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منتدى البحرين اليوم

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Posted (edited)

hiiii .. goodevening all of u


i'm posting dis topic in my forum in attempt to change da topix types

and also ,, in order to activate it


most of the members have added a similar topics to mine


n am sooo sry 2 steal dis idea :ph34r:


i want u 2 particiapte in my forum and i hv nooo choice


well , lemme start telling ma opinion tward u ..


>> oh .. i 4got 2 tell u .. i've a spent a lot of time typing this <<






علي السماهيجي

he is a very moody guy .. he've changed a lot .. i duuno y ..

i guess i was the closet member 2 em ..

and even we were interplaying the secrets between each other

but the long period i left the B2D forums in ..

is the main cause 2 breakup this close realtion ship

anyhow .. he will remain close as he was b4





جرح انسانه

this member .. smwat strange ..

i mean her comments are strange ..

she doesn't like 2 spend too much time in the forum

as well as .. she doesn't add comment to any topic

unless a topic means smthing special 2 her

she like 2 post topix more dan 2 add comments on the others topics

her comments are too short ..






i dunno her well .. but

danat i c her participating in most of the forums in b2d

she is active in deewaneyaa more than any other forum of b2d forums

she is almost calm and alwyz with her own bznzZ





ذكرى !

this one .. appears occasionaly

sometimes u c her alwyz in b2d ..

and somethimes we miss her .. and taken no place

she doesn't like to deal with most of the members

unless they mean somthing 2 her ..

or if they ab2d***ibe 2 her





miss eTikate

she WAS pariticipating a lot

but ,, now a days her comments decreased with a noticable manner

if someone mensions her nickname .. she is available

atherwise she is present only to give a look

she talks freely with those who are very close to her ..

and making a barrier with those she doesn't knw





قمر موتو قهر

i dunno her ..

n i dun remeber any of her replyz

but i feel like she is cool

and doesn't put any consideration to ppl who badly comments her

she is confident abt herself





همسة .. الحب

very active in the chat .. and takes a big place there

she likes to post topics .. and to reply the others one also

she is collaborating

and like to share the others doing






soo cool .. and soo calm .. and soo soft

with her own wayz alwyz

she avoids the argues ..

and avoids the topics wich excludes the arguments






this little 3froota .. she is small

and her comments are small like her and reflects her young personality

sometimes she bleches words without taking into account the others feeling

she acts as she want ..

her prospective is.. the word inside my heart is the word outside it

and she just wana do the things she feels good about

she never put in mind wat others may think of about her

soo .. she jst do wat makes her feel comfortable







first .. she has to correct the spelling mistake of her nickname

this gurl is soo free-spoken

she trust ppl from the first time

and can tell every thing abt herself free without any scare

she is sociable and like to make relation ships

she talks spontanuosly .. feeling comfortable with the one she is dealing with





عـجـ Snickers ـمـيـة

this is ma new friend ..

i've knew her from B2D .. and i've met her in the college

soo sensitive ..

but her heart is soo kind and soo soft ..

she appreciate the others feeling

and can support them in their stress time ..

her clause is coming from deep inside

and she likes to advice u if u r doing wrong

she likes ppl who respect her

but she doesn't respect who doesn't respect himself

if u are alone and bored u can find her to relieve ur lonelness






i like her too much ..

may be because her personality is matching with mine or something else

may be coz ..

she is using the HOT word too much and i find myself hottie hottie hottie

she writes watever comes into her mind ..

even if it is bad ..

and dun care wat r the others gona say abt it

she is convinced with her doings

say i'm bad .. say i'm strange .. soo wat ya3nee





كابوس بحريني

a gentleman ..

he knw hw 2 reply back the disservice attitude he meets from the other members

he doesn't like 2 be bad with the bad members ..

because he is good and ONLY good

and ONLY treat problems with a very good solutions

he has a very good mood .. a very good heart

and a very good attitude as well ..

