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naz nazo0o

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  1. اسر101 المدخن أكثر عرضة لفقدان البصر حذر خبراء بريطانيون من أن المدخن أكثر عرضة لفقدان البصر في مرحلة متقدمة من العمر بمقدار الضعف عن غير المدخن، ولكن العديد من المدخنين مازالوا غير مدركين لمخاطر التدخين على أبصارهم. وطالب خبراء، من المعهد الملكي لمكافحة فقدان البصر وتحالف مكافحة ارتباط فقدان البصر بتقدم العمر AMD ، بوضع تحذير خاص على علب السجائر. ومن المرجح أن يطالب الخبراء الحكومة البريطانية بتمويل حملة توعية من مخاطر التدخين، فضلا عن فرض حظر شامل على التدخين في الأماكن المغلقة. ويذكر أن AMD، إرتباط ضعف البصر بالسن، يتطور بعد الأربعين ويؤثر على مركز شبكية العين، وهو السبب الرئيسي لضعف البصر في بريطانيا حيث يعاني منه 500 ألف شخص من بينهم 54 ألفا تطورت لديهم الحالة بسبب التدخين. عدم معرفة وقال تقرير أصدره التحالف إن سبعة من بين كل 10 مدخنين سيتوقفون عن التدخين نهائيا (41 بالمئة منهم) أو يقلصون استهلاكهم (28 بالمئة) إذا اعتقدوا أن هذه العادة ستؤثر على أبصارهم. وقالت متحدثة باسم وزارة الصحة البريطانية "إننا نعلم أن تغيير عادات الناس يتطلب التعامل مع الحقائق بشأن التدخين، بالاضافة إلى مساعدة المدخنين على الاقلاع". وأضافت قائلة "ومع ذلك فإن الرأي العام أقل تأييدا لحظر التدخين في كل الحانات". وأشارت إلى أن وضع عبارات التحذير على علب السجائر أمر تحدده المفوضية الأوروبية. وقال الاتحاد الطبي البريطاني إنه يؤيد وضع تحذير على علب السجائر. تدخين الحوامل يؤثر سلبا على سلوكيات أطفالهن يقول باحثون إن تدخين الأمهات الحوامل قد يزيد احتمالات تبني أطفالهن لسلوك مناهض للمجتمع. وقال الباحثون إنه توجد علاقة "صغيرة لكن ملحوظة" بين تدخين الأمهات الحوامل وبين ظهور أعراض السلوك المتمرد والاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط على مواليدهن. وخلصت الدراسة التي شملت 1896 من التوائم إلى أن نسبة ظهور هذه الأعراض ترتفع بزيادة عدد السجائر التي دخنتها الأم أثناء الحمل. ونشرت نتائج الدراسة التي أجراها معهد الطب النفسي في الدورية البريطانية للطب النفسي. وقال الباحثون إن هذه النتائج لا تعني وجود علاقة بين السلوك المتمرد وبين الاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط، لكن يعرف أن الأخير يزيد احتمالات ظهور أعراض السلوك غير الاجتماعي. وكانت دراسات أخرى قد اشارت إلى وجود صلة بين كل من السلوك غير الاجتماعي والاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط وبين تدخين الأمهات الحوامل. لكن لم يتضح ما إذا كان ازدياد احتمالات ظهور السلوك غير الاجتماعي مرتبطا بالاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط أكثر من ارتباطه بتدخين الأمهات الحوامل. عوامل اجتماعية وبالرغم من أن الاعتقاد بأن الاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط عامل طبي مهم، فإنه غالبا ما ينحى باللائمة في السلوك المتمرد على عوامل اجتماعية. وأرسل فريق من معهد الطب النفسي في لندن استبيانا إلى آباء 723 توأما متماثلا و1173 توأما غير متماثل. وطلب من الآباء تقديم معلومات عن عاداتهم المرتبطة بالتدخين وعن سلوك أبنائهم. ويصنف السلوك على أنه مناهض للمجتمع إذا حاول الطفل مضايقة وتخويف الأطفال الآخرين، أو قام بتدمير ممتلكاته أو ممتلكاتهم، أو اكتسب عادة سرقة الأشياء، أو دأب على الكذب أو عصيان الأوامر. وقالت ثلث الامهات اللائي شملهن الاستبيان إنهم قمن بالتدخين أثناء الحمل. وجاءت نتيجة الاستبيان أن أقلية صغيرة من الأطفال - من 4 إلى 11% - ظهرت عليهم أعراض السلوك المناهض للمجتمع أو المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط. وعندما درس الباحثون تأثير تدخين الأمهات الحوامل، خلصوا إلى أنه أسهم بقدر صغير لكن ملحوظ في ظهور هذه الاضطرابات السلوكية. وزادت نسبة ظهور هذه الأعراض بزيادة عدد السجائر التي دخنتها الأمهات الحوامل. وقال الباحثون إنه توجد عدة تفسيرات لهذه العلاقة، والتي تشمل الآثار المباشرة لتدخين التبغ على تطور نمو الجنين. وقالت الدكتورة تانيا باتون، التي قادت فريق البحث: "أكثرها شيوعا هو تأثير النيكوتين على نمو مخ الجنين، والذي غالبا ما يسفر عن إعاقة للجهاز العصبي. "كما أن تدخين الحامل قد يقلص كمية الأوكسجين التي تصل إلى الجنين، وهو ما قد يؤثر بدوره على سلوكه في مراحل لاحقة من العمر." وبرغم أن عوامل أخرى غير التدخين تلعب دورا أكبر في ظهور أعراض هذين الاضطرابين السلوكيين، السلوك غير الاجتماعي والاضطراب المصحوب بتشتت الانتباه وفرط النشاط، فإن الباحثين ينصحون أي حامل بتجنب التدخين. وقال البروفيسور إيريك تيلور من معهد لندن لطب النفسي، معلقا على الدراسة: "إنها تظهر أن هناك تأثيرا حيويا على اضطرابات السلوك، وهذا شيئ من المفيد معرفته. وأضاف تيلور: "بالطبع، نحن