can build up his own family, as everyone in this life like to have. Thus, marriage ceremonies have differed nowadays from what it used to be like in the past.

In the past, girls used to get married at early age, and without seeing the person she’s getting married to. People used to celebrate their marriage ceremonies in tents, houses, or on the roof of the house. Celebration of the marriage used to last seven days, in which the bride used to wear different dresses every day with the two colours red and green. One night was called “Henna night”. All the brides and bridegroom’s families and friends design their hands with wonderful designs. The bridegroom used to pay all the expenses of the ceremony. In the morning of the wedding day, they used to sacrifice sheep to bless the wedding.

Nowadays, wedding is slightly different from what it used to be. First of all, the bride chooses the man she wants to be engaged with. Girls must see their ff**** husband before getting married, and sometimes they have loved each other before marriage. Wedding ceremonies usually last for two days. One is for “Henna” as in the past, and the other night is the wedding ceremony, where it usually takes place in hotels, clubs, houses or even modern tents. Nowadays celebrating wedding ceremonies costs a lot. The couple usually travels to spend their honeymoon.

Personally, I prefer celebrating my marriage as they used to do it in the past because I like to keep on our traditional customs and habits.











السؤال التاسع:علل لما يأتي:

1. تراجع العمالة الزراعية في الوطن العربي .


2. صناعة البتروكيماويه صناعة استراتيجية .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. نمو المدن العربية في الوقت الحاضر.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. زيادة نسبة الولادات في الوطن العربي .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. زيادة الجفاف في الوطن العربي .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. ازدياد أهمية النفط العربي بالنسبة للنفط المنتج في باقي دول العالم .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. . محدودية استثمار الموارد المعدنية في الوطن العربي---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. إمكانية تكامل عربي في ضوء الظروف الطبيعية ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .




9. ارتفاع نسبة الملوحة في مياه الوطن العربي -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. . تكون السهول الفيضية حول الأنهار في الدول العربية . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. اهتمام الدول العربية بمشاريع استصلاح الثروة المائية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. دور المواصلات المهم في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. ضعف مساهمة القطاع الخاص في الاستثمار الزراعي العربي .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. تنتشر مشاريع تحلية المياه البحر في دول الخليجية-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. تناقص البدو و تحولهم إلى حضر في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

16. تطور مدن الصحراء في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. قلة المياه في البيئة الصحراوية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18. اهتمام الدول العربية بمشاريع استصلاح الثروة المائية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19. اعتبار المواد الأولية من مقومات النشاط الصناعي الأساسية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

20. هجرة سكان الريف إلى المدن في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

21. تطور قطاع الخدمات والتجارة في الوطن العربي ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

22. قلة السكان في البيئة العربية الصحراوية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

23. ارتفاع نسبة الأمية في الدول العربية -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

24. نمو بطئ في الصناعات التحويلية في الدول النفطية في الفترة الأخيرة ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

25. اقتصاد الوطن العربي مندمج مع الاقتصاد العالمي----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26. ارتفاع أسعار النفط بعد عام 1972 م---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

27. ضعف البنية الأساسية للزراعة في الوطن العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

28. نمو بطئ غير مستقر لإنتاج الزراعي ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

29. عجز ميزان التجاري للسلع الزراعية في الوطن العربي ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

30. عجز الزراعة العربية عن تأمين الحاجات الغذائية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

31. دخول جزء كبير من النفط العربي في التجارة الدولية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32. إنشاء منظمة الأوبيك لأقطار المصدرة للنفط -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

33. ازدهار صناعة البتروكيماويات في الدول الخليجية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

34. ارتفاع كلفة الإنتاج الزراعي في الوطن العربي -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

35. ازدهار التنمية الصناعية بعد الاستقلال ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

36. تفاوت النمو السكاني بين الدول العربية --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

37. تتعزز مكانة الوطن العربي في العالم الإسلامي نتيجة لعوامل عدة -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

38. تعتبر عملية نقل النفط عنصر مشاركة وتكامل على مستوى الوطن العربي------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

39. إمكانية التوسع في الصناعات الغذائية .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

40. تطور قطاع الخدمات والتجارة في الوطن العربي---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




















ثالثــاً: قارن بين كل مما يأتي

نوع المقارنة العـــــراق الســــودان

القارة التى يقع فيها كل منهما



المسطحات المائية التى يشرف عليها



المرافئ التجارية فيها



موسم سقوط الأمطار في البلدين




ثالثاً : قارن بين كل مما يأ تي :

1 - منظمة الاوبــك ومنظمة ألا وابك .

• - منظمة ألا وابك : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - منظمة ألا وبك : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - الصادرات العربية والواردات العربية .

• - الصادرات العربية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الواردات العربية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 - المياه الجوفية العليا والمياه الجوفية العميقة

• - المياه الجوفية العليا ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - المياه الجوفية العميقة : --------------------------------------

4- نطاق الصحراء الجافة ونطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة

* - نطاق الصحراء الجافة ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* - نطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - نمط الإنتاج التقليدي ونمط الإنتاج الحديث في الاقتصاد العربي

* - نمط الإنتاج التقليدي -------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - نمط الإنتاج الحديث في الاقتصاد العربي ----------------------------------------------------------------


3 - الصدمة البترولية الأولي والصدمة البترولية الثانية

• - الصدمة البترولية الأولي --------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الصدمة البترولية الثانية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 - الحيازات الصغرى والحيازات الكبرى

• - الحيازات الصغرى ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الحيازات الكبرى ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


