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منتدى البحرين اليوم

!!DoN't EvEr LoOsE THe PeRsOn U ReAllY LoVe!!


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ItS a gOoD tOuChY mEsSaGe.

It dOeS


mAkE sEnSe aNd wE sHoUlD tAkE tHe tImE eVeRy dAy


To dO wHaT it sAys






ArOuNd tHe cOrNeR I hAvE


a fRiEnD,


IN tHiS gReAt cItY



tHaT hAs nO eNd,


YeT ThE dAyS gO By


aNd wEeKs rUsh On,


ANd bEfoRe I kNoW


it, a YeaR iS gOnE


ANd I neVer sEe mY


oLd fRieNdS faCe,


For liFe iS a sWifT


aNd terRiblE raCe,


He kNowS I liKe hIm


jUst aS wEll,


As in thE dAyS wHeN


I rAng HiS BelL.


And He raNg miNe iF,


wE wEre yOuNgEr ThEn,


AnD nOw wE ArE bUsy,


tiReD mEn.


TirEd oF plAyiNg a


fOoliSh gaMe,


TiRed oF trYiNg tO


MaKe a NaMe.


"ToMorRoW" I sAy! "I


wilL cAll oN JiM"


"JUsT to shOw thAt


I'm thiNkinG of hiM."


BuT toMorRoW coMeS


anD toMoRrOw gOeS,


And diStaNcE bEtwEeN


us gRoWs aNd grOwS.


ARouNd thE coRneR!


yeT milEs aWaY,


"HeRe's a telEgRaM


siR" "JiM DiEd tOdAy."


AnD thAt'S wHaT wE


geT aNd deSerVe iN tHe




ARouNd tHe CoRneR, a



vAniShEd fRieNd.


ReMemBer tO alWaYs sAy whAt yOu MeAn.


If yOu LoVe or liKe


sOmEoNe, tEll theM.


Don't be aFraiD to eXprEss yoUrselF. ReAcH oUt aNd


tEll soMeoNe whAt thEy mEan tO yOu. BeCauSe whEn


yOu dEciDe tHat it


is tHe riGhT tiMe it MigHt be tOo lAtE.


SeiZe tHe dAy. NeVeR haVe reGreTs. ANd moSt


iMpoRtaNtlY, stAy


cloSe tO yoUr friEnDs aNd faMilY, fOr thEy hAvE


hElPed mAkE yOu


tHe PeRsOn thAt yOu aRe tOdAy








WiTh AlL mY lOvE,,


Edited by بشاير
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