he can forgive all who mistaken

because his heart is big enough to forgive

he is ambitious .. and like 2 learn .. soo he can reach his goals






this new member could present herself within this very short period

she really proved dat she didn't register only to increase her participating number


her comments are reasonably

nt jst thanking or comanding

her aim is obvious ..

because she has a very strong personality

and cannot hide anything inside her heart ..

she doesn't hurt any one ,, coz she is respective

but if the topic deserve to be that honest one .. u can find her giving a clear opinion





عاشقة الاخوة 27

she is rude in her comments

i dunno .. may b coz she doesn't use smiles or somthing

she likes to be the first one who add comment in deewaneeyaa for each topic

but .. even if she wasn't the first one who add that comment

she likes to add a replay for all the topics there ..

she is famous among the members and taking a big place

they like her too much as well ..






he arrogate .. and consider himself a magician while he is not

he is creative and attractive for sure ..

but his imagination is nt truth in fact

he could attract most of B2D gurlz .. n dat was clear as sun shining

but hw .. ??

was among the comments in his topic .. Khalid Shop for Magic

he likes to present himself everywhere .. by way or another







Edited by Sheeva
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Posted (edited)

قمرة البدور

she is very active in my forum .. the english forum

she is following my topic .. FIND OUT THIS MEMBER

and .. ofxorse this make me soo glad

and make me recognize that ..

still their is an intellagent members who struggle to get their target

and also ..

she is presenting herself in my forum by adding moulage in da attendance topic

and dats soo great from her





a7la ‎7o0ob

she is pursy ..

don't ask me y i'v told this abt her ..

but i'v jst recognised dat she is pursy from one of her comments

i like her uppish .. at da same time i dun like it ..

coz it might hurt the others ..

we have 2 feel confident abt ourself but nt dis much ..

becoz .. we can find who is more uppish dan us ..

sometimes she adds a reasonable comments .. if it is in her mood

and other times .. she talks soo rudly which might hurt the members

and dat is nt good for her ofxorse






this is my lil bro .. oh sry .. i mean ma baby

he is smthin very different dan da others

his behavior for sure .. and his attendence

are totally different than the others ..

he is nt dat struggler as u see there .. but he is trying 2 be

and i appreciate his doing ..

he is ambitous ..

and he wanta 2 learn more .. but he didn't prove his desire

sometimes he acts like KIDS ..

which is the part of his personality i dun like

anyhow ..

he may nt mean wat he is doin usually






dis one adores the actresses n da actors

she alwyz tries 2 present herself their ..

n f u need her ..

u can jst find her in the actors and actresses forums

i dun knw her well ..

but as i've noticed ..

she deals only with the members she knws ..

she ignors the others .. as if she doesn't knw them





نور الصفا

a very kind person

and very helpful personality she has ..

she is collaborative n put thousand consideration 2 others

she deals with them with limits ..

but those limits are based on respect .. love .. & care

when u ask her 4 smthin 2 do .. she obeys ..

n never reject






wat a moody gurl she is .. !

her personality right nw totally differs dan it was in da past

may b she is thinkin dat she have changed 2 the better

but i c ..

dat she is droppin down unfortunatly

she doesn't value the words she is bleching

she is hurting others without caring ..

n never apologize for dat ..






the legend of b2d forums

wat a charmer he was ..

he could becharm most of da gurls in the forum

he is soooo lovely among them

although .. he was a source for the troubles in the forum

he likes 2 argue .. and talk a lot ..

makes problems without any reason

he has a very very very STRONG personality

which made most of the members feel gealous abt him

he is alwyz the first one in every thing ..

he is an attractive guy ..

in addition 2 all this ..

he is wreakful .. and cannot forget easily

even if he get motivated 2 change his personality 2 the better

he can't





evil cat

the present absent .. the hidden look owner

i c her givin a look into most the forum topix without adding any reply

his idea abt the membership is nt 2 add comment in each topic ..

but ..

to give a look n read them all .. coz it might nt b neccessery 2 add comments






this is my cousin

well .. she is calm .. very calm even at home

has no idea abt love n all these things .. coz she doesn't agree with it

she values the friendship realtions too much ..