5 - السهول الفيضية والسهول الساحلية

* - السهول الفيضية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* - السهول الساحلية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 - الجبال الالتوائية والجبال الانكسارية

• - الجبال الالتوائية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - الجبال الانكسارية ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 - أثر القارية على المناخ الوطن العربي وأثر المسطحات المائية على مناخ الوطن العربي

• - أثر القارية على المناخ الوطن العربي ------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - أثر المسطحات المائية على مناخ الوطن العربي -----------------------------------------------------------

8 – المصارف المركزية والمصارف التجارية

* - المصارف المركزية -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* المصارف التجارية ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 – هضبة نجد وهضبة حضرموت

• - هضبة نجد ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - هضبة حضرموت -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 - نطاق الصحراء الجافة و نطاق الصحراء شبه الجافة

* - نطاق الصحراء الجافة ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

• - نطاق الصحراء شبة الجافة ----------------------------------------------------------------------------












السؤال الحادي عشر:

أولاً:أدرس خريطة الوطن العربي المرفقة ثم أكتب ما تمثله الأرقام المثبتة عليها:

1،2منافذ بحرية 3،4أنهار

5،6هضاب 7،8موانئ تصدير نفط

9،10خطي طول 11،12دول

13،14رياح محلية 15،16،17مدن

ثانيا ً :ضع علامة صح أمام العبارات الصحيحة وعلامة خطأ أمام العبارات الخاطئة مع تصحيح الخطأ :

1. أقل الأقاليم الوطن العربي سكاناً القرن الإفريقي . ( )


2. تكون أخدود البجر الأحمر في الطور الجيولوجي الثالث .( )


3. يمر خط غر ينتش في الوطن العربي بتونس .( )


4.أكثر الدول إنتاجاً للفوسفات هي العراق .( )






ثانياً : ادرس خريطة الوطن العربي ثم استخدم الرموز المناسبة في توزيع ما يلى :

1 - ثلاث دول تشتهر بصناعة البتروكيماويات .

2 – السهول الساحلية الصحراوية القاحلة ( الاكتفاء بمنطقتين )

3 – دولتان من الدول التي تسهم في العون الإنمائي.

4 – أسم المضيق الذي يربط البحر المتوسط بالمحيط الأطلسي.

5 – أسم البحر الذي يفصل الجناح الآسيوي عن الجناح الأفريقي العربي.


ثالثا ً : أقرأ المستند الذي أمامك ثم أجب عن الأسئلة التي تليه في ( الصفحة رقم 91 مستند9 )

1 - كيف توسعت الأراضي الزراعية في الوطن العربي ؟ لماذا ؟

2 - ما مضاعفات هذا التوسع .

رابعاً : أقرأ المستند ثم أجب عن الأسئلة التي تليه انطلاقاً منه وفي ضوء ما درسته :( صفحة 72 مستند 6 )

1 - حدد أسماء الدول العربية التي تنتمي الى فئة الولادات ( 30 % الى 40 % )

2 - عدد الدول العربية التي يقل فيها معدل الوفيات عن ( 5 % ) .

3 - بم تفسر انخفاض معدل الوفيات في الوطن العربي .

4 – ما أثر النمو السكاني المتسارع على الدول العربية .

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أنج 104


Unit 1




Kids and sport



 A popular sport


The main reason why people take up a sport is to enjoy them selves while others like to get fitter and stronger. Whatever sport you try, remember that you don’t have to be good at it to enjoy it, taking part is fun. Sports also give you lots of opportunities to meet people and make new friends.

One of the most popular sports you can take part in is table tennis, it is very well-known and a lot of people enjoy it. It’s an indoor game, and can be played by two or four players. Anyone can play it, men, women, or mixed.

Table tennis is an easy sport, it starts when one of the players hits a small light ball using a bat. The ball goes back and forth across a table divided by a low net, until a player makes a shot that an opponent is unable to return.

Try playing table tennis and you’ll like it!



Volleyball is an interesting team sport that was invented by William G.Morgan in America in 1895. It is played by twelve players (six players in each team).

It is played in a court which is 9 by 18m and divided into two sides by a net. It is based on hitting the ball back and forth over the net.

Volleyball is easy to play and a lot of people enjoy it. An estimated 800 million people play it throughout the world.


Unit 1

Kids and sport



 A famous athlete (sport player)


Diego Maradona is an Argentinean footballer. He has been playing football for twenty years since he was fifteen years old. He started playing football on the street when he was young. One day a man from the local club was watching him playing, so he asked him to join the club, and he became famous. Maradona is enthusiastic about most sports, but he is crazy about football.

Maradona trains about 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. The training sessions start at 4 o’clock and last until 7 o’clock.

Being addicted to sports, Maradona faces many problems. He worries about injuries a lot, he has broken his leg many times! Another problem is that he travels a lot so he doesn’t have any time for his family and friends.

Maradona has participated in lots of matches and many world competitions and he has won many cups and awards. He has always believed that one day he will become the most famous sport player in the world!



Unit 2

Having it done


 A letter about winning a prize!


P.O. Box XXX,

XXX, Bahrain


20th March, 2002

Dear XXX,

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re fine. I’m writing this letter to tell you about what happened to me last week. I won the number one prize in the lottery.

I’m very happy at the moment, because I won 1,000,000 dollars. I was told by my friend that my name was in the newspaper and that I’ve won the first prize. I couldn’t believe it at first. I still can’t believe it and I’m over the moon about it. I became rich!

