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wajh al bader

الاعضاء الفعالين
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Everything posted by wajh al bader

  1. gr8 topic lulu um no i don't thiink i ever want to be involved in an arranged marraige it is better to know the other person well and to accept everything about them instead of getting married to who u think is Mr. perfect n then blaming the failure of the marraige on who ever chose the guy 4 u. i believe there should be some sort of understanding between u . marraige meanz creating a family n making sacrifices i don't think it possible to marry a person who is sooo not what u expected n then live happily ever after well that's just my opinion i don't believe in fairy tale marraiges but at least u should know what to expect!!!!!!!!
  2. this is a poem by a palastinean if u know any American forums please post it there thnx >>Eye to Eye >>By: Gihad Ali >> >>Look into my eyes >>And tell me what you see >>You don't see a damn thing, >>'cause you can't possibly relate to me. >> >>You're blinded by our differences. >>My life makes no sense to you. >>I'm the persecuted Palestinian. >>You are the American red, white and blue. >> >>Each day you wake in tranquility. >>No fears to cross your eyes. >>E ach day I wake in gratitude. >>Thanking God he let me rise. >> >>You worry about your education >>And the bills you have to pay. >>I worry about my vulnerable life >>And if I'll survive another day. >> >>Your biggest fear is getting ticketed >>As you cruise your Cadillac. >>My fear is that the tank that just left >>Will turn around and come back. >> >>America, do you realize, >>That the taxes that you pay >>Feed the forces that traumatize >>My every living day? >> >>The bulldozers and the tanks, >>The gases and the guns, >>The bombs that fall outside my door, >>All due to American funds. >> >>Yet do you know the truth >>Of where your money goes? >>Do you let your media deceive your mind? >>Is this a truth that no one knows? >> >>You blame me for defending myself >>Against the ways of Zionists >>I'm terrorized in my own land >>And I'm the terrorist? >> >>You think that you know all about terrorism >>But you don't know it the way I do. >>So l et me define the term for you. >>And teach you what you thought you knew. >> >>I've known terrorism for quite some time, >>Fifty- four years and more. >>It's the fruitless garden uprooted in my yard. >>It's the bulldozer in front of my door. >> >>Terrorism breathes the air I breathe. >>It's the checkpoint on my way to school. >>It's the curfew that jails me in my own home, >>And the penalties of breaking that curfew rule. >> >>Terrorism is the robbery of my land. >>And the torture of my mother. >>The imprisonment of my innocent father. >>The bullet in my baby brother. >> >>So America, don't tell me you know about >>The things I feel and see. >>I'm terrorized in my own land >>And the blame is put on me. >> >>But I will not rest, I shall never settle >>For the injustice my people endure. >>Palestine is OUR land and there we'll remain >>Until the day OUR homeland is secure. >> >>And if that time shall never come, >>Then they will never see a day of peace. >>I will not be thrown from my own home, >>Nor will fight for justice cease. >> >>And if I am killed, it will be for Falasteen. >>It's written on my breath. >>So in your own patriotic words, >>Give me liberty or give me death.
  3. i'm out of Ls ummmmmm lullaby = تهويدة او اغنية قبل النوم
  4. hehehehe thnx 4 the tips lulu i just hope they'd work
  5. ur right hehe but the subject is so tempting hareeees
  6. ur 100% right NSN it's all coz muslims r ignoring their religion
  7. tedious = ممل dunno y i like this face it's dead cute
  8. e7m e7m i'd just like to say something um we sort of have to follow a role model but our problem is that we take the negative points of this role model instead of the positive ones i can't really explain this at the moment as i'm about to fall asleep on the key board But i'd just include that children follow their parents' principles so if the parents have no principles!!!!!! who would those children follow >>>>>the americans and british we also act as though those r the coolest ppl on earth so naturally our youth would want to follow their steps wouldn't they y can't we teach our children to be proud of who they are not proud of the role they r acting
  9. torment = يعذب it's nice 2 be back
  10. يعذب = torture been busy wid skool
  11. hey there i missed u guys a loooot i'm وجه البدر yawn = يتئثائب
  12. thnx lulu um can u guys think of a word i'm out of ideas
  13. nice to c u 2 hunbun there's no place like home ( by the way where did that many could play this game go)
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