نعلم ان الحامل يجب ألا تدخن لأسباب صحية عديدة. إنه يتعلق بالجرعة، فكلما زاد التدخين كلما زادت الاحتمالات، وقد يكون لذلك تأثير مباشر على نمو الأجنة." كما أشار تيلور إلى احتمال أن الامهات يورثن الجينات الخاصة بالسلوك غير الاجتماعي لأطفالهن. التدخين السلبي يؤذي الجنين دبي، الإمارات العربية (CNN)-- قالت دراسة متخصصة أجرتها أستاذة في علم الأنتروبولوجيا والنمو، إن التدخين السلبي خطر يهدد الأم اثناء فترة الحمل وفترة ما بعد الولادة، وأن له آثارا سلبية على نمو الجنين والحالة الغذائية للاطفال حديثي الولادة. وأكدت الدراسة التي أجرتها الدكتورة نيرة المرسىعلى عدد من الأمهات اللواتي تعرضن للتدخين السلبي أثناء حملهن، ان الأطفال حديثي الولادة سجلوا انخفاضا في وزن الجسم ومعدل كتلة الجسم الدال على الحالة الغذائية لهؤلاء الاطفال عن المواليد من أمهات لم يتعرضن للتدخين السلبي. كما أظهرت أن التدخين السلبي يؤثر بشكل أكبر على البنات مقارنة بالاولاد، خصوصا في وزن الجسم وكمية العضلات والمعدلات المختلفة الدالة على الحالة الغذائية لديهن عند الولادة مع وجود فروق ذات مدلول إحصائي في هذا الشأن. وأجريت الدراسة على 782 أم وأطفالهن حديثي الولادة تم الكشف عليهن واولادهن للتأكد من خلوهم من أي مرض عضوي أو وراثي قد يؤثر على نمو الجسم خلال ست ساعات من الولادة، فضلا عن تقييم الحالة الغذائية للأمهات بحساب معدل كتلة الجسم لديهن. وأوصت الدراسة الأمهات الحوامل بضرورة الابتعاد عن أماكن التدخين وعدم التعرض له حفاظا على صحتهن وصحة الجنين ونموه، فضلا عن حمايته من سوء الحالة الغذائية وضعف الجسم الذي يؤدي في بعض الاحيان الى الوفاة. ولفتت الى أن التدخين السلبي يكون أكثر ضررا على الأمهات اللواتي تجاوزن سن الـ 30 عاما، مشيرة إلى ارتباط هذه الظاهرة بالحالة الاجتماعية كانخفاض المستوى التعليمي للوالدين وزيادة عدد الأطفال وغيرها من الاعتبارات. وأشارت الى أن دراسات عدة أثبتت انتشار أعراض الموت المفاجئ لطفل حديث الولادة إذا كان الاباء من المدخنين. كما أثبتت الدارسة أن التدخين السلبي يؤدي إلى تزايد إصابات الجهاز التنفسي عند الأطفال ما قبل سن المدرسة. وتوصلت إلى أن التدخين السلبي يؤدي إلى زيادة خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب بنسبة تصل إلى 50 في المائة، وأنه يزيد من خطر حدوث الذبحة الصدرية وذلك لزيادة حجم التلف في خلايا عضلات القلب بسبب غاز أول أكسيد الكربون والنيكوتين. المدخنون نادمون على التدخين عبر معظم المدخنين في استفتاء أجري في بريطانيا عن أسفهم على الإقدام على التدخين أول مرة، وقالوا إنهم ما كانوا ليفعلوا ذلك لو أن التاريخ أعاد نفسه. كما وجد الإحصاء أن الكثير من المدخنين عندما يعتادون على التدخين يصبحون متفائلين بشكل مفرط حول قدرتهم على الإقلاع عن التدخين. ووجد الإحصاء الذي شمل 893 مدخنا أن 80 في المئة من المدخنين قد أسفوا كثيرا على الإقدام على التدخين وأنهم لن يقدموا على التدخين مرة أخرى لو سنحت لهم الفرصة بذلك. وكان الشعور بالندم شاملا بين المدخنين بين سن الخامسة والأربعين والرابعة والستين. وأشار الإحصاء إلى أن معظم المدخنين يسيئون تقدير قدرتهم على الإقلاع في المستقبل، وكم سيستغرق ذلك منهم. وعبر أكثر من نصف المدخنين عن عزمهم على الإقلاع خلال عامين، لكن الحقيقة هي أن 6 في المائة فقط منهم يقلعون فعلا. اعتقادات خاطئة وتقول دورين ماكنتاير، رئيس حملة يوم الإقلاع عن التدخين، إن نتائج هذا الاستطلاع تشير إلى أن من المهم جدا تشجيع المدخنين على ترك العادة وتقديم المساعدة لهم كي يتمكنوا فعلا من الإقلاع. وتقول ماكنتاير إن البعض ربما يتوهم بأن الإقلاع عن التدخين سوف يحدث تلقائيا في وقت ما في المستقبل القريب، لكن الحقيقة هي أنه لن يحصل ولن يتمكنوا من الإقلاع إلا إذا اتخذوا الخطوات العملية نحو تحقيقه. وتضيف ماكنتاير "كلما طال عهدهم بالتدخين أصبح الإقلاع أصعب فأصعب". ويقول كلايف بيتس، مدير حملة مكافحة التدخين وترقية الصحة، إن الشباب عادة ما يتوهمون بأنهم قادرون على الاستمتاع بالتدخين مؤقتا وأنهم سيقلعون حينما يشاءون، إلا أن ذلك ليس صحيحا على أرض الواقع، إذ أنهم عادة ما يواصلون التدخين لفترات أطول بكثير مما كانوا يتوقعون في البداية. ويقول البروفيسور مارتن جارفيس، كبير العلماء في حملة أبحاث السرطان في بريطانيا، إن هناك هوة كبيرة بين التفاؤل المفرط الذي يبديه المدخنون، والقدرة على الإقلاع في المستقبل. ويضيف البروفيسور جارفيس " إن هذا الوهم يعكس الآمال وليس الحسابات الدقيقة، لكنه يشير في نفس الوقت إلى أن معظم المدخنين يرغبون في الإقلاع عن التدخين. وأضاف جارفيس أن شركات التبغ تتحدث دائما عن "حرية الاختيار" بالنسبة للبالغين، لكنها تتناسى أنها تبيع مادة مخدرة وأن الناس يستهلكونها لأنهم مدمنون عليها وليس لأنهم راغبون في ذلك. وقد أجري الإحصاء بطلب من منظمتين لمكافحة التدخين في بريطانيا هما آش ويوم الإقلاع عن التدخين.