I haven’t got a clue about what I’ll do with the money yet, but I have some plans to improve my life. First of all, I will give some of the money to my parents, and I’ll give some for charity. I will go on a spending spree in Seef Mall and I’ll buy a lot of clothes and records. I will also spend some of the money on my room. I’m going to have it painted in blue, and I will have my furniture changed. One more thing I want to do is to save some money for the ff****.

Anyway, I have to leave now, hoping to hear from you soon…




Unit 4




 Writing about an explorer


James co**2 is a famous captain and explorer. He was born in 1782. He was married to Elizabeth Batts and had 6 children. He served in the Royal Navy for 13 years and dies in 1779. co**2 had many expeditions, one of the most famous expeditions was in 1776 when he left England in two ships called “Resolution” and “Discovery” to try to find a route around North America. He sailed to the Pacific ocean and discovered the Hawaiian islands in 1778. He also sailed north along the west coast of America and got very close to Alaska.

co**2 faced a few problems during his trip. He couldn’t finish it because he was forced back by the ice. He also got in a scuffle with the Hawaiians over a stolen boat and not only that… He got killed in that scuffle!

co**2 is known for his many achievements and discoveries that led to Australia, New Zealand and many South Pacific islands. Many of the places he discovered are named after him and became British Colonies. co**2 is now remembered as a skilled navigator and a great explorer.










Unit 4



Christopher Columbus is a sailor and an explorer who was born in Italy in 1451. Spain’s queen and king gave him three ships and money to sail and bring rich cargoes of gold, spice and treasure. He left Spain in 1492 and sailed to west across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus reached an island in the Americas and in the Bahamas, and he found main America in 1498.

Columbus faced some problems on his way, because the ship sailed for three weeks without seeing any land and the crew became afraid.

Columbus was the first European to enter and explore the Caribbean Sea, and he made four voyaged to the Americas. He died in 1506.
























Unit 5

A series of misfortunes



 Writing about a series of misfortunes


Last week, I went with my cousins Ben, Paul and Angie on a picnic. We stopped our car near a beautiful farm. It looked great for picnic. We walked around the farm enjoying the views. My dog Snoopy was enjoying himself running here and there. We came across a field of golden wheat, it seemed ready for harvest. As we walked across it, we had our picnic of fruit, chicken nuggets and some cokes. As we continued to walk, we came across a gate. We opened it and ignored a sign to close the door behind us. The cows inside went outside their field and headed to the road. Snoopy saw some sheep and soon it was chasing them. They were running everywhere. In fact, one of the lambs fell in the river. Suddenly, we heard someone shouting. It was the farmer. We felt really frightened and ran to our car. We were just about to get into our car when we found out that we had a flat tire. We stopped. We didn’t know what to do. The farmer came to us. He was really angry about the damage we had made to the farm. It was the worst picnic we had ever had.












Unit 5

A series of misfortunes



 Writing a letter about a series of misfortunes


P.O. Box XXX,




1st April 2002

Dear Richard,

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re fine. I have been staying in bed for a few days because I broke my ankle last Wednesday. Let me tell you how it happened.

If I hadn’t watched the film and slept late, none of the things that I’m going to say would have happened. Last Wednesday, I got up late and unfortunately missed the school bus. Neither of my parents could help me that day. My dad was away on business and my mother goes to work early on Wednesdays. After thinking for a while, I decided to walk to school. While I was walking, a man stopped his car and offered to give me a lift up the hill. I accepted his offer because I was late. When we arrived to school, the man stopped his car where there was a huge hole in the pavement. I didn’t see the hole because I was turning round to thank him, so I caught my foot in the hole and fell. If I had been careful I wouldn’t have broken my ankle.

That’s all for now. I have to call my classmate to ask him about today’s homework. I have to stay in bed for one week.

Write to me soon.



Unit 6

Exploring The Past


 Writing about life in Bahrain in the past


Life in Bahrain is not as it used to be 50 years ago, everything was different.

The houses, for example were made of stones and woods and they used to be smaller. Women used to stay at home to do the housework with their daughters, while their sons used to help their fathers in their work out of the house. The men used to grow plants like fruit and vegetables, and they also used to dive and go fishing. The boys used to go to school, while the girls used to stay at home and learn the Holy Qura’an. The food was different, people used to dry fruit and fish. The cooking equipment used to be simple. People used to get water from wells and springs. They didn’t take medicines, they used herbs instead. The roads in Bahrain used to be narrow and there weren’t many cars. People used to walk or ride donkeys to move from a place to another. Well, that’s all about life in Bahrain 50 years ago.

I like modern life much more, because everything is easier now and people don’t have to make a lot of effort to do simple things. There are advantages and disadvantages about the past and the modern life, but I like my life now more than the past life… Well, that’s my opinion!







Unit 6

Exploring The Past


 Writing a letter about the Iron Age village


P.O Box XXX,

Manama, Bahrain



Dear XXXX,

Hi, how are you? I didn’t hear from you for a long time. Let me tell you about my news.

My family and 10 other families are spending unusual three months. We are taking part in an experiment being carried out by some archeologist to understand more about life during the Iron Age (500 BC – 800 AD). We have left our town to live in a recreation of an Iron Age village.

