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منتدى البحرين اليوم


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السلام عليكم والرحمه ... انا ما عارفه ابتدي معاكم من وين لكن انا بما اني معتبره روحي بين خواتي واخواني بقول لكم :n6:

انا تخرجت من مدرسه حكوميه وكان مستواي بلغه الانجليزي جيد يعني ايب العلامه الجيده الي احل عليها الامتحانات او الواجبات لكن انا الحين مو عارفه اساسيات الغه واذا بتمر على ما اعرف اطبقها مو عيب الواحد يقول انا ما اعرف لكن يتني اشغال وايد الاساس فيها الغه وانا للاسف ما اطبقها يعني ما اتكلم مع اهلي ولا :(اشتغل :"(

ف يا حبذا لو احد منكم يقدر يا خد بيدي ويساعدني اكون ممنونه وشاكره له وللعلم انا ابي اروح االجامعه انا بعرف عن شن و يتكلمون لكن صيغه الرد هذي الي ما اعرفها <_<

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اختي اللغة الأنجليزية وااااايد مهمه ...

فليش ماتروحين تدرسين في معهد أحسن لج .. عشان تتعلمين ...!!

واذا تبين انصحج اتروحين المعهد الأمريكي .. لانه تدريسهم واايد زين .. وثاني شي يدرسونج أجانب .. وهذي المعهد انه دارسه فيه ومجربته ووايد زين يعني موبس سامعه عنه .. وهالمعهد بيرفع من مستواج بسرعة في الأنجليزي .. لانج مابتقدرين تتكلمين عربي .. لازم تحاولين انجليزي واهوه يتحجون وياج بالانجليزي لانه أجانب ...

و إن شاء الله تروحين وتستفيدين منه ...

والله يوووفقج إن شاء الله ..

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ما تقصرين يا شيوخه لكن انا الحين ما عندي للمعاهد وانا مستواي زفت رحت المعهد الحديث خذيت كورس بس اليفل الواحد ب 30دينار وانا كنت بحاجه للمزيد ..... انا في ناس قالو لي انه بسيط وناس قالوا لي انه صعب وما بتنجحين فيه

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First of all, please read the rules



now .. this seems to be a tough case, learning a languge will never be of the same level easiness to everyone

If you find it easy others might find it hopeless and it goes around the same way


You should try and learn, if it doesn't work .. try again

if you keep thinking that its going to be hard because others find it too, then you will never learn

Some can learn languages while others simply can't


If you still want to learn they "TRY" and subject closed


نرجو من جميع أعضاءنا البحرينيين مساعدة الأخت العضوه في الحصول على عنوان معهد متخصص للغات في البحرين

I would kindly request all our Bahraini members to assist your fellow member in finding a recommended institute for English Language


نرجو منكم وضع اسم المعهد هنا حتى يستفيد الجميع

Please mention the institutes name here, so that the rest can make use of the information too


ولكن أي ردود باللغه العربيه سوف تحذف .. تم ترك الردود السابقه لأنه العضوه محتاجه مساعده

On the other hand, any other further replies in Arabic will be deleted

However we left the above enquiry written in Arabic for the sake of helping the new member


Best Regards

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Dear sister

In fact learning english is something very important these days and it depends on you if you want to learn it beacause tuy want that or something forces you to learn like having a job or studying in the university....Anyway, I was like you I have no chance to learn in an institute but I pushed my self to do what I want, so my I recommend you to do the following:

read as much as you can english books or newspapers....watch english films ...listen to english songs... try to talk with your self in english... put in your mind any subject you like and write about it and type it here to make your frieands as teachers for you , I am sure they will help you... if you have net at home visit the english sites to learn this language... try to have an english friend that can help you and you can help her too in learning arabic...at the end i wish you all the best.......................................your sister

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  • 2 weeks later...

lulu i would like to help if u dont mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


just lit me how could i do that and i will be glad to.......


british council is a very good place to learn but as i understood that she is can due to financial resons....


just lit me know please...........


never say never

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hala wallah bro NSN

did I tell you it's always nice to see you around




you can help in any way you can

you can post related topics to English grammer for example

or suggest other ways to help learn English

you are right, she can not due to financial issues

but there might be an institute in Bahrain that will suit her budget or so

I also suggested that she visits a college library to rent tapes or books for non English speakers


anywayz .. anything you can do would highly be appreciated



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