  2. Eng101 the project is about fashion & Hollywood actors I that it will be easy to search about it .the project is from the internet it include to much things like what dose fashion miens and some designers after that it talks about some of the most famous actors in Hollywood. Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people who say they don't care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. One certain thing in the fashion world is change. We are constantly being bombarded with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. Ray-Ban sold more sunglasses after the movie Men In Black. Sometimes a trend is world-wide. Back in the 1950s, teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis Presley. Fashion is a state of mind. A spirit, an extension of one's self. Fashion talks, it can be an understated whisper, a high-energy scream or an all knowing wink and a smile. Most of all fashion is about being comfortable with yourself, translating self-esteem into a personal style Who dictates fashion? Musicians and other cultural icons have always influenced what we're wearing, but so have political figures and royalty. Newspapers and magazines report on what Hillary Clinton wears. The recent death of Diana, the Princess of Wales, was a severe blow to the high fashion world, where her clothes were daily news. Even folks in the 1700s pored over fashion magazines to see the latest styles. Women and dressmakers outside the French court relied on sketches to see what was going on. The famous French King Louis XIV said that fashion is a mirror. Louis himself was renowned for his style, which tended towards extravagant laces and velvets. Clothes separate people into groups. Fashion is revealing. Clothes reveal what groups people are in. In high school, groups have names: "Goths, skaters, preps, herbs." Styles show who you are, but they also create stereotypes and distance between groups. For instance, a businessman might look at a boy with green hair and multiple piercing as a freak and outsider. But to another person, the boy is a strict conformist. He dresses a certain way to deliver the message of rebellion and separation, but within that group, the look is uniform. Acceptance or rejection of a style is a reaction to the society we live in. Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. "Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand," according to Katherine Hamnett, a top British fashion designer. Hamnett became popular when her t-shirts with large messages like "Choose Life" were worn by several rock bands. There are many reasons we wear what we wear. • Protection from cold, rain and snow: mountain climbers wear high-tech outerwear to avoid frostbite and over-exposure. • Physical attraction: many styles are worn to inspire "chemistry." • Emotions: we dress "up" when we're happy and "down" when we're upset. • Religious expression: Orthodox Jewish men wear long black suits and Islamic women cover every part of their body except their eyes. • Identification and tradition: judges wear robes, people in the military wear uniforms, brides wear long white dresses. Fashion is big business. More people are involved in the buying, selling and production of clothing than any other business in the world. Everyday, millions of workers design, sew, glue, dye, and transport clothing to stores. Ads on buses, billboards and magazines give us ideas about what to wear, consciously, or subconsciously. Clothing can be used as a political weapon. In nineteenth century England, laws prohibited people from wearing clothes produced in France. During twentieth century communist revolutions, uniforms were used to abolish class and race distinctions. Fashion is an endless popularity contest. High fashion is the style of a small group of men and women with a certain taste and authority in the fashion world. People of wealth and position, buyers for major department stores, editors and writers for fashion magazines are all part of Haute Couture ("High Fashion" in French). Some of these expensive and often artistic fashions may triumph and become the fashion for the larger majority. Most stay on the runway. Popular fashions are close to impossible to trace. No one can tell how the short skirts and boots worn by teenagers in England in 1960 made it to the runways of Paris, or how blue jeans became so popular in the U.S., or how hip-hop made it from the streets of the Bronx to the Haute Couture fashion shows of London and Milan. It's easy to see what's popular by watching sit-coms on television: the bare mid-riffs and athletic clothes of 90210, the baggy pants of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. But the direction of fashion relies on "plugged-in" individuals to react to events, and trends in music, art and books. "In the perspective of costume history, it is plain that the dress of any given period is exactly suited to the actual climate of the time." according to James Laver, a noted English costume historian. How did bell-bottom jeans fade into the designer jeans and boots look of the 1980s into the baggy look of the 1990s? Nobody really knows. Once identified, fashions begin to change. Why is it important? Fashion is a means of self-expression that allows people to try on many roles in life. Whether you prefer hip-hop or Chanel-chic, fashion accommodates the chameleon in all of us. It's a way of celebrating the diversity and variety of the world in which we live. Fashion is about change, which is necessary to keep life interesting. It's also a mirror of sorts on society. It's a way of measuring a mood that can be useful in many aspects, culturally, socially even psychologically. At the same time, fashion shouldn't be taken too seriously or you lose the fun of it. How do you know what will be hot in the future? The collections in Paris, New York and Milan, and now London, typically set the stage for the industry one year in advance. Though, I think the street is the real barometer of style. More and more designers are drawing their inspiration from life on the street. So once again, there is a link to personal style and fashion. A teenager can throw something together without thinking about it and it can trigger a new trend. How do you choose what to wear in the morning? It depends on my day, mood and what is clean. If I have an important meeting or presentation, I put more thought into what I will wear. However, on my most days, I dress to my mood, which can range from funky to retro to classical. Then again, there are days when my laundry basket dictates what I ultimately wear. Valentino: is a fashion house created by Valentino Garavani, a famous fashion designer born on May 11, 1932, in the town of Voghera, Italy. He became interested in fashion while in high school, and at age 17 he moved to Paris to pursue this interest. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne. He first found apprentice jobs, with Jean Desses where he used to help Jacqueline de Ribes sketch her dress ideas. Then he joined Jean Desses and Guy Laroche. He moved to Rome in the beginning of the 1960s and started his own fashion house, Valentino. His first show, in 1962, was a success, and Valentino was welcomed into the fashion world. In 1967, he premiered the Valentino White Collection, which became famous for the "V" logo he designed. He designed the white dress that Jacqueline Kennedy wore to her wedding with Aristotle Onassis. Through the 1970s, Valentino spent considerable time in New York City where his presence was embraced by social personalities such as Steve Rubell and art identities such as Andy Warhol. He currently designs menswear and womenswear and has his own perfumeand make-up line. In 1990, he cofounded the L.I.F.E. Association with Giancarlo Giammetti, a program for the support of AIDS victims. He is now 73 years old, still designing, and living in Rome. He recently appeared on Oprah. Coco Chanel: From her first millinery shop, opened in 1912, to the 1920s, Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel rose to become one of the premier fashion designers in Paris, France. Replacing the corset with comfort and casual elegance, her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses, women's trousers, costume jewelry, perfume and textiles. She claimed a birthdate of 1893 and a birthplace of Auvergne; she was actually born in 1883 in Saumur - her mother worked in the poorhouse where Gabrielle was born, and died when Gabrielle was only six, leaving her father with five children whom he promptly abandoned to the care of relatives. She adopted the name Coco during a brief career as a cafe and concert singers 1905-1908. First a mistress of a