Each one of us has responsibilities. My father spends most of his time chopping woods, he thinks it’s hard work but he enjoys it. My mother spends her time preparing food for everybody, but she can’t co**2 easily because she doesn’t know how to use the equipment and the lay oven available here. Sometimes she feels like giving up and going home. John is having a great time fetching the water in buckets, and helping my father chop woods. He stays it’s hard work, but he likes it. I’m having a very good time. I enjoy sitting round the fire at night when everybody tells each other stories. Although I’m having fun here, there are things I dislike about living in the village. I don’t like wearing the rough clothes and I also don’t like grinding wheat. I miss my normal like, I miss TV, ice-cream, chocolate and school.

Anyway there is no use complaining because we must get used to living here for a while. I must stop now.

Best wishes,











Unit 9

Back To the ff****


 Writing about the ff****


This morning I got up early and soon I was ready for school. While I was waiting for the school bus, I started to think what life would be like in the year 2500.

First of all, I thought of clothes. I think we will be wearing clothes that change according to the weather, they make us feel warm when it’s cold, and feel cool when the weather is hot. After that, I started to think of food. The food will have changed by then. We will be eating pills instead of fruit and vegetables, and we will eat canned food that can be prepared quickly. Another thing I thought about was studying. We won’t be going to schools, because by then school will have been cancelled. Students will be studying through the internet. People will have been studying for 2 years by that time to get any collage degree. I also thought about other things that might change in my life. I will be moving from a place to another by cars that move by the solar system. They won’t need petrol so there will be less pollution. I will also be able to travel to different planets by spaceships, or I might be able to take a ride to the moon! In my free time I will shopping through the internet and listening to music. I will also be playing some interesting video games. I will be visiting my friends all the time, and using tiny mobile phones to contact them. I will also be seeing them by satellite.

I think that life in the ff**** will be easier and everything will be done quickly. I wish I could live in the year 2500. It will be an interesting life.






Unit 10



 Writing about a dream (#1)


I usually don’t remember my dreams, but last night I had the most frightening dream of my life. Let me tell you about it.

I dreamt that I was walking in a very dark street, somewhere like a forest or a jungle where all I could hear were strange noises of strange animals. I ran around to find someone to help but all I saw was my shadow stretching in front of me. I felt so scared and didn’t know what to do, so I started running not knowing where to go. I knew that something was running behind me and I guessed it was an enormous creature because I could hear its footsteps. I ran faster but unfortunately there was a big lake in front of me. I had no choice except to jump in it, and that was exactly what I did.

Suddenly, I woke up sweating and out of breath as if I was running all night! I felt very happy when I knew it was just a dream.







Unit 10



 Writing about a dream (#2)


Last night I had a very strange and funny dream. Let me tell you about it.

I dreamt that I was in the car with my brother, we were going out for dinner. I closed the car’s door on my skirt by mistake. When I realized that, I decided to open the door to pull my skirt into the car. I was silly enough to think that I could open the car’s door while my brother was still driving!

The car was so fast and as soon as I opened the door, I fell out of the car! I was lying right in the middle of the road b2d***eaming loudly because I was so scared. My brother was so frightened and he got out of the car quickly to check if I was alright. I couldn’t move because half of my body was under the car! I was in so much pain. A lot of people got out of their cars and stood next to our car to see what happened. They called the ambulance and soon I was taken to the hospital.

Suddenly, I woke up b2d***eaming and laughing at the same time. I was very happy when I knew it was just a dream.













Unit 11

For Better or Worse


 Writing about marriage


Marriage is a sacred engagement between a man and a woman. By marriage, a person can build up his own family, as everyone in this life like to have. Thus, marriage ceremonies have differed nowadays from what it used to be like in the past.

In the past, girls used to get married at early age, and without seeing the person she’s getting married to. People used to celebrate their marriage ceremonies in tents, houses, or on the roof of the house. Celebration of the marriage used to last seven days, in which the bride used to wear different dresses every day with the two colours red and green. One night was called “Henna night”. All the brides and bridegroom’s families and friends design their hands with wonderful designs. The bridegroom used to pay all the expenses of the ceremony. In the morning of the wedding day, they used to sacrifice sheep to bless the wedding.

Nowadays, wedding is slightly different from what it used to be. First of all, the bride chooses the man she wants to be engaged with. Girls must see their ff**** husband before getting married, and sometimes they have loved each other before marriage. Wedding ceremonies usually last for two days. One is for “Henna” as in the past, and the other night is the wedding ceremony, where it usually takes place in hotels, clubs, houses or even modern tents. Nowadays celebrating wedding ceremonies costs a lot. The couple usually travels to spend their honeymoon.

Personally, I prefer celebrating my marriage as they used to do it in the past because I like to keep on our traditional customs and habits.

Edited by الحنونة
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Eng 105


1) For and against


Basic tips:

1) Try to write 4 paragraphs. An introduction, advantages, disadvantages, and a conclusion.

2) Try to point out an equal number of advantages and disadvantages.

3) Link sentences with linking words (In the first place, …. - To begin with, … - In addition, ….. - What is more, … - Furthermore, … – Then, there is …. – Finally, …. – Last but not least, …)

4) Use indentation (Leave a space in the beginning of each paragraph)

5) You can use contrasting expressions to compare one point to another like:

Although / In spite of the fact that / While “It is expensive” , “it is very low in quality”


“It is very expensive”. However / Nevertheless / On the other hand / In spite of this, “it is very low in quality”



A. Keeping animals in zoos


Keeping animals in zoos has many advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most obvious advantages of keeping animals in zoos is that animals are looked after when they are sick. This can give them the best of care and also protect them from diseases. In addition to that, it’s a place where people can see and learn about animals. Finally, it can be a good place for scientists to study animals and their needs, so that they can protect them becoming extinct.