she is a kind of gurls who like 2 share with friend her things

.. coz she trust them

and put them into account ..

she is kind .. but smtimes get affected by the others baldrdash

because she believes wat do they say normaly





اميره البحرين

her attendence is rarely .. as u c

little presence .. with a little participations

she has 2 prove her presence among us if she need 2 present herself





رغوده المحرقاويه

i guess she is a very old member since 2005 and still participating in the forum

she is faithful 2 b2d .. n deserve a meda forl her faihtfullness

because it rarely happens when smone remains and proves his love 2 his forum

she is still active ..

and acting like bee .. flying from forum 2 another ..in order 2 show herself





تاج حيد

this little gurl .. trying 2 show herself in the actors forums

she really did .. she is lovely their ..

she is smiliy ..

but one think i like in her ..

that she translates our comments and ideas from her prospective ..

never takes a sage decision

alwyz forjudge






ooh .. wat do u want me 2 say abt dis man ..

kind .. lovely .. attractive ..charming..wise ..all these are nothin

and all these never been enough 2 deb2d***ibe em ..

n never cover wat he gave 2 the members and the forum

his heart is big enough 2 love .. and 2 care .. and 2 forgive the mistaken ppl

never been venomous

we knw dat da amount of the disturbances he got from the members are nt dat few

it is jst coz they couldn't get wat do they need from him

and feel gealous .. because of his strong personality





لـيت الزعـل مـمنوع

this one tries 2 excite me hundred times .. i duuno y ..

wat i've done 2 em .. also i dunno

may be he hates me or smthing .. i really dunno

he has been expired from the forum because he argued with me

and also .. he made soo many problems 2 other members ..

this is nt good for him ..

it reflects his peronslity ..

and this attitude shows dat he is having a very poor personality

may be he is lovely by members who are matching with his personality

but for others ...


am nt sure abt it





حمد المسعد

he doesn't like 2 unmask the others

even if they were wrong ..

he usually likes 2 hide .. in order 2 gain ppl love

he is scholarly .. and has the answers for each question

his sweetie words .. makes him lovely by some of us ..

and he posts comments only for the topics that suit her personality





Edited by Sheeva

محرقي وكلي فخر

its ROMYO turn

yes .. sometimes i call him ROMYOO n sometimes QAIS n smtimes ...he knws

i'v never seen a carzy lover like him ..

i feel like he loves his gurfriend too much

mmm .. he is romantic boy ..

and he believes in love





متيم عراد

he is active in his forum ..

and u can find him in the chat of deewaaneeyaa

he is talkative ..

and trying 2 attract our vision ..

but for his bad luck ..

he can't

because he is usin a wrong way 2 attract the members

which might nt be helpfull






i feel like she doesn't like me .. i duuno y

it is jst a feeling ..

she is chesty ..

and doesn't add any reply 2 any one ..

although .. if she add ..thanking is enough to her

almost she has no opinion may be ..

and may be this wat keep her .. doesn't add any opinion





بنت البنفسج

how much does she love her husband this gurl

an amount dat no one can count i guess

she is fairly-spoken and soo nice ..

i alwyz smile when i c her comments ..

it usually makes me optimistic

has no problems with b2d ..

cause she knws hw 2 deal with each one of them






u can c this member .. smiling .. telling jokes

or having sm fun with others ..

but actually .. the sadness is living deep inside his heart

he is responsive ..

u cannot knw him when u talk 2 him twice or three times


once u give and take with him ..

u might recognize dat he is hiding most of things inside






alwyz when i look at her nickname i put in ma mind that she is too much young

but in fact she is bigger dan watever u expect ..

may be her signatures and her comments should b used by lil ppl

and dis wat keep us say this abt her





ترقص حافية القدمين

sometimes i say .. she is sad

and sometimes when i deal with her .. i change my pic on her

may be she thinks too much ..

soo i c her mind almost appearoffline

she is ambitious ..