wealthy military officer then of an English industrialist, she drew on the resources of these patrons in setting up a millinery shop in Paris in 1910, expanding to Deauville and Biarritz. The two men also helped her find customers among women of society, and her simple hats became popular. Soon she was expanding to couture, working in jersey, a first in the French fashion world. By the 1920s, her fashion house had expanded considerably, and her chemise set a fashion trend with its "little boy" look. Her relaxed fashions, short skirts, and casual look were in sharp contrast to the corset fashions popular in the previous decades. Chanel herself dressed in mannish clothes, and adapted these more comfortable fashions which other women also found liberating. In 1922 Chanel introduced a perfume, Chanel No. 5, which became and remained popular, and remains a profitable product of Chanel's company. Pierre Wertheimer became her partner in the perfume business in 1924, and perhaps also her lover. Wertheimer owned 70% of the company; Coco Chanel received 10% and her friend Bader 20%. The Wertheimers continue to control the perfume company today. Coco Chanel introduced her signature cardigan jacket in 1925 and signature "little black dress" in 1926. Most of her fashions had a staying power, and didn't change much from year to year -- or even generation to generation. She briefly served as a nurse in World War I. Nazi occupation meant the fashion business in Paris was cut off for some years; Chanel's affair during World War II with a Nazi officer also resulted in some years of diminished popularity and an exile of sorts to Switzerland. In 1954 her comeback restored her to the first ranks of haute couture. Her natural, casual clothing including the Chanel suit once again caught the eye -- and purses -- of women. She introduced pea jackets and bell bottom pants for women. She was still working in 1971 when she died. Karl Lagerfeld has been chief designer of Chanel's fashion house since 1983. In addition to her work with high fashion, she also designed stage costumes for such plays as Cocteau's Antigone (1923) and Oedipus Rex (1937) and film costumes for several movies, including Renoir's La Regle de Jeu. Katharine Hepburn starred in the 1969 Broadway musical Coco based on the life of Coco Chanel. Pierre katra: The Fashion House Pierre Katra Haute Couture was founded in Beirut - Lebanon in 1965. Pierre Katra was specialized in Fashion Design in Paris - France and he designed superb gowns for Queens and Princesses in Arab Countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan & Lebanon. Furthermore in 1972, Miss Lebanon was elected to be “Miss Universe”. She was wearing unique designs from Pierre Katra’s Collection. The Company employs more than 60 people which include Designers, Tailors, Workers and Office Staff. The Label “Pierre Katra” has been imposed with it’s Charm, Fashion, and Excellent Quality. Pierre Katra Fashion House creates, designs and executes all kinds of women's clothing, from charming evening gowns and embroidery dresses to elegant tailored suits and ensembles, not to forget his specialty "The Wedding Dress". Since then the Name “Pierre Katra” has become well known internationally. Nowadays the Name of “Pierre Katra” is highly appreciated in both local and overseas Markets. Due to these achievements and his great accomplishments in Fashion Designing, Pierre Katra was granted two international awards, the Best Trade Name for 1996, and the World Quality Commitment Award For 1997. Angelina jolie: Next to Liv Tyler, Angelina Jolie is the only actress of her generation who can thank her famous father for the lips that have become her trademark. The actress was born Angelina Jolie Voight to the pillow-lipped Jon Voight and actress Marcheline Bertrand on June 4, 1975, in Los Angeles. Raised mostly by her mother after her parents divorced while she was still a baby, Jolie moved around a lot with her mother and brother. She also did a fair amount of traveling as a professional model, living in such places as London, New York, and Los Angeles before settling for a time in New York as a student at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute and New York University, where she first started acting in theater productions. The fledgling actress soon moved on to film with a small role in 1993's Cyborg 2, followed in 1995 by her turn as a computer hacker in the more widely seen Hackers. The film gave her her first taste of recognition, as well as an introduction to Trainspotting's Jonny Lee Miller, to whom she was married for a short time. After appearing in a number of mediocre films, Jolie finally hit it big in 1997 with her Golden Globe-winning performance as George Wallace's wife in the highly acclaimed TV movie George Wallace. The role, coupled with her Emmy-nominated performance in the title role of HBO's Gia, provided Jolie with a new level of professional respect and recognition. She was soon appearing on talk shows and in magazines, answering questions about everything from her multiple tattoos to her famous father to her brief marriage. She was also netting roles in high-profile projects: In 1998 Jolie headlined an ensemble cast that included Sean Connery, Gena Rowlands, Anthony Edwards, Gillian Anderson, Ryan Phillippe, and Madeline Stowe in Playing By Heart. The following year, she was part of another high-voltage cast in Mike Newell's Pushing Tin, co-starring alongside John Cusack, Billy Bob Thornton, and Cate Blanchett. Although the film was neither a critical nor a financial success, it did little to diminish the rapid ascent of the career of the actress, who was in hot demand for projects that would further elevate her already rising star. In 2000, Jolie's star received one of its greatest boosts to date when the actress won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of a volatile mental patient in Girl, Interrupted. Later that year, her personal life also got a boost in the form of her April marriage to Billy Bob Thornton. Onscreen, Jolie was hard to miss in 2000. She starred in a number of films, including the crime thriller Gone in Sixty Seconds, in which she co-starred as a car thief alongside Nicolas Cage, and Original Sin, a thriller that featured her as the bad-seed bride of a Cuban tycoon (Antonio Banderas). If she was hard to miss in 2000, Jolie was impossible to escape in 2001 with her turn as shapely video-game adventuress Lara Croft in the long anticipated film adaptation of the popular Tomb Raider video-game franchise. Carrying on the tradition of video-game movies that are light on plot but heavy on the action, Tomb Raider (2001) and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life (2003) scored with summer audiences and quickly shot to number one at the box office despite disparaging reviews citing an incoherent story line, unlike Life or Something Like It, the 2002 romantic comedy-drama that critics and audiences alike would rather not have seen. On July 18th, 2002, Jolie filed for divorce from Billy Bob Thornton, claiming that their priorities no longer meshed after having adopted a child. Though the famously quirky couple were no longer, Angelina's film schedule remained hectic. In 2003 she would play a rich-girl-turned-humanitarian in Beyond Borders, while 2004 saw a host of parts for Jolie, including a role in Oliver Stone's Alexander, an epic biography of Alexander the Great starring Colin Farrell, as well as a turn alongside fellow Oscar-winner Gwyneth Paltrow in Sky Captain: The World of Tomorrow, and a role as a tough FBI agent in the thriller Taking Lives. Finally, Jolie closed out the year by lending her voice to Dreamworks' animated kid-flick Shark's Tale Jennifer Aniston: Though she would spend most of her youth in New York, Jennifer Aniston was born in Sherman Oaks, CA, into a prominent acting family. Well connected from the beginning -- her father is veteran Days of Our Lives star John Aniston; her godfather is none other than Telly Savalas -- Aniston did not discover her own penchant for acting until attending the Rudolf Steiner School drama club at age 11. Aniston proved to be a talented painter during her stay at the Rudolf Steiner School (one of her pieces was displayed at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art), but acting became her primary focus after graduating from New York's prestigious High School for the Performing Arts in 1987, and she held roles in off-Broadway productions such as +For Dear Life and +Dancing on Checker's Grave. Though Friends launched Aniston's career as a sitcom actress, her television debut was in 1989, when she starred in the '90s short-lived series Molloy. Before