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منتدى البحرين اليوم

m!ss d@rk

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عن m!ss d@rk

  • عيد الميلاد 05/28/1991

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  • البلد - المنطقة
    not ur Business

m!ss d@rk الانجازات


Newbie (1/14)



  1. هلااا مطلوب اي فون ابي يديد وين اقدر احصل ؟
  2. لو تلاحظون البحرين شكلها راح تجوفون انها جزء مقطوع من ايران و لاحظو في الخريطة بعد
  3. يسلمو على الموضوع بس اهي قالت ا نها مب شيعية و لا سنية فشلون تجوف امام علي هاي سؤال و بعد اهي مب شي كبير مثل سيستاني او خامنائي لي بتتنبأ بهاي اشياء و على فكرة لو بيي لها الرسول في نومها مفروض ما تسوي اعلان على هاي شي
  4. انه ما جربت هاي شي بس اعتقد جذي الانسان يحب مره وحده من قلبه اهو اكيد ما بتنساه و لا بتكره اهو بس تكره الشي الي اهو سواه فيك
  5. اول شي اهو مافي فرق بين ناس لو شنو كان سني شيعي مثل الشي و عادي انهم تحبون بعض اذا كانو متفاهمين بيقدرون يكملون مع بعض و شي ثاني اشلون يقول لها اذا اتزوج مع وحده غير بتكون اول مدعوين هاي ما يسمون حب المفروض ما يروح لوحده غيرها و لا يحب انه اهي تروح مع واحد غير
  6. الي يحرمون الحب ليش ما يحرمون الكراهية بعد اهو الحب مب حرام بس ما يتجاوز الحدود الحمره مثل ما قالو لما الواحد يحب يقول الناس حرام لكن اذا كره ليش ما يقول له حرام
  7. عن شنو بغيتي يعني اي موضوع الامثله و الالغاز و النكت؟
  8. شكراااااااااااااا
  9. لو سمحتوا بغيت طلب ابي تقرير دين 103 عن المواضيع الي بالكتاب اي واحد منها بس صفحتين و مع اسم مؤلف و اسم الكتاب و مقدمة و عرض و خاتمة that's all
  10. To the boys who say they love you When it's all just a lie To the boys who end up dumping you For another girl To the boys who say they wanna be with you When they really don't To the boys who say they'd do anything for you When they really won't To the boys who don't want commitment And just wanna have fun They tell you they want all of you But then they want none To the boys who do want commitment And then suddenly change their mind The ones who tell you this after you're in love I really hate those kind To the boys who say they want a commitment Even more than you Then when it gets to that you see They didn't mean the words, "I love you too" To the boys who promise they won't break your heart Then they rip it out and tear it apart To the boys who you pour you heart out to Who use that to take advantage of you To the boys who want you back Soon after their gone They come back crying saying, "I'm sorry I was wrong" To the boys who want you to be perfect When even they are not This is the type of boy That I got I had him, I lost him He's one of those boys The boys that you wish you hated But you would still give them the world To all these boys what you're doing isn't right You cause so much pain, suffering, and sleepless nights i hope u like it girls
  11. I WAS YOUR LIFE I am writing this note Just to take out some pain Out of my chest. Since you have left me For a moment, The heart did not rest. Why have you done that? Don't you have a heart too? Why have you done that? Didn't you know what it means? When a person say (I Love you)?? Why you told me you love me When you knew It was lie Making this heart fall for you Then going so far Tell me why? You told me you have feelings That is why I started to care You told me I was your life How come you just disappear
  12. Your Name I wrote your name in the sky , but the wind blew it away I wrote your name in the sand , but the waves washed it away I wrote your name in my heart , and forever it will stay i wish that u like it
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