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Everything posted by maryoum

  1. مايصير اخذ موقف من من شي احنه نختار اذا نستخدمه صح انا مو ضد التلفون بو كاميرا الاناء ينضح بما فيه , <_< والاستخدام السىء يدل على مستخدم سىء اذا منعنه التلفون بوكاميرا مارح نحل المشكله وهو المستخدم لهذا التلفون. وشكــرا B)
  2. شي عادي بالنسة لي خاصة اذا كان مكان امان ومثل ماقلتي/قلت مو اي مكان ومو اي وقت واعتقد انه المجتمع بدا يتقبل
  3. هاي الموضوع لازم ينطرح فالمنتدى الديني <_<
  4. حبيت ارد علموضوع لأنه عندي معلومات عن الي قلتي بالتحديد قريت وايد عن هالأشيا وانا الصراحة مهتمه وايد فيها. "الحياة السابقة أو "" اظن انه يسمى التقمص"" حسب الي قريته انه كل انسان عاش حياة سابقة لكن احنا مانتذكرها , يعني ممكن انتي تكونين فحياتج السابقة انسان اخر مرت عليج نفس اللحظة الي حسيتي انج تعرفينها الحين, يعني هالشي عشتي من قبل لكنج ماتتذكرين, والحياة السابقه لها تأثير كبير على حياتنا الحاليه . وفي موقع عالنت يتحدث عن الحياة السابقة لأطفال فيه قصص وحقائق صارت مع الأطفال . الموقع
  5. انا وحيدة علطول ومالجأ لأحد لسبب انه علاقتي بالناس سطحيه وايد حتى اهلي متأقلمة وايد مع الوضع وماني مكتئبه ولا زعلانه صار شي عادي بالنسبة لي
  6. مابي اجذب واقول اي لأن للحين ماصارت وحبيت احد اكثر من نفسي سواء من اهلي او من ربعي مو غرور بس يمكن ما اثق فحد كثر ما اثق فروحي ----------------------------------------------------------------
  7. اييييييييي البشنيتر جزء لا يتجزأ من ذكرات الطفوله لوووووول اتذكر انه يوم ياني تعقدت ومارحت المدرسه (( ابيها من الله)) بس كنت وايد احب الدوا مال البوشنيتر ريحته حلوه ومن ملل قعده البيت طلعت اغنيه عن البوشنيتر وصرت اغنيها وامي تضحك علي ههههههه كنت اكسر الخاطر ويا اللي فويهي ----------------------------------------------
  8. لازم نعرف انه الذكاء ماهو نوع واحد في الذكاء الوجداني - والذكاء الاجتماعي.. وبعد غير نسيتهم لوول الذكاء الاكاديمي ماهو مقياس لذكاء الشخص
  9. عيد الحب عيد انتشر لأغراض تجاريه واللي يجارونه هم من اللي مايدرون شنو اهيا الاسباب وراه (( والاسباب اهيا <_< انهم يبون يقصون عليهم وياخذون بيزاتهم برضاهم واهمه مستانسين )) ------------------------------------------------------------------- شلون صار في عيد للفالنتاين ؟؟؟ لما كانوا المسيحيين يزورون قبر القديس ( فالنتينو) كانوا يروحون من الكنيسه للقبر عبر طريق فيه ورود فكان الشباب فالطريق يهدون الورود للبنات لما صار هالشي عاده دايما يسوونها. ومع هجره المسيحيين من اوروبا لأميركا انتقل قبر القديس (( فالنتينو )) للولايات النتحده وانتقلت معاه هالعاده وصارت عيد يحتفل فيه بالحب. هاي الكلام قاله رجل دين ((مسيحي)) يعني المفروض انه هالعيد يحتفلون فيه المسيحيين بس لكن الظاهر البيزات اللي يطلعونها منهم ما تكفي <_< فسووه عيد لنا احنا بعد واحنا ماصدقنه
  10. احد يعرف اسامي المدارس اللي رح يسوون فيها تعليم الكتروني؟؟ انا قريت عن السالفه فالجريده لكن ماذكرروا اسامي مدارس
  11. اوووف عصرت فمصارين مخي واخرتها طلعت مثل المعدل العام 106 مابي
  12. عن نفسي انا ماحط مكياج لكن حاطه فبالي انا لما اشتغل بحط "اكيد بشكل خفيف مو جنه داشه عرس" --------------------------------------------------------------- ليش البنت تحط مكياج ؟؟؟؟ يمكن اول كانت تسوي عشان الرجل لكن ماظن الحين البنت تسوي جذي عشانه كثر ماتحط مكياج وتلبس شيك عشان تثبت نفسها وتميز روحها , و المكياج له دور فتعزيز ثقتها فنفسها ((( اتوقع جذي))) . ---------------------------------------------------------------
  13. حسب ليش صابغ: -اذا كان شعره ابيض: اصلا انا احب اللي شعرهم ابيض وبوايد احلى من اللي صابغين -يماشي الموضه : أخاف بيي يوم ويقولي موضتج انتهت ويروح يغيرني مابيه اللي حاف حواجبه عاد هاذي مو مشكله" مصيبه" لأني اصلا مابقدر اطالعه لأنه الصراحه صج """ منظر مقرف "" ------------------------------------------------------------------- اكيد في فرق بين "الذكر" و "الرجل" الذكر في كل مكان لكن الرياييل مافي منهم وايد وانا ابي ريال
  14. اكيد الحريه المقيده . حتى احنا " مسيرين ومخيرين" اكيد مانقدر نتحكم فوجودنا لكن نقدر نتحكم فاختياراتنا اعتقد انا هاي خير مثال على الحريه المقيده. ------------------------------------------------------------------- اما كيف نعطي الحريه للبنت ؟؟؟ انا مع انه مانفرض اي شي على اي احد , لكن فنفس الوقت لازم يكون في شوي مراعاه للمجتمع و عاداته , يعني المجتمع له دور في تقييد حريته البنت او الولد " مع ان مو دايما اهو صح " , و الأهل لازم يتماشون مع المحيط وما ينسلخون عنه فتربيه ابناءهم لأن فالآخر ابنائهم رح يضطرون انه يعيشون فنفس المجتمع . ------------------------------------------------------------------ شكرا علموضوع
  15. (((((((انا ضد الزواج لمجرد الزواج))))))) الزواج عندي ماهو بهدف لكن وسيله عشان اتحسن للافضل في كل شي واذا كان هالزواج رح يغير حياتي للأسوأ فــ (( فالطقاق)) مابيه .
  16. هل الحب للبنت عار؟؟ في مجتمعنا اي عار
  17. شخص منااااافق لأقصى درجه