On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, they are prevented from their freedom, which can cause them to be unhappy and uncomfortable. Furthermore, animals are usually forced to do silly tricks to entertain visitors of the zoo, and that might cause them discomfort. Last but not least, keeping animals in zoos can disturb the natural balance of wildlife.


In conclusion, keeping animals in zoos can be the best way to study them and save them from becoming extinct by breeding programs. However, it would be better to keep them in wild protected areas, and study them there.


B. Owning a television

Many people like watching television and spend hours sitting watching that small b2d***een. However this has both advantages and disadvantages.


One of the obvious advantages of having a television is that it offers cheap and convenient entertainment which nearly everyone can afford. This is especially important for people who are alone all day or for large families who can’t afford to go out to cinemas. What is more, television can have a serious educational side and there are plenty of good current affairs programmes which are very informative.


On the other hand, having a television can have certain disadvantages. While it is good to have such cheap and convenient entertainment in your own living room, it may also mean the end of reading and conversation for large parts of the evening. Furthermore, although there are many good programmes on television, there is often too much blood and violence on b2d***een. This can be especially harmful for children.


All in all, I think that having a television is important and watching it is useful if one knows how, when and what to watch.


C. Studying abroad

When you want to be different in your family you should do something different also. So when you also want to be the best one of them you should look after your study.


One of the most important things that you must take care of is your ff****. So you should try to build a good one by studying in good places. I hope that my brothers and I study in the best places. People always think that studying abroad is a good way to start our lives. However, it has some advantages and disadvantages.


Let’s look at the dark side first. When you are in a different country you might be affected by the culture there. Also, you will find yourself in a place that you can’t get along with at first. This means that you will have to hold a lot of responsibilities. Furthermore, you will be far away from your family and you will feel lonely.

However, studying abroad has a lot of advantages. In the first place, schools in other countries teach students in a better way than ours’ do. In addition to that, they give students a higher certificate. Last but not least, studying abroad gives the student time to learn different things like housekeeping for example.


Finally, we can say that studying abroad is a good way to improve our language and education. But in the same time it can affect our tradition and culture.


D. Traveling abroad (Ahmed Al-Khaja)

Many people travel abroad for several reasons. Some prefer not to do so. Personally, I believe traveling abroad has both advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most obvious advantages of traveling abroad is that it introduces new cultures and gets you to know the customs and traditions of other nations. Furthermore, traveling abroad is a great mean of leisure and entertainment. Finally, by traveling abroad you can receive education by entering courses in high reputable universities and institutes.


On the other hand, traveling abroad can have many disadvantages. First of all, it can cause you to get affected by other cultures and forget your own. What is more, you can face very risky situations while being abroad. Being foreign to the country, you might find it difficult to escape these situations. Last but not least, many people have a tendency to spend too much money when being abroad. When they return home, they might face financial problems because of this behaviour.


In conclusion, traveling abroad might be of benefit to the traveler, but it also might cause him misery. I think the kind of person the traveler is determines whether traveling abroad is good or bad for him.


E. Owning a mobile phone

One of the most important developments in the field of telecommunication is the mobile phone. I believe the mobile phone has both advantages and disadvantages.


We are now in the 21st century, and it is necessary to contact with other sides of the world. The mobile phone makes this easy. All my family and I have got a mobile phone. Furthermore, the mobile phone can help one get out of risky situations. Finally, the mobile is small and easy to carry.

On the other hand, owning a mobile phone can cost a lot of money. In addition to that, it can also cause one’s body harm if he uses it too much. Last but not least, mobiles can be annoying if the network isn’t very strong.


Owning a mobile phone in this age has become very essential. However one should control himself and only use it for important calls.


F. Owning a car

Every family has one or two cars or two nowadays. But, owning a car has both advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most obvious advantages of owning a car is that a car allows people to move around freely. Furthermore, there is no need to wait for a bus or a taxi, so it saves time. Moreover, owning a car is a comfortable way to travel. Especially in the winter. It can protect you from standing under the rain or in the cold. Last but not least, a car makes your life safer. You will not need to walk down a dark street to wait for a bus or take a taxi.


On the other hand, owning a car has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, owning a car can be very expensive. As well, the fuel costs a lot and a car is expensive to maintain. Although it allows people to more around freely, it is very exhausting to drive in rush hour traffics. Moreover, it causes death to many people every day. Finally, if you leave your car in the street it might get stolen.


Although owning a car has some disadvantages, it has more important advantages. Therefore, I think it is very important nowadays to own a car.


G. Living in a big family (Ali Shubbar)

It is known that people in the past used to have big families. They took it as an advantage. However, nowadays, people think it has some disadvantages.


One of the most obvious advantages of having a big family is that you can never be alone (isolated) or feel bored. Therefore, you will always fell safe and secure. Furthermore, brothers and sisters can help each other in education. They can exchange some of their experiences. Moreover, they support each other when they face a problem. What’s more, if the children grew up and worked, they may help their parents financially. More than that, children can wear each other’s clothes or play with each other’s toys.



On the other hand, having a big family has its disadvantages. In the first place, it may be difficult for the parents to control them and provide them with sufficient food, clothing and education expenses. Moreover, they won’t be able to go out a lot, because it will cost too much. For instance, if you decided to go to the cinema, it will cost at least BD 2 for each one. Added to that, having a big family means a lot of fighting. Everyone wants to watch a different program and eat a different meal …etc. That means their needs will increase.