long, Aniston's television resumé had grown to include appearances in The Edge, a role in the ultimately unsuccessful attempt at adapting Ferris Bueller's Day Off into sitcom format, and a part in an episode of Quantum Leap. In 1991, she landed a recurring role on Herman's Head, while 1993 led her to a small part on The Ben Stiller Show. By 1994, it looked like Aniston was destined for a life of obscure parts in doomed television sitcoms. Despite being asked to audition for the role of Monica Gellar in a pilot for a sitcom at that point titled "Friends Like These" (a role that would eventually be filled by Courteney Cox Arquette), Aniston insisted on trying out for the part of Rachel Green, a spoiled suburbanite-turned-spunky coffee-house waitress. The rest, as they say, is history -- "Friends Like These" would become the mega-hit Friends. Friends quickly inspired an obsessive following, as did Aniston's signature hairstyle. Just as "The Rachel" fell out of popularity in the salons, Aniston began scoring roles in a series of romantic comedies -- namely, She's the One (1996), Picture Perfect (1997), 'Til There Was You (1997), and The Object of My Affection(1998) -- and met fellow actor Brad Pitt. "Gwen and Brad" quickly turned to "Jen and Brad," and the two young stars took their places among Hollywood's elite power couples after their marriage in 2000. Needless to say, Aniston had gained an astounding amount of notoriety since her fledgling film debut in 1993's Leprechaun, and starred in director Stephen Herek's Rock Star in 2000 after a relatively well-received supporting role in 1999's Office Space. Though Rock Star was far from a massive success, Aniston's talent for dramatic roles was finally given a proper outlet, and she went on to land the lead part in 2002's The Good Girl. In 2003, Aniston starred alongside Jim Carrey in the romantic comedy Bruce Almighty, and Friends began what was rumored to be its final season. Brad Pitt: With looks that have inspired countless People magazine covers, Internet shrines, and estrogen surges, Brad Pitt is an actor whose very name inspires drooling platitudes, more about male beauty than about acting. Following his breakthrough as the wickedly charming drifter who seduces Geena Davis and then robs her blind in Thelma Louise (1991), Pitt became one of Hollywood's hottest properties and spent most of the 1990s being lauded as everything from Robert Redford's heir apparent to the Sexiest Man Alive. Pitt's ascension to his celluloid throne was a long and sometimes frustrating one. The son of a trucking company manager, Pitt was born December 18, 1963, in Shawnee, OK. Raised in Missouri, Pitt, the oldest of three children, was brought up in a strict Baptist household. Following his high-school graduation, he enrolled at the University of Missouri, where he studied journalism and advertising. However, after discovering his love of acting, he dropped out of college two credit hours before he could graduate and moved to Hollywood. Fearful of his parents' reaction, he told them he was going to Pasadena to study at the Art Center College of Design. Once in California, Pitt took acting classes and supported himself with a variety of odd jobs that included chauffeuring strippers to private parties, waiting tables, and wearing a giant chicken suit for a local restaurant chain. His first break came when he landed a small recurring role on Dallas, and a part in a teenage-slasher movie, Cutting Class (1989), marked his inauspicious entrance into the world of feature films. The previous year, Pitt's acting experience had been limited to the TV movie A Stoning in Fulgham County (1988). 1991 marked the end of Pitt's sojourn in the land of obscurity, as it was the year he made his appearance in Thelma Louise. After becoming famous practically overnight, Pitt unfortunately chose to channel his newfound celebrity into Ralph Bakshi's disastrous Cool World (1992). Following this misstep, Pitt took a starring role in director Tom Di Cillo's independent film Johnny Suede. The film failed to find favor with critics or at the box office and Pitt's documented clashes with the director allegedly inspired Di Cillo to pattern the character of the vain and egotistical Chad Palomino, in his 1995 Living in Oblivion, after the actor. Pitt's next venture, Robert Redford's 1992 fly-fishing drama A River Runs Through It, gave the actor a much-needed chance to prove that he had talent in addition to his looks. Following his performance in Redford's film, Pitt appeared in Kalifornia and True Romance (both 1993), two road movies featuring fallen women, violent sociopaths, and tumbleweeds. Pitt's next major role did not come until 1994, when he was cast as the lead of the gorgeously photographed Legends of the Fall. As he did in A River Runs Through It, Pitt portrayed a free-spirited, strong-willed brother, but this time had greater opportunity to further develop his enigmatic character. Following the film's release, People magazine dubbed him the Sexiest Man Alive. That same year, fans watched in anticipation as Pitt exchanged his outdoorsy persona for the brooding, gothic posturing of Anne Rice's tortured vampire Louis in the film adaptation of -Interview With the Vampire. Starring opposite Tom Cruise, Pitt enjoyed the further helping of fame that was served up by the film's success. Pitt next starred in the forgettable romantic comedy The Favor (1994) before going on to play a rookie detective investigating a series of gruesome crimes opposite Morgan Freeman in Seven (1995). In 1997, Pitt received a Golden Globe award and an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a visionary mental patient in Terry Gilliam's 12 Monkeys; the same year, Pitt attempted an Austrian accent and put on a backpack to play mountaineer Heinrich Harrar in Seven Years in Tibet. The film met with mixed reviews and generated a fair amount of controversy, thanks in part to the revelation that the real-life Harrar had in fact been a Nazi. Furthermore, due to its pro-Tibetan stance, the film also resulted in Pitt's being banned from China for life. Following Tibet, Pitt traveled in a less inflammatory direction with Alan J. Pakula's The Devil's Own, in which he starred with fellow screen icon Harrison Ford. Despite this seemingly faultless pairing, the film was a relative critical and box-office failure. In 1998, Pitt tried his hand at romantic drama, portraying Death in Meet Joe Black, the most expensive non-special effects film ever made. The film, which weighed in at three hours in length, met with excessively mixed reviews, although more than one critic remarked that Pitt certainly made a very appealing representative of the afterlife. Pitt's penchant for quirk was prevalent with his cameo in the surreal comic fantasy Being John Malkovich (1999) and carried over into his role as Tyler Durden, the mysterious and anti-materialistic soap salesman in David Fincher's controversial Fight Club the same year. The odd characterizations didn't let up with his appearance as the audibly indecipherable pugilist in Guy Ritchie's eagerly anticipated follow-up to Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch (2000). In July of 2000, the man voted "Most Sexy Actor Alive" by virtually every entertainment publication currently in circulation crushed the hearts of millions of adoring female fans when he wed popular film and television actress Jennifer Aniston in a relatively modest (at least by Hollywood standards) and intimate service. Pitt's next turn on the big screen found him re-teamed with Robert Redford, this time sharing the screen with the A River Runs Through It director in the espionage thriller Spy Game (2001). A fairly retro-straight-laced role for an actor who had become identified with his increasingly eccentric roles, he was soon cast in Steven Soderbergh's remake of the Rat Pack classic Ocean's 11 (2001), the tale of a group of criminals who plot to rob a string of casinos. Following a decidedly busy 2001 that also included a lead role opposite Julia Roberts in the romantic crime-comedy The Mexican, Pitt was virtually absent from the big-screen over the next three years. After walking away from the ambitious and proplematic Darren Aronofsky production The Fountain, he popped up for a very brief cameo in pal George Clooney's 2002 directorial debut Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and lent his voice to the animated adventure Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, but spent the majority of his time working on the historical epic Troy. Directed by Wolfgang Peterson, the film employed a huge cast, crew and budget and premiered in May of 2004. John Travolta: During