  18. أظن انه الانسان في هالفتره الحرجه من حياته غير مخول انه يتخذ قرار لأنه فتغيرات مستمره , يمكن قله الوعي لدى المراهقين بالتطورات اللي رح تحدث لهم في هاذي الفتره وضحاله الثقافه اللي تأدي لضحاله مستوى التفكير , واكيد الافتقاد للحب والحنان من الاسره شي طبيعي انه من الاسباب الرئيسيه (( اكثر اللي يسوون علاقات ماعندهم شي اسمه حوار مع اهلهم)) ومفتقدين لدفىء الاسره فيدورون عليه خارج البيت. شنو صار اذا الام او حتى الاب حضنوا بنتهم او ولدهم اعتقاد خاطىء انه الطفل اول مايكبر مايعود يحتاج لاحد يحضنه او يعبر له محبته له وخاصه لما يمر بمرحله مثل المراهقه . هاذي السؤال اللي لازم البنات يسألون نفسهم عنه يمكن يخافون يسألون نفسهم و يلاقون الاجابه اللي ماتسرهم
  19. انا عندي رفيجه تجذب مو جذب عادي مره ولا مرتين صج شي موطبيعي يعني شي مرضي فالبدايه لما كنت اصارحها باني اعرف انها تجذب كانت تتهرب من كلامي ولما اصر عليها تغير السالفه انا اعرف السبب ورا جذبها وهاي السبب اللي مخليني رفيجتها لحد الآن اهيا وايد تحس بالنقص وتحاول انها تغطي هالشعور بهالطريقه من طبيعتي اني اقدر اتأقلم مع كل الناس وانا متأقلمه معاها واحسسها واهيا تتكلم اني ادري انها ماتقول الصج و ماظن اني لمه اتركها رح تتغير اهيا تعتبرني صديقتها الوحيده يمكن لأن محد قدر يستحمل جذبها هالشي معاها واهيا صغيره وماظن اني اقدر اغيرها ------------------------------------------------------------------- صح كلامج الصداقه مبينه عالثقه ومانقدر نثق فشخص يجذب
  20. اتمنى ولدين وبنت وحده عن خاطري
  21. My Near Death Experience by Larry Rodrigues ---------------- This is how it came to pass that I experienced one of my most precious, life changing experiences. In the spring of 1988 I had another bladder infection after a series of them. I had taken antibiotics each time before and this time I was really opposed to taking them again. I felt strongly that something was really very wrong with the medical treatments in the past since the infections were still repeatedly happening. This time I decided to ask my body and inner wisdom for what was needed. So I went into my deeply relaxed state, that is my own version of meditation, and I asked for guidance. Amazingly clear, strong, and definite I immediately heard, "The body knows what it needs to do. Drink a lot of water." I was surprised at how sudden and strong that message came to me, so that convinced me it was valid. I immediately started drinking whole glasses of water as often as I could. I also was making frequent trips to the bathroom and dozing in between trips. The burning pain during urination subsided a little with abundant water but it did not go away. I did nothing else for three days and nights except drink water, eat a little food, nap, and pee. Joan (my wife at the time) kept me supplied with quarts of water and observed my routine with curiosity but support. The pain continued at a tolerable level but did not go away. At least the pain never increased so I assumed something was working. I continued the routine of drinking, peeing, and napping for the next three days and nights. At approximately 4 a.m. on the fourth day of this routine I woke up after a short nap with a definite awareness that I was going to die! This was not frightening to me but was just a fact that I accepted in a strangely neutral way. I asked my body again what I needed to do, as I had done nearly every time I woke up from a nap to do my drinking and peeing routine. Again I received the same message strongly, clearly and definitely: "Drink a lot of water. The body knows what it needs to do." I continued the same routine through that morning of the fourth day: Wake up from a short nap, ask what to do, drink a full glass of water, pee, and go back and doze. About noon I added a new step to the routine: I included vomiting after drinking the water. The answer to my on-going question still came back the same: "The body knows what it needs to do. Drink a lot of water." By this time my mind was getting a little foggy but I remember at some point I had the thought, "I have to throw up my childhood experiences." And so it seems I did, at least symbolically, as I leaned over the toilet and puked. From about noon until about 4 p.m. I continued my routine and napped on the cool tile bathroom floor. I was feeling very bad but I felt really committed to this routine because the answer to my frequent question was so strong, clear and definite: "The body knows what it needs to do. Drink a lot of water." I still remember very clearly lying on the floor with my face on the cool tile and having a thought of just