Finally, is having a big family good or bad? In my case, living in a normal family is the perfect thing for me.


H. Living in a city or in a country? (From Noor Altawheed)

A lot of people want to live in a city, so some of them moved from the country to the city looking for better chances. But still there are some people who prefer to live in a country. So is it better to live in a city or in a country?

First, let’s talk about living in a city. It’s preferred as a place to live in because it shows you a variety of people, races and cultures. Also, it’s more exiting with its movies, theatres and restaurants. Then, there are lots of interesting shops, which make your shopping great and comfortable. Finally, the most important advantage is that it gives you more job opportunities.

On the other hand, some people don’t prefer to live in the city because it has a lot of drawbacks. One of them is the traffic jams and parking problems. Also, the polluted air, which affects our health. In addition, living there is so expensive. Furthermore, the shops are always crowded, so that makes us worried. The most important thing is that living there can be more dangerous because there are so many crimes.

Now, we’ll take about living in a country. Life in the country is very peaceful and quite. The people are so friendly and kind. Then, there is the fresh air, which comforts us. You live there with out pollution, noise, stress or crimes.

From anther way, living in the country can has its disadvantages. One of them is that you’ll be isolated from the outer world and away from modern life. Then there are less jobs, schools and hospitals, because off all these, we see that the education and health levels are so low.

In my point of view, I think I prefer living in the city to be close to the modern technology, and visiting the country is just for talking rest and change.


2) Writing a balanced Report


Basic tips:

1) Start a new section for each topic.

2) Start the section by writing its’ heading underlined

3) Write in a formal style.

4) Use connecting words (Therefore – so – because – although – however – in spite of – nevertheless – despite – as – but – beside – apart from)

5) Write both positive and negative sides.

6) Use the present simple form (They are – it is ……etc.)



A. (By Ali Shubbar)




To: Mr. Gary Rees

From: Ali Shubbar

Subject: Cape Side High School


I visited Cape side high School and was quite impressed by the school and by the environment.


The school: This is made up of three buildings linked together. Pitches and courts are found there. Although the classes are dirty and not airy, they are big. There is a fully equipped computer center in the second building, and a quite stocked library.


Staff: Those we met seemed very friendly and efficient. All are well qualified, and the examination results are semi-excellent.


Laboratories & Gymnasium: Labs are not fully equipped. Lots of materials are not available. The gym is fully equipped with three playgrounds for different games.


Environment: This is a busy housing and school area, but with the policemen everything is going just the way it should be to stop the crowd.


Conclusion: This school would be an ideal place for a holiday course. However, the classes must be cleaned and the labs must be fully equipped.


B. (From the book)



To: Mrs. Money

From: Anna Springfield

Subject: Hot Dollar Country Club


I visited the Hot Dollar country club last might and was quite impressed by what I saw, although with certain reservations.


The building: This is a large country house with tasteful decorations and fittings. Downstairs, there is a large lounge with an open log fire, a café, restaurant and games room. Upstairs, there are bedrooms and a well stocked library.


The restaurant: The food is of a high standard although prices are very high. The choice of vegetarian dishes is rather limited.


The café and the games room: Excellent, the music in the café is varied up-to-date. As for the staff, they are patient and efficient.


The gardens: I found the lawns and gardens beautiful. Some of the paths are rather steep, however, especially for older club members.


Conclusion: All together, I was impressed by the club. I feel it is a suitable place to entertain our clients and definitely recommend it. However, I think we should speak to the owner on the subject of vegetarian meals and better paths for older members.


3) Transactional letter – Applying for holiday jobs


Basic tips:

1) Start each paragraph on a new line with indentation.

2) The style should be not too formal and not too informal.

3) Try to use the following sequence in your ideas:

a. Opening ( Introduction and reason for writing)

b. Why you want the job.

c. Age and experience

d. Request for information

e. Ending (Photos and offer of references)

4) Use the layout shown in the examples


Useful expressions:

I saw your advertisement in …..

I would like to apply for a job as ……

I would like to know more about ……

Please could you send me details about ……

Could you please let me know ……

I am sending a photograph / a reference as requested.

I can come for an interview at any time.

I look forward to hearing from you.



A. By Soso

PO box 133






Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to ask you about your advertisement which you put in the newspaper last week.

I liked this job because I have always dreamt of spending a summer holiday in a camp. I like sports and entertainment.

I am 17 years old, I like cooking and I feel that working with you is a good chance to create more friendships.

I am from Bahrain and my holiday lasts until the 3rd of September.

Could you please let me know how much you will give me, and where we will stay ((send me a photo if possible)). Also, I want to know about the activities that could be done after the work hours ((at night)).

I will be very thankful if you reply as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully,

Kathy Sam

B. By Ali Shubbar

P.O. Box 222,




Nov 2, 2002


Dear Sir/Madam,

I saw your advertisement in the paper and am very interested in helping for the camps.

I’m a student and like to have fun. I enjoy being with young people. Working with you would be an ideal chance (opportunity) to spend some time outdoors (abroad).

I’m 16 years old and very fit. Although I’ve never helped in camping before, I have helped in a Fête and I’m used to working hard. I can organize sports and entertainments.

Could you please let me know how many hours I’m going to work and how modest the accommodation is? I would also like to know what kind of sports I’m going to organize, and if it is necessary to know how to co**2.

Here I enclose a photo as requested. My last employer will be happy to write me a reference if you so wish.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully (sincerely),

Ali Shubbar


4) A formal letter


Basic tips:

1) Use the layout shown in the examples.