and has hope 2 complete her study and 2 get big degrees

the most impo thing in her mind .. is to do wat she think is suiting her





banoota cool

the one who tolerate my bad acts tward her ..

and tolerate most of the members bad attitudes ..

the members despite her alwyz ..

most of them feel gealous .. and feel wreakfull

but she jst keep tolerating because she is nt dat venoumos

and .. has a very big heart 2 forgive .. and forget

i like her ..

she is cool





مجنونة محرقي وكلي فخر

OOh .. juliette ..

she is a mad lover .. she loves mu7arraqi too much

ooh .. it is nt ma bznz 2 talk abt thier private issues .. sry

but this really wat i've noticed on them

she is sool .. and active only on some forums

while she is nt active in the others ..

she could present herself coz of her boyfriend ..

he supported her too much





$ بنت الأحمد $

she is nt a new member ..

she has registered since a long time ..

but she doesn't particpate ,, coz she has no relations in the forum





green day

i've heard abt dis guy a lot ..

and i've noticed his nickname in a lot of topix ..

he is lovely too much ..

and the members like him too much and like 2 deal with him also

but .. me ..

i've never deal with him .. i dunno y






this cool kindy and nice gurl is presenting herself by her kindness

she is attentive .. pleasant and polite ..

she is respectfull .. coz she is respecting herself too much

her comments are very polite ..

and she alwayz encourage and motivate the others 2 help them continue thier works





Princess Of Hearts

she is uppish .. and give no specific answer

her attendance in b2d is very little ..

have no relations

she is making a barriers and linits with her relations

also .. she doesn't feel comfortable 2 talk 2 any one in b2d





..^ذبانة كشخه^..

she is soo nice and feel free to talk 2 anyone ..

likes 2 make relationships inside the forum ..

she is funny .. and alwayz in her mood

she likes 2 smile 2 life .. and to ppl in life

she is living her life ..

no one 2 disturbe her





خلاص ببعد

she is very active in the discussion forum

i've seen her comments their ..

they are summarized but aimful ..

i mean a very reasonable sentences

actually .. they are very short ..

but she feel like .. she has jst 2 tell wat comes into her mind






this is my colleague

i remember one day at college .. ma lil bro was with me

i'v left em .. but she took care of him

she hanged his hand i guess .. and walked with em

soo kind .. and nice with a handsome heart






Posted (edited)

golden boy12

he is soo sensitive ..

and he is very active and lovely by some of the members

he likes 2 attract the ppl here ..

somwat calm ..

doesn't feel free to chat with anyone ..

and he is not socioable

almost .. he talks with limits





Just Amoon

she is soo kind and respectful ..

a very good listener ..

likes 2 share others their emotions and feelings

and also she likes 2 talk a lot

she likes 2 make relationships with b2d ..

very close 2 them ..

she never ignored any one in b2d





فديتني قمر

the one with a very big and handsome heart

she could tolerate every thing just to be close 2 b2d members

but unfortunately .. they don't deserve

she is very helpfull and collaborative ..

assertive ..

and obeys sometimes .. if u request smthing from her

she got hurt from the members

but her heart is big enough 2 4give ..

she is a very creative gurl





انين الروح

i feel she is small

bcoze her comments are very short and it comes from a small mind

her comments are cute ..

even if they are very short .. but i c them respectfull

she is gentle .. and active at the same time





love H girl

didn't notice her participation since a very long time ..

we miss her presence actually ..

just like a butterfly .. from flower to another

but .. sometimes i dun like her attitude

when she jst ignore me .. while i'm talking 2 her

or when she just answer .. by YES or NO ..

while am telling a big story ..

she is nt easy outgoing ..

very difficult to make a relation with her ..

she have changed a lot ..

she is nt socioable as she was b4





شيطونة عسل

a very creative gurl ..

and also she is lovely .. and assertive ..

she likes 2 help others ..

and feel comfortable once she do somthing good

may be she is nt known among most of us ..

but among ppl who ask her 2 make signaturse ..