letting go and surrendering to whatever was happening. When I had that thought I instantly shot out of my body like tooth paste squirting out of a tube squeezed hard. I left from between my eyes and went immediately to the bathroom ceiling and looked down at my gray and bloated body with amazement. Everything was crystal clear. The "me" was outside that body and had a totally different feeling than when in the body. There are no words that even come close to deb2d***ibing how good "I" felt. Fantastic, glorious, heavenly are words with microscopic meaning compared to how "I" truly felt. Somehow I was not startled to find that I was not alone. I did not even look around to see who it was that asked me, "Are you ready to die?" The voice was female and there are no words that can deb2d***ibe how beautiful and loving "Her" voice was. I knew that whatever my answer would be, it was O.K. with Her. I took a few moments to answer as I looked forward in time. It was a strange mental process that I am unable to do when I am in my body but somehow I was able to do it at that moment. It was kind of like looking down a road and I saw enough of my "ff****" to make my decision and I answered Her with a simple, "No, I have more to do." Upon telling Her my decision, I immediately dropped like a rock from the ceiling back to my body on the floor. I remember very clearly the feeling of having to fit back into my body like putting on a diving suit. I especially remember that all of "me" was in the body except for my left arm and hand, which I had to readjust a little more slowly than the rest of my body because my arm was in an upward position over my head. I remember clearly of having the awareness of how my arm and hand felt heavy and I said to myself, "This body is really dense". Immediately after getting settled back in my body, the bad body feelings returned. I was also aware that I had done what was needed and I didn't need to do the water routine any longer. So I called Joan and asked her to call 911. I knew that I was in really bad shape and needed immediate help but I was not afraid. Everything was really fuzzy as some guys arrived and took me away on a stretcher to a hospital in an ambulance with the siren b2d***eaming and radios chattering. I pretty much didn't care what they did to me because everything was "foggy". I remember it took a long time in the emergency room and there were a lot of people dashing around, talking excitedly, and doing things to my body. After things quieted down a doctor told me my heart beat was back to normal and I was going to be alright now but they would need to put me in the intensive care unit and watch me for a few days. I guess they gave me something to make me sleep through the night because I didn't remember anything else until I woke up the next morning feeling great. When the doctor made his rounds after breakfast I convinced him I was back to normal and I was released by noon! Their conclusion was that I had washed the electrolytes out of my body with all that water and with the reduced and weak electrical activity my various systems had started shutting down. That experience was very powerful and it definitely changed my view of my body, death, and living. I now treat my body more like my car -- which I take very good care of with good clean fuel, regularly changing the oil, washing and polishing. Likewise I feed my body only the best quality organic food, treat it well and get a massage a week. I am 71 years old (in 2004) and my body is running great and so is my car with much credit due to good maintenance for both. I feel like I am just driving both my car and my body and the "me" is something very separate from each. Also I now look at my life very differently. I try to make the most of every day and cherish every moment. I can't recall my reason for returning as it is like a vivid dream that I knew I had but just can't remember while in an awake state. All I can do is trust that if I operate and make all my decisions with truth and love only then will I be on course for my purpose in returning to drive this body around a little longer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- i read this story on her website and i wanted you all to read it too it's very exciting to know what orthers experienced in their lives such as this woman who experienced death .
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