2) The style must be formal.

3) Do NOT use contradictions (He’s , I’d …)

4) Address strangers by Sir/Madam.

5) Use paragraphs, but without indentation.

6) When deb2d***ibing use the following sequence:

Size  colour  pattern  material  article  additional information

7) Use commas to divide groups of words in a sentence or separate items in a list.


Useful expressions:

Thank you for your letter of ….

I am writing in reply to …..

I am writing to inform you of ….

to complain about …..

to enquire about …..

to apply for …….

for more information about …..

I would be grateful if you could / would …..

Could you possibly ……

I would be grateful if you would …..

I look forward to hearing from you / meeting you very soon.



A. A letter of complaint (Ali Shubbar)

P.O. Box 1294



October 3, 2002


SONY, Ashraf

P.O. Box ….




Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to complain about a videocassette recorder (VCR) which I bought from your store in the SALE two weeks ago. I tried the sample VCR for flaws and checked how it worked. When I got to the cashier, however, the assistant got me a packed one, and assured me it was perfect.

I was very happy about buying the VCR; I switched on the power and played the cassette. Suddenly, the cassette got stuck. Added to that, I lost the cassette because it was torn inside the VCR.

As you will understand, I was extremely upset when this happened. Although I bought the VCR in the SALE, it cost a lot. Moreover, I only bought it from you because of your reputation for perfect quality. In fact, I have always recommended your store to friends in the past. I shall think twice before I do so again.

Here I enclose the VCR with this letter and look forward to receiving an apology and a full refund of the cost BD 200 or a replacement for the VCR.


I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,


Ali Shubbar


B. Deb2d***iptive Letter (Ali Shubbar)

P.O. Box 222



Oct 20 2002



Seef Mall,




Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to ask if anybody has handed in a car key, which I think I lost in your store last Wednesday evening. I put it on the cashier counter to pay the money, and then probably left it there.

It is a BMW car key, with a rectangle shape and the BMW’s slogan. I am desperate to find it because I can’t start my car without it, and it is the only spare one with remote control.

Please could you let me know if anybody has handed in a car key of this deb2d***iption, and if it would be possible to call me on 222222 so I can come and pick it up.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,

Ali Shubbar


5) Writing a narrative


Basic tips:

1) Try using the following sequence:

a. Introduction (Background – Who? – Where? – When?)

b. The beginning of the story

c. The cause of the accident / situation

d. Your feeling while the accident.

e. The end of the story (The solution)

f. Conclusion

2) Make the beginning unusual or dramatic.

3) Make sure the events follow each other logically.

4) Start a new paragraph for each new stage of the story and use indentation.

5) Leave gaps between paragraphs

6) Use linking words (In the beginning – after that – a few seconds later – a while later – in the end)


Tenses Used:

Past continuous( was …ing): to deb2d***ibe what was happening at the same time as the main event began.

Past Perfect (had done / had been doing): to show one action was finished before another began.

Past Simple: to deb2d***ibe what happened after the main event began OR to list a sequence of separate events.



a. Frightening story (From Noor Altawheed)

Last night while I was sleeping in my room, all my family was sleeping also, and the house was quiet. Suddenly, I woke up when I heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen.


It was about two o’clock in the morning, so I got up frightened and walked slowly towards the door. I opened it quietly, that was when I saw my parents crossing the hall to the kitchen. So I followed them. But when they heard my footsteps my mother shouted.


Quickly I answered her: “Mum”, she stopped shouting and held my hand. After that, we continued walking until we were in front of the kitchen door. My father opened it. We saw a body lying on the floor and the blood was covering the entire place. My mother and I started shouting and b2d***eaming until my mother lost her conscious. Then the body stood up and laughed loudly. He was just my brother Hussain and he was joking with us!


After minutes, my mother woke up and asked what was going on. When she knew that he was just my brother, she became extremely angry and punished him.


I was so happy for that!


b. Scary story (By Ali Shubbar)

Sometimes the simplest things, for example, a box of matches can cause a serious accident in the house. I was 6 years old. I returned home from school to our house in Essa Town. I greeted my mother. I went upstairs to have some rest until my father came back and until lunch was ready.


My mother had to go to go to the super market to get some cooking oil. It wasn't far away. Only 10 minutes away from our house. I had a sore throat that day, so my mother decided to leave me home while she went to the supermarket to buy the oil. I was playing with my toy in the hall near the kitchen, got a box of matches from a drawer and lit a match and put it too close to my toy. In a second, the toy caught fire and it moved to my clothes.


My brother found me b2d***eaming, in great pain. He got a big towel from the bathroom, wetted it with some water very quickly and wrapped me with it put the fire out. Then he called the ambulance. The ambulance came in 10 minutes. I was badly hurt. They handled me, and they put some bandages on my hand. I thanked god that I stayed alive.


6) Deb2d***ibing festivals and ceremonies


Basic tips:

1) Deb2d***ibe every one or two aspects of the festival in a separate paragraph.

2) Use plenty of adjectives and adverbs.

3) Use the passive to deb2d***ibe preparations and celebrations.

4) Use the present simple to deb2d***ibe activities.

5) When making notes uses headings such as:

Name of festival: Where, when, why it is celebrated




The day’s events:

Evening activities:

Events for the children:

Other details:




a. Eid Ul-Adhu (Taliba Alnoor)

Eid _ul-Adha is celebrated throughout the Muslim world as a commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for God. Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Thul-Hijja. Sheep and goat are killed as a reminder of the sheep God provided as a substitute for Ismail, and the meat is shared with the poor.