she is more than known






wat happened 2 dis gurl ..

hw could she changed ths much ?

is it life .. who needs 2 ..

or the ppl .. who really deserve

her comments became lil bit rude for our bad luck

she is back 2 b2d but nt as b4 ..

coz i guess she is nt comfortable with the situation there

although ..

the new members .. doesn't match with her

she is big ..

i mean her thinkng is bigger than her age ..

and may be this wat keep her changes her attitude

if she deal with some one smaller than her

anyhow ..

will remain .. my lovely sis ..

because her heart is really sweet






she is good ..

she is trying 2 deal with b2d forums ..

but .. she doesn't knw hw 2 do it ..

her comments and topics are cool

and she has a very good and cool personality

but if she really want 2 develop her relatinship with b2d members

she has to participate more





صقر المقابيـل

this gentleman ..

could present himself ..

prove himself here within this short period

he is nt dat attractive one ..

but his comments really do

almost the member follow the one who give and take

and he is trying 2 follow this policy ..

he is successful ..






she is available most of the time

but her comments are nt avaiable as her ..

she is successful in going on ..

i c her knw all the incidinces in b2d

even if she doesn't add her comment ..

but i alwyz c her online ..

she doesn't add simple comments ..

it should be aimful ..

she is really good .. and big mind owner





Edited by Sheeva
Posted (edited)

أسير الوجدان


he is younger dan he has 2 be ..

i thought he is big enough .. coz of his nickame

but .. his comments are totally different dan wat his nickname means

u can find him in chats .. any chat in b2d u may find him there

his presence in the other forums is soo little






i don't know her ..

may be i've noticed one of her replys

but they are almost abbreviated ..

thanking others .. is smthin enough 4 her





جمـــا "معذبهم" لـــي

she is a very nice and cool person

more dan wat u expect ..

i dun hide dat i've taken a bad impression abt her

i've said .. that she is chesty ..and those similar words

but now .. i got 2 knw her more ..

and i jst knw .. dat she is nt bad as i thought ..

if u deal with her .. u will love her

otherwise u will take another impression abt her





pinky star

she is sociable ..

and easy outgoing ..

feel like all the members are her sisters and brothers

and this wat keep her feel free when she wna say smthin





ولــ شيوخ ــد

actually he is very active member but we dun notice this ..

do u wna knw why ?

coz his topics & comments are around the hall forum accept DEWANEYA ..

he doesn't like 2 share the members in dewaneya forum

he feels like not all the topics deserve to add reply in

so he consider only the impo and the useful topix






she was active .. and was famous among the members

but since she joined the supervision ..

her participations in dewaneya and in b2d forums as general started 2 decrease

and she started to make limits for her relations inside b2d forums






she is like the butterfly ..

flying from one folwer to another

i mean from one forum 2 another inside b2d

she is too much active and collaborative as well ..

and likes to share every one in each topic

u can find her adding comments everywhere

she has her own moulage in my english forum also

she really deserve 2 be honored





>< ملك الجوارح ><

the one who promised all the members 2 change himself 2 the better

i really dunno wether he have changed or still acting badly as he was

because i don't knw him well .. and i dun have 2 hurt hem ..

he has his own dignity as u all c .. but he doesn't kne how 2 save it

may be he has the motivation and the desire to change to the better

but he doesn't knw .. hw 2 start .. and from where 2 start

his topix are younger dan his age ..

he has 2 add topix which suits his age ..

and he has 2 avoid topics which includes gurls and flirts

coz it may affect his honor as a man






she is very moody ..

and if there is someone 2 help her doing sm naughty acts

she is available and in her mood

but .. if there is no one 2 help her doing this ..

u will find her sad .. and nt in her mood

she is too much active and like 2 add comment for each topic

a very old member ..

she ois really proving her honoring 2 the forum

she is gutty .. and feel free to speak

but once she has no one t encourage her doing this

her enthusiasm get down

but the main aspects for her ..