the latter half of the 1970s, John Travolta became the biggest star in Hollywood; after a string of hits in films, on television, and on the radio, he had emerged as a true cultural phenomenon, defining tastes in music and fashion while dominating innumerable column inches in newspapers, magazines, and gossip columns. Like so many other celebrities, Travolta's initial fame proved short-lived, and by the 1980s he was viewed by the media and the public alike largely as a relic of his era. Unlike so many other celebrities, however, he resurfaced, Phoenix-like, the following decade, reestablishing his claims to film superstardom and staking out new territory as one of the most acclaimed actors in contemporary film. Born February 18, 1954, in Englewood, NJ, he was the youngest of six children in an entertainment family: his father, Salvatore, was a former semi-pro football player and his mother, Helen, was an alumna of a radio vocal group called the Sunshine Sisters as well as a high-school drama teacher -- all but one of his siblings pursued showbiz careers as well. By the age of 12 Travolta himself had already joined an area actors' group, and was soon appearing in local musicals and dinner-theater performances. He also took tap-dancing lessons from Gene Kelly's brother Fred. By age 16, he had dropped out of high school to take up acting full-time, relocating to Manhattan to make his off-Broadway debut in 1972 in +Rain. A minor role in the touring company of the hit musical +Grease followed, and in 1973 Travolta appeared opposite the Andrews Sisters in the Broadway musical +Over Here! In 1975, he also made his film bow with a bit role in the horror picture The Devil's Rain. In 1975, Travolta was cast in a television sitcom titled Welcome Back, Kotter. As Vinnie Barbarino, a dim-witted high school Lothario, he shot to overnight superstardom, and quickly his face adorned T-shirts, lunch boxes, and the like. Before the first episode of the series even aired, he had also won a small role in Brian De Palma's 1976 classic Carrie, giving him inroads to the movie industry, and at the early peak of his Kotter success he even recorded a series of pop music LPs -- Can't Let Go, John Travolta, and Travolta Fever -- scoring a major hit with the single "Let Her In." Approached with a role in Terrence Malick's Days of Heaven, he was forced to reject the project in the face of a busy Kotter schedule, but in 1976 he was able to shoot a TV feature, director Randal Kleiser's The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, which won considerable critical acclaim. Diana Hyland, the actress who played Travolta's mother in the picture, also became his offscreen lover until her death from cancer in 1977. In the wake of Hyland's death, Travolta's first major feature film, 1977's Saturday Night Fever, was released. A latter-day Rebel Without a Cause set against the backdrop of the New York City disco nightlife, it positioned Travolta as the most talked-about young star in Hollywood. In addition to earning his first Academy Award nomination, he also became an icon of the era, his white-suited visage and cocky, rhythmic strut enduring as defining images of late-'70s American culture. In 1978, he starred in Kleiser's film adaptation of Grease, this time essaying the lead role of 1950s greaser Danny Zuko. Its box-office success was even greater than Saturday Night Fever's, becoming a perennial fan favorite and, like its predecessor, spawning a massively popular soundtrack LP. In the light of his back-to-back successes, as well as the continued popularity of Welcome Back, Kotter -- on which he still occasionally appeared -- it seemed Travolta could do no wrong. And then the bottom dropped out. Travolta's first misstep was 1978's Moment By Moment, a laughable May-December romance with Lily Tomlin. Savaged by critics, the picture was a box-office disaster, the first major failure of his career. Travolta then turned down the lead in Paul Schrader's hit American Gigolo (a role which, like the one offered in Days of Heaven, was then awarded to Richard Gere) to star in 1980's Urban Cowboy, which restored much of his financial lustre. Starring Travolta as a Texas oil worker, the film and its accompanying smash soundtrack did for country music and ten-gallon hats what Saturday Night Fever did for disco and leisure suits, and resulted in such an influx of new country fans that Nashville's entire early-'80s period was later dubbed the "Urban Cowboy" era by music historians. The following year he starred in De Palma's under-recognized Blow Out, resulting in some of the best critical notices of his career but falling well short of box-office expectations. Travolta then rejected the lead in An Officer and a Gentleman (yet another role then eagerly accepted by Gere) to reprise the role of Tony Manero in the Saturday Night Fever sequel Staying Alive. Directed by Sylvester Stallone, the film was released in 1983 to respectable returns, but fell far short of its anticipated blockbuster status. Two of a Kind, released a few months later, reunited Travolta with his Grease co-star Olivia Newton-John, but again lightning failed to strike twice and the movie soon disappeared from theaters. By now Travolta's career was on shaky ground, and after a two-year absence from the screen he returned in 1985's Perfect. When it too failed to live up to expectations, he was roundly dismissed as a flash in the pan and a has-been, and several years of poor career choices, bad advice, and missed opportunities were to follow. By 1988 Travolta had been missing from theaters for three years, and when the oft-delayed comedy The Experts finally surfaced in theaters in 1989, its disastrous showing seemed the final nail in his coffin. Later that same year, however, the unheralded, low-budget comedy Look Who's Talking was released. Co-starring Travolta and Kirstie Alley, it was produced for some eight million dollars but went on to gross close to 150 million dollars over the course of the following 12 months, later spawning a pair of sequels, 1990's Look Who's Talking Too and 1993's Look Who's Talking Now. However, both of Travolta's 1991 pictures, Eyes of an Angel and Shout, fared poorly, and as the Look Who's Talking series sputtered to a halt he was again written off by the press. Then, in 1994, he made one of the most stunning comebacks in entertainment history by starring in Pulp Fiction, a lavishly acclaimed crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, a longtime Travolta fan who wrote the role of Vincent Vega specifically with the actor in mind. A critical as well as commercial smash, Pulp Fiction introduced Travolta to a new generation of moviegoers, and suddenly he was again a major star, with a second Academy Award nomination to prove it. In the wake of Pulp Fiction, the resurrected Travolta became one of the hardest-working actors in Hollywood, and on Tarantino's advice he accepted the starring role in director Barry Sonnenfeld's 1995 Elmore Leonard adaptation Get Shorty. Acclaimed by many critics as his finest performance to date, it was another major hit, and he followed it by appearing in the 1996 John Woo action tale Broken Arrow. Phenomenon was another smash that same summer, and by Christmas Travolta was back in theaters as a disreputable angel in Michael. The following year he reunited with Woo in the highly successful thriller Face/Off, which he trailed with a supporting turn in Nick Cassavetes' She's So Lovely. After 1997's Mad City, Travolta began work on Primary Colors, Mike Nichols' political satire, portraying a charismatic, Bill Clinton-like U.S. President. An adaptation of the acclaimed book -A Civil Action followed, as did the 1999 thriller The General's Daughter, in which Travolta co-starred with Madeline Stowe. In 2000, the actor starred as an alien invader in the sci-fi thriller Battlefield Earth, based on Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's novel of the same name. That same year he returned to human form to portray a financially strapped TV weatherman in Lucky Numbers, a comedy directed by Nora Ephron. Though Travolta had high hopes for Battlefield Earth, often citing it as the next Star Wars (and even going so far as to plan a sequel before the first was released), the film was seen as little more than an overblown, over-budgeted orgy of excess, and Lucky Numbers fell flat at the box office as well. Facing yet another comeback, Travolta shed some pounds and jumped back into action in the summer of 2001 with Swordfish. A complex tale of mixed loyalties, computer hacking, and espionage, Swordfish teamed Travolta with X-Men star Hugh Jackman in hopes of dominating the summer box office.
