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منتدى البحرين اليوم

A7la Angel

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Everything posted by A7la Angel

  1. mat chooof shar ya smart :-[ .... althhough i donn know ya ... bs ba3ad ..... matchoof shar o get well soon :)
  2. this is especially true! thank u COOKIESSS for those valuable tips .... inshalla all the entries in this forum are as useful as this one !!
  3. نك نيمي يه بالصدفة.... لما وحدة من رفيجاتي سوت لي اياةه قبل 4 سنين ... مب هاين علي آغيره أحين.... ;D
  4. تسلمين نوف :) وايد استانست لما جفت هاذي الردود على مشاركتي !! U all made my day
  5. YOU KNOW YOU'VE BEEN IN UNIVERSITY TOO LONG WHEN... > >You actually like doing laundry at home where the washing machines >work. > >*Two miles is not too far to walk for a party. > >*You'd rather clean than study especially if an essay is due. > >*"Oh shit how did it get so late!" comes out of your mouth at least >once a night. > >*Parents' cooking become something you desire, not avoid. > >*You schedule your classes around sleep habits and soap operas >especially neighbours and Diagnosis Murder. > >*You know the pizza boy by name and don't even need to read the >menu. > >*You go to sleep when it's light and get up when it's dark. > >*You live for getting mail. > >*Looking out the window is a form of entertainment. > >*Prank phone calls become funny again. > >*You start thinking and sounding like your friends and your accent >becomes a hybrid of West Country, Surrey and general Northern. > >*Highlighters are the coolest things on earth. > >*Rearranging your room is your favourite pastime. > >*The weekend lasts from Thursday to Monday. > > >BEFORE I CAME TO UNIVERSITY, I WISH I HAD KNOWN... > >*That it didn't matter how early my first lecture was, I'd still >sleep through it. > >*That I could change so much and barely realize it. > >*That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways. > >*No matter how 'cool' you were in school, no one here cares. > >*That if you wear polyester everyone will ask why you are so dressed >up. > >*That every clock on campus shows a different time. > >*That if you got good a-levels, so what? It doesn't matter here. > >*That I would go to a party the night before an exam or essay >due-date. > >*That Chem Labs/Architecture studios take up more time than all my >other classes put together. > >*That you can know everything and fail a test. > >*That you can know nothing and ace a test. > >*That I could get used to almost anything found out about my >friends. > >*That most of my education would be obtained outside of lectures. > >*That friendship is more than getting drunk together but that's >still funny......! > >*That Sunday is a figment of the world's imagination. > >*That Psychology is really Biology, that Biology is really >Chemistry, that Chemistry is really Physics and that Physics is >really Maths. > >*That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years. > >*That it's possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by >friends. > >*Don't be dismayed at good-byes, a farewell is necessary before we >can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is >certain for those who are friends.
  6. Hi!! it is a really cool subject.... The thing is that there are heaps of good books, but the one which inspired me and can't really forget is Jane Eyre ... in addition to this there are some "newer" books , such as the chicken soup for the teenage soul series... Cheers!
  7. You Gotta Love The Elderly! A pastor goes to a nursing home to visit an elderly parishioner. As he is sitting there, he notices a bowl of peanuts beside her bed and takes one. As they continue their conversation, he can't help himself and eats one after another. By the time they are through visiting, the bowl is empty. He says, "Mrs. Jones, I'm so sorry, but I seem to have eaten all of your peanuts." That's O.K," she says. "They would have just sat there anyway. Without my teeth, all I can do is suck the chocolate off and put 'em back in the bowl."
  8. 1- هل هذه اول مرة تدخل المنتدى؟ لا ;D 2- من هو الشخص الذي علمك على منتدى البحرين اليوم؟ جفت السايت في واحد من الفوروردات على الايميل ..... 3- ماذا يعجبك في المنتدى ولا يوجد في منتدى آخر؟ تبي الصج ما كنت مشتركة في اي منتدى ثاني ما جدر آحكم 4- ماهو الشئ الذي لايعجبك في المنتدى ؟؟ so far so good !! 5- ماذا تقترح في المنتدى و الموقع؟؟ المنتدى ممتاز بس فيه بعظ الأقسام الي تحتاج تطوير..... المنتدى الانجليزي على سبيل المثال... مواضيعه ممكن اتكون أهدف من بس أغاني.... 6- كم عمرك الان؟؟ 18 7- كم ساعة تقضيها في المنتدى سواء يوميا او اسبوعيا او شهريا؟؟ 3 ساعات تقريباً 8- ما رايك في مراقبيين منتدى البحرين اليوم في معاملتهم مع الاعضاء ؟؟ ما جفنا منهم الا الخير 9- هل تطمح ان تكون مراقب في منتدى البحرين اليوم ؟؟ وأي منتدى تطمح له؟ أتمنى الصراحة... ;D 10- اذا كنت تعمل في اين مجال تعمل او اذا كنت تدرس ماهي دراستك او اي صف دراسي انت؟؟ في الجامعة... computer science 8) 11- اي منطقه انت تسكن و اي دولة ؟؟ المنامة- مملكة الخير
  9. fekra wayed faan.... bs el moshkella ma negdar nalbeshom... itha lebasnah lazim ne6la3 7efay !!!!! 8)
  10. انه عضوة يديدة... المنتدى وايييييد حلو.... صج يعطيكم العافية.... المواضيع ممتازة و أحب اني أدش المنتدى كل يوم خصوصاً لاني مو في البحرين
  11. تسلم أخوي على الموضوع .... صج انة في جمعيات وايد بس وايد منها تابعة لمذهب ديني معين... يا ريت تذكر لنا أسامي الجمعيات "الي ما تتبع أي مذهب و اتكون مناسبة حق أي بحريني و بحرينية"
  12. القصة صج... بس المشكلة انه الاعلام الغربي.... ما انشروا القصة هلون.... قالو انه واحد من المظيفين وقفه حتى ما اكتبوا اسمه.... وما قالو انه مسلم ... المفروض صج تنشر القصة بالانجليزي!!!
  13. e walla 7asbee allah wa ne3am el wakeel .... allah yeg6a3hom inshalla !!
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