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blue baby

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Everything posted by blue baby

  1. [cHaving a hard time and in need of study notes ?!! .. .. Third year UOB students has made life way easier and prepared study notes for the BIS book 2005 .. .. It has summarizes the most important things in the book and sum up all of the material .. .. That entire put together to make useful notes, for 4 BD’s only .. .. In order of getting those summaries contact us on the following number or email address:
  2. though i didnt like him.. & i dun till now that much bas tara 6ela3 meskeen he is good.. c emte7an el midterm was easy belnesba for other sections oo he give us easy quizes and good marks i guess.. so aham shay ena ohwa zain fel emte7anat oo fel darjat.. mayhmna a5laqah oo ppl say that he is good even fel shar7
  3. BIS 202 NOTES .. Having a hard time and in need of study notes ?!! .. .. Third year UOB students has made life way easier and prepared study notes for the BIS book 2005 .. .. It has summarizes the most important things in the book and sum up all of the Final material .. .. That entire put together to make useful notes, for 2.500 BD’s only .. .. In order of getting those summaries send me a private msg or email me on my address: Email address: [email protected]
  4. false ur name start with S??
  5. swimmin pool long hair or short hair??
  6. true u like persian songs ??
  7. cheese burger Romance films or horror films ??
  8. false u like wathcing mbc 3:)??
  9. false u like wathcing F.R.I.E.N.D.S ??
  10. false u like watchin mbc 4 ??
  11. true u like going to the cinema??
  12. في المسنجر عندي واحد الي اهو اخوي في التليفون لا
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