  3. حيا101 البيئة ومفهومها وعلاقتها بالإنسان البيئة لفظة شائعة الاستخدام يرتبط مدلولها بنمط العلاقة بينها وبين مستخدمها فنقول:- البيئة الزراعية، والبيئة الصناعية، والبيئة الصحية، والبيئة الاجتماعية والبيئة الثقافية، والسياسية.... ويعنى ذلك علاقة النشاطات البشرية المتعلقة بهذه المجالات... وقد ترجمت كلمة Ecology إلى اللغة العربية بعبارة "علم البيئة" التي وضعها العالم الألماني ارنست هيجل Ernest Haeckel عام 1866م بعد دمج كلمتين يونانيتين هما Oikes ومعناها مسكن، و Logos ومعناها علم وعرفها بأنها "العلم الذي يدرس علاقة الكائنات الحية بالوسط الذي تعيش فيه ويهتم هذا العلم بالكائنات الحية وتغذيتها، وطرق معيشتها وتواجدها في مجتمعات أو تجمعات سكنية أو شعوب، كما يتضمن أيضاَ دراسة العوامل غير الحية مثل خصائص المناخ (الحرارة، الرطوبة، الإشعاعات، غازات المياه والهواء) والخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية للأرض والماء والهواء. ويتفق العلماء في الوقت الحاضر على أن مفهوم البيئة يشمل جميع الظروف والعوامل الخارجية التي تعيش فيها الكائنات الحية وتؤثر في العمليات التي تقوم بها. فالبيئة بالنسبة للإنسان- "الإطار الذي يعيش فيه والذي يحتوي على التربة والماء والهواء وما يتضمنه كل عنصر من هذه العناصر الثلاثة من مكونات جمادية، وكائنات تنبض بالحياة. وما يسود هذا الإطار من مظاهر شتى من طقس ومناخ ورياح وأمطار وجاذبية و مغناطيسية..الخ ومن علاقات متبادلة بين هذه العناصر. فالحديث عن مفهوم البيئة إذن هو الحديث عن مكوناتها الطبيعية وعن الظروف والعوامل التي تعيش فيها الكائنات الحية. وقد قسم بعض الباحثين البيئة إلى قسمين رئيسين هما:- 1. البيئة الطبيعية:- وهي عبارة عن المظاهر التي لا دخل للإنسان في وجودها أو استخدامها ومن مظاهرها: الصحراء، البحار، المناخ، التضاريس، والماء السطحي، والجوفي والحياة النباتية والحيوانية. والبيئة الطبيعية ذات تأثير مباشر أو غير مباشر في حياة أية جماعة حية Population من نبات أو حيوان أو إنسان. 2. البيئة المشيدة:- وتتكون من البنية الأساسية المادية التي شيدها الإنسان ومن النظم الاجتماعية والمؤسسات التي أقامها، ومن ثم يمكن النظر إلى البيئة المشيدة من خلال الطريقة التي نظمت بها المجتمعات حياتها، والتي غيرت البيئة الطبيعية لخدمة الحاجات البشرية، وتشمل البيئة المشيدة استعمالات الأراضي للزراعة والمناطق السكنية والتنقيب فيها عن الثروات الطبيعية وكذلك المناطق الصناعية وكذلك المناطق الصناعية والمراكز التجارية والمدارس والعاهد والطرق...الخ. والبيئة بشقيها الطبيعي والمشيد هي كل متكامل يشمل إطارها الكرة الأرضية، أو لنقل كوكب الحياة، وما يؤثر فيها من مكونات الكون الأخرى ومحتويات هذا الإطار ليست جامدة بل أنها دائمة التفاعل مؤثرة ومتأثرة والإنسان نفسه واحد من مكونات البيئة يتفاعل مع مكوناتها بما في ذلك أقرانه من البشر، وقد ورد هذا الفهم الشامل على لسان السيد يوثانت الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة حيث قال "أننا شئنا أم أبينا نسافر سوية على ظهر كوكب مشترك.. وليس لنا بديل معقول سوى أن نعمل جميعاً لنجعل منه بيئة نستطيع نحن وأطفالنا أن نعيش فيها حياة كاملة آمنة". و هذا يتطلب من الإنسان وهو العاقل الوحيد بين صور الحياة أن يتعامل مع البيئة بالرفق والحنان، يستثمرها دون إتلاف أو تدمير... ولعل فهم الطبيعة مكونات البيئة والعلاقات المتبادلة فيما بينها يمكن الإنسان أن يوجد ويطور موقعاً أفضل لحياته وحياة أجياله من بعده. البيئة والنظام البيئي يطلق العلماء لفظ البيئة على مجموع الظروف والعوامل الخارجية التي تعيش فيها الكائنات الحية وتؤثر في العمليات الحيوية التي تقوم بها، ويقصد بالنظام البيئي أية مساحة من الطبيعة وما تحويه من كائنات حية ومواد حية في تفاعلها مع بعضها البعض ومع الظروف البيئية وما تولده من تبادل بين الأجزاء الحية وغير الحية، ومن أمثلة النظم البيئية الغابة والنهر والبحيرة والبحر، وواضح من هذا التعريف أنه يأخذ في الاعتبار كل الكائنات الحية التي يتكون منها المجتمع البيئي ( البدائيات، والطلائعيات والتوالي النباتية والحيوانية) وكذلك كل عناصر البيئة غير الحية (تركيب التربة، الرياح، طول النهار، الرطوبة، التلوث...الخ) ويأخذ الإنسان – كأحد كائنات النظام البيئي – مكانة خاصة نظراً لتطوره الفكري والنفسي، فهو المسيطر- إلى حد ملموس – على النظام البيئي وعلى حسن تصرفه تتوقف المحافظة على النظام البيئي وعدم استنزافه. خصائص النظام البيئي:- ويتكون كل نظام بيئي مما يأتي:- 1. كائنات غير حية:- وهي المواد الأساسية غير العضوية والعضوية في البيئة. 2. كائنات حية:- وتنقسم إلى قسمين رئيسين:- أ‌. كائنات حية ذاتية التغذية: وهي الكائنات الحية التي تستطيع بناء غذائها بنفسها من مواد غير عضوية بسيطة بوساطة عمليات البناء الضوئي، (النباتات الخضر)، وتعتبر هذه الكائنات المصدر الأساسي والرئيسي لجميع أنواع الكائنات الحية الأخرى بمختلف أنواعها كما تقوم هذه الكائنات باستهلاك كميات كبيرة من ثاني أكسيد الكربون خلال عملية التركيب الضوئي وتقوم بإخراج الأكسجين في الهواء. ب‌. كائنات حية غير ذاتية التغذية:- وهي الكائنات الحية التي لا تستطيع تكوين غذائها بنفسها وتضم الكائنات المستهلكة والكائنات المحللة، فآكلات الحشائش مثل الحشرات التي تتغذى على الأعشاب كائنات مستهلكة تعتمد على ما صنعه النبات وتحوله في أجسامها إلى مواد مختلفة تبني بها أنسجتها وأجسامها، وتسمى مثل هذه الكائنات المستهلك الأول لأنها تعتم مباشرة على النبات، والحيوانات التي تتغذى على هذه الحشرات كائنات مستهلكة أيضاً ولكنها تسمى "المستهلك الثاني" لأنها تعتمد على المواد الغذائية المكونة لأجسام الحشرات والتي نشأت بدورها من أصل نباتي، أما الكائنات المحللة فهي تعتمد في التغذية غير الذاتية على تفكك بقايا الكائنات النباتية والحيوانية وتحولها إلى مركبات بسيطة تستفيد منها النباتات ومن أمثلتها البكتيريا الفطريات وبعض الكائنات المترممة. أثر التصنيع والتكنولوجيا الحديثة على البيئة إن للتصنيع والتكنولوجيا الحديثة آثاراً سيئة في البيئة، فانطلاق الأبخرة والغازات وإلقاء النفايات أدى إلى اضطراب السلاسل الغذائية، وانعكس ذلك على الإنسان الذي أفسدت الصناعة بيئته وجعلتها في بعض الأحيان غير ملائمة لحياته كما يتضح مما يلي:- - تلويث المحيط المائي: إن للنظم البيئية المائية علاقات مباشرة وغير مباشرة بحياة الإنسان، فمياهها التي تتبخر تسقط في شكل أمطار ضرورية للحياة على اليابسة، ومدخراتها من المادة الحية النباتية والحيوانية تعتبر مدخرات غذائية للإنسانية جمعاء في المستقبل، كما أن ثرواتها المعدنية ذات أهمية بالغة. - تلوث الجو: تتعدد مصادر تلوث الجو، ويمكن القول أنها تشمل المصانع ووسائل النقل والانفجارات الذرية والفضلات المشعة، كما تتعدد هذه المصادر وتزداد أعدادها يوماً بعد يوم، ومن أمثلتها الكلور، أول ثاني أكسيد الكربون، ثاني أكسيد الكبريت، أكسيد النيتروجين، أملاح الحديد والزنك والرصاص وبعض المركبات العضوية والعناصر المشعة. وإذا زادت نسبة هذه الملوثات عن حد معين في الجو أصبح لها تأثيرات واضحة على الإنسان وعلى كائنات البيئة. - تلوث التربة: تتلوث التربة نتيجة استعمال المبيدات المتنوعة والأسمدة وإلقاء الفضلات الصناعية، وينعكس ذلك على الكائنات الحية في التربة، وبالتالي على خصوبتها وعلى النبات والحيوان، مما ينعكس أثره على الإنسان في نهاية المطاف.