Preparations being a few days earlier, new clothes are bought and special Arabic coffee is prepared. Delicious traditional sweets such as halwa and rahash are bought. Streets are decorated with beautiful and shining lights.


On the morning of the festival, children go to neighbours to take the "Eideyya'. The family members visit each other. In the afternoon, a special meal, called "Machboos" is cooked and served when the family gathers. Late in the afternoon, children go to the seaside to celebrate the "Heyya Beyya" which is a small plant grown in a small basket for children. They throw it in the sea with a wish to reach the Holy City of Mecca.


Eid-ul-Adha is surely one of the most enjoyable festivals of the year and everybody, especially the children, looks forward to its return.




b. The day of Bahrain (Ali Shubbar)

The most nation wide events in Bahrain are the National day and the Coronation day. They are held all over Bahrain each year on 16, 17 December. The idea started when Bahrain became independent in 1971 and the late Emir Sheikh Isa held the throne.


Preparations begin weeks before hand. The streets are decorated with multi color lamps, big colorful posters with the pictures of H.M. The King. Costumes and masks are carefully designed and vehicles are decorated with Bahrain’s flags. Flags and streamers are hung and placed all over Bahrain. Buildings are decorated. Drum bands rehearse. Students at school rehearse as well for the big day.


The event lasts for 2 days and is a glorious feast of music and color. The procession of the day followed by dancers and bands in original Arab costumes parades, and the spectators’ cheers fill the cold air. At night, people rush to Isa Town stadium to watch the firework displays. They are watched in many areas, too. They add to the beauty of the celebration. Several channels transmit the celebration live to enable people at home to watch the festival as well.


The festival is a carefree holiday to the majority of people on the island. Thousands of people watch the festival. It’s a day to remember.


c. The national day

The most colorful festival in Bahrain is the national day. It is held all over Bahrain each year on the 16th of December. It marks the independence of Bahrain in 1971.


Preparations begin two weeks before hand. Traditions costumes are carefully designed and some vehicles are decorated with Bahrain’s flag. Streets and houses are decorated with bright lights, streamers and big posters with pictures of the royal family. Steel and drum bans rehearse. Student at the school rehearse for the big festival. The whole country looks wonderful before that day.


The celebrations last for three days. It is a wonderful feast of joy and happiness. On the first day H.H the emir addresses the nation. Later on, many people head for the emirs palace to congratulate him on this occasion.


In the afternoon people start gathering near the nation stadium in Isa town where the procession begins. Boys and girls put on their best clothes. Sword dancers in original Arab costumes perform in front of people. Several channels transmit the celebration live.


On the second and third day the celebration continues. There are fireworks and traditional singing and dancing. Thousand of people take part in the celebration – Bahraini’s and none Bahraini’s – the whole festival is a carefree holiday. And a great time to remember.

Every year my family and I watch this festival. We always have a great time. The national day is the happiest time in Bahrain


d. The wedding day

Weddings are very special occasions in almost every country. In Bahrain wedding ceremonies are happy times to all – families, friends and neighbors.


Preparations for the wedding start well beforehand. Relatives and friends of the couple take part in the preparations. If the wedding party is held in the groom’s house, the house is decorated with colorful lights. Sometimes a tent is put up near the house so that women can celebrate away from men. A special meal is prepared for the guests. Sometimes wedding parties are held in hotels, matams or special halls. Generally a lot of preparations are made before the wedding.


On the wedding day the guests don’t arrive before evenings. However, the day starts early for the couple and their close friends. The bride either goes to the hairdresser or summons a lady hairdresser to come to her. Her best friends help her to get dressed and get ready for the wedding. The bright groom does the same. He has to wear a special cloak called “Beshet”. He goes to the place where the wedding is to be held early and waits for the guests to arrive. Guests congratulate the groom and his family then they are invited to have a meal. There are no dancing or singing in the groom’s party. However women and girls sing to the bride and may even dance. The atmosphere in the party is that of happiness and enjoyment.


In the end the bride goes to live with her groom in his place, with little of tears because of leaving her family and home. However, with time she gets on with this situation and both of them, the groom and the bride, go on their honeymoon.





e. Weddings

Weddings are very happy occasions all over the world. In Bahrain, weddings are celebrated in different ways. However, I will write about the common features.


Preparations for the wedding usually take place two weeks beforehand. The bridegrooms and the bride’s families decorate their houses and invite relatives and friends to this special occasion. Relatives and friends of the couple often take part in the preparations. Some take care of decorating the place where the wedding will be held. Others prepare a special meal on the wedding day. Sometimes, the meal is ordered from restaurants and bakeries.


On the wedding day, the brides close friends help her get ready by putting Henna and make up and wearing special wedding clothes for this special occasion. Sometimes, a women hairdresser is called to help the bride with make up. The same happens to the bridegroom. There are two separate parties for men and women. The bridegroom puts on a traditional ((Bisht)) and receives the guests who come to congratulate him and his family. The guests are offered sweets and coffee before they are invited to have the meal. In the brides’ party, women and girls sing and dance to the bride. However, men cannot see this because it is held in a closed place or in a special tent.


When the party is over, the couples go to their new house or go to the hotel. On the following day, special meal called ((Halwa)) is served in the morning for the guests who come to congratulate the bridegroom, the bride and their families. The honeymoon usually starts the next day.


Of course, recently great changes have taken place in this tradition.



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