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وانه ابغيه حق باجر ولكن بعرضه هني لعل وعسى احد يقدر يساعدني

تقرير عن التلوث الببيئي او عن اي شي يخص التلوث حق تحصلون

عندكم عن اي شي والخيار عندكم عن اي مشكلة بيئية..

المصانع _ البحر - الجو اي شي



1_تحديد مشكلة بيئية:


2_ تعريف المشكلة البيئية:


3- وضع حلول للمشكلة:


4- اختيار أفضل الحلول الممكن تطبيقها:


5- خطوات تطبيق الحلالمناسب:


6- الفوائد المترتبة عند تطبيق هذا الحل:


7- المراجع التي تم الاستعانة بها:



جريحة الزمن

لو سمحتوا ابغية ضروري حق باجر

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ممكن ابي بحث حق مادة الصحه المهنيه (( صحه 931 ))




عن العدد اليدويه


او الاعمال الصناعيه


او تخزين المواد الصناعيه واعادة استخدامها



بليــز آآآبيه اليوم او باجر :rest2:

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لو سمحتوا ابي بحث عن صالة المحاكاة :"( بلييييز الحين ابيه ضروري

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لو سمحتوا ابي بحث عن صالة المحاكاة :"( بلييييز الحين ابيه ضروري



When answering the telephone:

1. Always answer promptly and announce your identity.

Say "Good morning" (or "Good afternoon), Bahrain fashion Factory.


2. Never answer the phone by saying “Hello” as this waist’s time and does not help the caller.


3. Do not keep the caller waiting. If there is likely to be a delay in connecting the caller it may be better to offer to ring back.


4. Speak slowly and distinctly, avoid slang expressions such as "Hang on",

"Rightly-oh" and "No worries"!


5. Have a pad and pencil ready so that you can write down the message.


6. If you have to leave the telephone for a. while in order to make an Inquiry or collect some Information, let the caller know how long you expect to be and ask him if he would prefer you to call back.


7. When transferring an incoming call from one extension to other, convey the caller’s name and request to the new extension so that he have to repeat his message.


8. If a delay occurs before a caller is connected, keep him informed of the action you are taking.


9. If an incoming call becomes disconnected, replace the receiver and wait for the caller to re-establish the connection.


10. If you receive a call, which is a wrong number, remember that the intrusion is not intentional and that it is probably Just as irritating to the caller as it is to you. No apology is required of you, but one made by the caller should be accepted politely.


11. Always try to make a conscious effort to greet people pleasantly, even at the end of the day, and if you know a caller’s name, do not hesitate to use it when addressing him (or her).


12. The telephonist is responsible for seeing that each caller is connected to someone who can deal with his business. A caller who wishes to speak to someone who is absent from his office should be asked wither he would like to: (a) speak to some one else, (B) be rung back, © ring again later or (d) leave message. Whatever the answer, the caller’s name and telephone number should be noted.

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With my ankle help I visited Investcorp Bank for this project, I have met General Services Supervisor Mr. Dahif, Salah and we spoke about all functions in relation with Mail Handling and Mail Equipment. The following report highlight the main topics required by the assignment.


1. Mail Handling:

a. Receiving and Checking Mail: Everyday a staff from General Services will go to the post office in Manama and bring the mail for the bank, usually one to two full bags. When the mail reached the Bank group of General Services staff will sort the mail by divisions into the pigeonholes and will be distributed to the Departments.


b. Prioritizing the mail: Investcorp treat all incoming letters the same every single letter is important, therefore the make sure that all incoming letters reach their destinations whether personal or business. However outgoing letters will be categorized according to their priority for delivering, there are three categories. First, High Priority will be deliver by hand on the same day and messenger will get acknowledgment from the recipients. Second Medium Priority will be deliver by courier (DHL or UPS etc.) or registered mail and the third one Low Priority, which will be delivered by normal mail.


c. Opening mail and checking enclosures: All letters received from the post office will be opened by the respective department, General Services department role is to hand over all these letters the departments concerned. As example Operations will receive their part in the morning, and will open all letters some of them coming from other banks which has business relation and some are accounts statements/confirmations which reflect Investcorp bank account activities handle by these banks.


d. Recording remittance: Every after noon by 4 o’clock all outgoing mail will be stamped by General services staff and will be recorded in their books. Informations taken into their records are, address of the letter, and value in Bahraini Dinar and sender department or personal name. By the end of the month this record will be given to Financial Control for cost allocation.


e. Sorting and distributing the mail: As stated in paragraph a. early morning General Services staff will bring the mail from the main post office in Manama, and will sort them out in the pigeonholes by divisions such as Operations Department, Dealing Room, System Dep. Etc. Internal messengers will take them and distribute the mail to the departments and will take any outgoing mail from the departments as well.


f. Preparing the outgoing mail: All outgoing mail will be registered in their record for any tracking and as well for cost allocation by departments. The start of this process is all outgoing mail will be collected from various departments in the bank and then will be stamped by the machine. Then, all will be recorded according to their destinations, value of amount in BD and Sender and by 5 o’clock everyday G.S. will take all ready mails to the post office in Manama for positing.


2. Mail Equipment and Operations:


a. Mail Equipment/Machines used: Investcorp has Stamp machine for their outgoing letters, and when it reach cretin amount they take to the post office to fill it back of course they give them Check instead. And they use folding machines when they want to send large number of letters, which will help them to save time in folding and inserting them into the envelopes. Some urgent letters will be sent by hand, General Service’s staff will deliver these letters and will get the recipients acknowledgment.


b. Average number of letters and parcels received and dispatched a week: About one thousand letters Investcorp receive on a weekly basis and one hundred parcel and Investcorp send out about seven hundred letters and sixty parcel as well. Because of high volume of incoming and outgoing letters, General Service’s department has ten members.


c. Problems encountered with the company mailing procedures: Investcorp handle mailing system very well, they seldom have problem, and because of well-established control/procedure every member knows his role and shares his role with the rest of the team. General Services supervisor responsibility to make sure that there are enough recourses available to run the business, and the procedure is followed by every member in the department. The only problem that they face some times especially during the board meeting in February, is high volume of outgoing letters and not enough resources available at this time to handle the posting and hand delivery processes.


d. Measures or solutions to the problems: As stated above the only problem they face is less recourses available to handle mailing dispatch process, because most of G.S. staff are busy working as drivers with the Board members. In my opinion they can solve this problem by hiring outsourcers drivers to handle Board members trips and let the staff handle their original tasks of Mailing procedure.

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السلام عليكم بغيت تقرير عن انج 102 في البحرين بشكل عام من تاريخ وحروب وافتتاح وعن كل شيئ اذا وجد ابي بالانجليزي وياريت ورجاي ان يكون عندي اليوم وتسلمو :ssm11: ن ويعطيكم العافية لان اخر موعد بكره

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