  4. عمك111 Receptionist Overview The receptionist fills one of the most important jobs in SPD. In larger offices, reception work is often a full time job. In smaller offices, the receptionist may also provide support to the staff. Whatever the size of the local office and the scope of the responsibilities, the receptionist is important to the efficient operation of the office and carries considerable public relations responsibility. In addition to necessary technical skills, the receptionist should have a general knowledge of the following: • The job responsibility and how it fits into the total operation of the office. • The organizational plan of the agency • The names and responsibilities of key officials in the agency. • Schedules of caseworkers, supervisors, and other staff. • Location of other agencies, their general function, and ways of reaching them. • General background and scope of services of the agency. 1. Responsibilities of the Receptionist The receptionist has a responsibility to the local office and to the consumer. Successful performance by the receptionist requires a thorough knowledge of the office, technical skills appropriate to the job, and a genuine desire to help people. The receptionist is usually the first person in the office with whom the consumer, board members, public officials, representatives of other health and welfare agencies, and interested citizens have contact. Because they are that first contact with the office, the visitor's first impression is affected by the receptionist's manner. 2. Duties of the Receptionist The duties of the receptionist will vary according to the size and needs of the local office. Usually, reception duties include the following tasks: • Greet consumers in person. • Find the proper person or other resource for the consumer. • Use the telephone skillfully. • Confirm and make appointments. • Overcome language and communication differences. • Take messages correctly and route them to the proper person. • Insure comfort and convenience of consumers. • Keep the reception area presentable. • Receive and route documents, forms and papers. • Gives necessary directions. While all the above duties are important, the first five are especially significant and are fully described below. Greet consumers in person The receptionist greets consumers in a friendly, professional manner and gives them complete and undivided attention. The receptionist effort to secures information is done in a manner to avoid drawing unnecessary personal information from the consumer and respect whatever confidential information is revealed. The receptionist expresses concern for the consumer by: • Extending common courtesies; • Listening attentively; and • Insuring that the waiting area is clean and neat The receptionist generally assists persons in the order in which they come to the office. However, a judgment should be made about when an exception is necessary. When the consumer has to wait to be seen, the receptionist gives the consumer an explanation and suggests that they return to the office later. Find the proper person or other resource for the consumer When requests are received for assistance or service, the receptionist secures pertinent information and assembles it for the worker. To insure that persons are appropriately directed to other agencies or resources, the receptionist might find a resource file of current information regarding other assistance agencies and the availability of related community services. The resource file is helpful. It would include such information as name or title, address, telephone number, and general nature of services provided. Use the telephone skillfully: The telephone is a fundamental public relations tool. Sometimes, a telephone call is the individual’s only contact with the local office. The receptionist answers promptly, listens carefully, speaks clearly, uses correct grammar, and provides information. When a receptionist answers the telephone, the consumer should receive an impression of alertness, efficiency, caring and knowledge. If the person sought is not available, the receptionist either offers to take a message, offers to have the call returned, or suggests other appropriate help. Staff should keep the receptionist informed of their availability, i.e., whether they are taking calls, unable to take incoming calls, or are absent from the office. If the consumer wants to leave a message, the receptionist obtains specific information such as correct name, telephone number and extension, time of call, and other relevant information.
  5. انشالله يصير لكم نصيب في حبكم الاول ونخلص السالفه
  6. بنات حليمة ماصادكم شي ما صاد مدرستي القديمة انشالله كلكم بخير
  7. الصراحه انه احلى من الثنتين اصلا ثنتينهم مسوين عمليات تجيل بس انه اقول نانسي احلى لانها بعد العمليات صايره مثل البيبي
  8. مشكورة انه دشيت الموضوع مادريت انه انت كتبتيه ثانكس
  9. بس نسيتي اختي افضل مغنيه عند الصبيان بعد روبي ومشكوره على الموضوع
  10. اصلا هاي شي مو عدل والله مايرضى عليه وصلا غريب واذا البنات بيحبون بعض عيل الله ليش خلق الصبيان
  11. العفو وانه حاضره في اي وقت
  12. بنات شفيكم زعلتوا هاي الصج احنا جذي بس الاهم انهم مايقدرون يعيشون بدونا حتى لو شنكون
  13. اهدي هاذي الكلمه الا الحبيب الغالي على قلبي والى اختي الي احبها ajamoo_zeshtoo
  14. انه الصراحه مع التضحيه للحبيب بس يكون يستاهل ويحبني صج واحبه صج
  15. بنات عندي لكم وصفه سحريه استعمليه مرتين في الاسبوع بيخلي بشرتج مشدوده وينعمها مكوناته : ملعقة صغيره عسل + ملعقة صغيره زبادي + بياض بيضه . أخلطيها وادهني بها وجهك من أسفل إلى أعلى ومن الوسط إلى الجوانب ثم تترك حتى ينشف ثم يشطف الوجه بالماء . بتلاحظين النتيجة من أول مره تسوينه بعد مابقول شي انتو قولو لي النتايج
  16. بنات تبون اتطلعون بره ومحد يقول عنكم حاطين مكياج هذي الطريقه سهله وناعمة اولا نظافة العينين شئ اساسي قبل اي خطوة ثانيا نظافة الحاجبين يجب التركيز علي الشكل السليم والمناسب. ثالثا قومي بوضع ظلال عيون ذا لون طبيعي (مقارب لون بشرتك) و انصح بالون البيج رابعا اختاري مسكرة مناسبه , دائما افضل اللون الاسود فهو يعطي اضاءه رائعه للعيون,,,قومي بوضع مسكرة على الرموش العليا فقط و بطرقة الزجزاج من الجذور الى الاعلى طبقتين فقط. عدم وضع المسكرة على الرموش السفلى.قومي بتنظيف المسكرة الزائده بقطن الاذن لكن بعد ان تجف تماما. قومي بالمرور على جفنيك بفرشاة بودرة الخدود بنفس لون البلشر المستخدم. بذلك تحصلين على عيون جميلة و طبيعية ها عجبكم انه الصراحه اسوي جذي وعجيب
  17. أي والله أصعب شي فراق العزيز و الحبيب لان لو أحبه ما بخونه وبحاول المستحيل عشان لا اجرحه والله الفراق صعب وانه أتكلم عن تجربه مشكور على الموضوع الحلو اخوي
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