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أوراق باكية الانجازات


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  1. مررحبا .. زنووو بليييز ابي حل ذي الاسايمنت قبل تسليمه يوم الاربعا عيزني ,, و ذبحني و ماعرفت له المقرر كله لوعة جبد و ايييب القهر Q1# # Use do while Write a program that will read two integers and give the user a menu to choose wither to(add/subtract/divide/multiply or quit) it will keep giving the user the menu until the quits. Sample input/output Enter two numbers:9 5 Choose from the menu below: 1. addition 2. 2. subtraction 3. multiplication 4. division 5. quit your option is:1 the result is: 14 choose from the menu below: 6. addition 7. 2. subtraction 8. multiplication 9. division 10. quit your option is:2 the result is: 4 11. addition 12. 2. subtraction 13. multiplication 14. division 15. quit your option is:5 ================================ Q 2 ## (use for loop) Write a program that reads in the size of the side of a square and then prints a hollow square of that size out asterisks and blanks. Your program should work for squares of all side sizes between 1 and 20 .for example , if your program read a size of 5, it should print ***** * * * * * * ***** بلييييييييييييييز آنطرر الحل قبل الاربعا اذا ممكن .. و شكرا مقدما باااااااااااايز
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