is that she is calm.. and follow the b2d topix sielntly





مهاجر 307

i have seen him soo many times following ma topics

in the personal photography forum

he is very interested 2 watch pics added by the members

known by sm of us ..

and famous among them also

but in deewaneya has noo moulage

may be coz he doesn't want 2 waste his time ..

his comments are big .. and suits his personality





يساف بحريني

if he feel comfortable with u ..

he will add a very nice and a very cool .. and a very gentle comment

but if he doesn't feel comfortable with u ..

u will notive him hurting smthimes ..

and smtimes u will c him acting soo rudly ..

and also it depends in the mood

and this attitude doesn't admire me .. and admire the others for sure





»؛~مــلاك صــفــوى~؛«

oooooh ... dis is ma twin ..

she understands me very very very well ..

actually coz we born in the same day

most of our charactersitics matches 2gather ..

she is soo soft and kind .. and deal gently with all the members

she is an attractive gurl and lovely also ..

and most of the members .. and even boy .. like her too much

once she she leaves the forum ..

we all miss her ..

because she is really making a flavour for the forum

she helpful and collaborative too much ..

she appreciate the others doing ..

and appreciate the friendship also

athough .. somthimes i feel like she is sad ..

but while we are over here .. surround her ..

she tries 2 hide her sadness

she doesn't like 2 share the topix

which contains arguments and problems

have a very big sweet heart






he doesn't add comments and doesn't share the others

and he wna be famous .. and known .. how ?

he has 2 share the others if he really want them 2 mension his name

his attendence is very little

but he is a nice person ..

if u deal with him once or twice u will knw him

and u will be close 2 him as well





حسناء وردية

i like her when she is active

and posts a reply for all the topix ..

which encourages the other ..

but i dun like her ..

once she thinks jst like if she has 2 post a comment and leave

jst to increase her participations numbers

this is nt good .. will reflect her attitude ..

i've noticed her .. soo many times ..

adding comments into a very old topix bringing them 2 the first bage

while .. no need 2 do this .. actually

because it annoys the others

she is doing this .. she is bucking

she is desolating from being nt able 2 watch the useful topics






that is it :up:

Edited by Sheeva
Posted (edited)



ooh .. wat do u want me 2 say abt dis man ..

kind .. lovely .. attractive ..charming..wise ..all these are nothin

and all these never been enough 2 deb2d***ibe em ..

n never cover wat he gave 2 the members and the forum

his heart is big enough 2 love .. and 2 care .. and 2 forgive the mistaken ppl

never been venomous

we knw dat da amount of the disturbances he got from the members are nt dat few

it is jst coz they couldn't get wat do they need from him

and feel gealous .. because of his strong personality






I really don’t know how to show you haw happy I am after reading those words, and I proms all the


members that after a wile they will see a lot of fantastic things that I’m planning to do, and thanks allot


Sheeva you’re the best





Edited by Aseer_Dubai


i like her too much ..

may be because her personality is matching with mine or something else

may be coz ..

she is using the HOT word too much and i find myself hottie hottie hottie

she writes watever comes into her mind ..

even if it is bad ..

and dun care wat r the others gona say abt it

she is convinced with her doings

say i'm bad .. say i'm strange .. soo wat ya3nee





I really Luv wot U say 'bout me

Yup I dun care hehehe Should I ??

Loools thanks aloooot sweety


I like U too :n6:

>< ملك الجوارح ><

the one who promised all the members 2 change himself 2 the better

i really dunno wether he have changed or still acting badly as he was

because i don't knw him well .. and i dun have 2 hurt hem ..

he has his own dignity as u all c .. but he doesn't kne how 2 save it

may be he has the motivation and the desire to change to the better

but he doesn't knw .. hw 2 start .. and from where 2 start

his topix are younger dan his age ..

he has 2 add topix which suits his age ..

and he has 2 avoid topics which includes gurls and flirts

coz it may affect his honor as a man


Thank you to show Reg Shiva and God has let us know more and more I Chowon has changed or not soon .. Your words are the crown on the head and thank you very much for the advice .. And I wish you all the best

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